Carry on the great spirit and move on on the journey of


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 24, report title:Carrying Out the Great Spirit and Moving Forward on the Journey of Rejuvenation: Secretary General Xi Jinping’s Important Speech at the Gathering to Mark the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers to Fight America and Help Korea Go Overseas is inspiring and inspiring

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Secretary-General Xi Jinping’s important speech at the meeting to mark the 70th anniversary of the departure of the Chinese People’s Volunteers abroad to fight the United States and help Korea has generated strong repercussions among the cadres and the masses. They all said that we should follow the spirit of Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important speech as a guide, remember the great victory, strengthen the ability to fight, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of resisting American aggression and helping Korea, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

“The great victory of the war to resist American aggression and aid to Korea will forever be etched in the annals of the Chinese nation! It will forever be etched in the annals of human peace, development, and progress!” At the meeting, Secretary General Xi Jinping’s words shook 91-year-old warrior Shi Xinyun. The changes of the years have never changed the old man’s red heart.

The party and the people will never forget those “prettiest people”.

“Thank the Party Central Committee and the Secretary General for their care and love for us, and thank the Party and the people for the honor bestowed.” Wearing a badge commemorating the “70th Anniversary of Chinese People’s Volunteers Fighting Abroad to Resist American Aggression and Aid Korea,” Li Shumin, a member of the volunteer army field medical team, headed to the Korean battlefield. . Recalling the scene when listening to the important speech of the secretary general in the place, still cannot hide the emotion.

“The Secretary General used three ‘we have never forgotten’ to pay tribute to the previous generation of revolutionaries, volunteer soldiers, heroes and martyrs, and all those who contributed to the victory of this war. It reminds me of the comrades who died heroically in the I have mixed feelings and feel more and more that in the peaceful era I must remember this hard-won victory, “Li Shumin said.

History is the best textbook, it draws spiritual richness from history and brings it together into a powerful force that will advance with courage and invincibility.

More than 540 photos, more than 1,900 cultural relics … in the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution, “Remembering the great victory and defending peace and justice, the thematic exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Volunteers mission of the Chinese People to Resist the United States and Help Korea “, each exhibit recorded that The life and death contest between field gas and steel.

“Visiting the exhibition gave me a richer perceptual understanding of this period in history.” Dong Shuhua, a young cadre from the Supreme People’s Prosecutor’s Office, said: “After returning from the exhibition, I learned from Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important speech. With a deeper understanding. I will incorporate this spirit into my work, be creative and creative, and I will strive to improve my ability to fulfill my duties. “

From fight to fight, the great spirit of resisting America’s aggression and helping Korea has always shone, inspiring the sons and daughters of China to seize the day and forge ahead on the road to recovery.

Among green pines and cypress trees, the martyrs’ cemetery in Shenyang, Liaoning province, was solemn. Zhong Jiuhui from CRRC Shenyang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. came to the grave of the martyr Huang Jiguang, bowed three times and presented a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. “My father, Zhong Renjie, was a machine gun platoon commander. He was responsible for suppressing enemy machine gun fire and protecting Huang Jiguang from the advance. After his father’s death, he came here every year to see his old men. comrades in arms and remember the heroes, “said Zhong Jiuhui.

“In his important speech, the secretary general called for the promotion of the great spirit of resistance to the aggression of the United States and the aid to Korea. As descendants of volunteer soldiers, it is our duty.” Zhong Jiuhui said that although he is only a worker, he must still keep his ordinary positions and strive to be ordinary and discreet in peacetime. Mediocrity has allowed the great spirit to resist American aggression and help Korea shine in the new era.

“As a front-line cadre for poverty alleviation, the most important task at this stage is to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, maintain a decisive battle state, and lay the foundations and prepare for the next stage of rural revitalization.” . Dangweng Town, Jiamian Township, Congjiang County, Guizhou Province Yang Xueyuan, the first village secretary, said as he walked to the village to start income accounting.

“After going through hardships and obstacles, the brave volunteer soldiers fought bloody battles and took up positions. Faced with the important task of poverty alleviation, faced with the ‘fortress’ of deep poverty, our poverty alleviation cadres must also respond to the Secretary General’s call, dare to fight, be good at fighting and attack. The ‘Longgufeng’ and the ‘Shangganling’ on the road to poverty alleviation won the final victory in the fight against poverty, “Yang Xueyuan said firmly.

Mission and responsibility are on our shoulders and our initial aspirations light up the future.

Yuelu Academy, Changsha, Hunan. Long Bing, a national model teacher and professor at the Hunan University School of Marxism, often takes students to visit local veterans to resist the US and Aid Korea, and to encourage young students. to become talents while listening to heartwarming stories.

“After studying Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important speech, I was deeply moved. For the past 60 years after the victory of the War to resist US aggression and aid Korea, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party. China, China has undergone unprecedented historical changes. As a teacher, I want to talk about the “Four Stories.” Incorporate the heroic deeds and great spirit of the volunteer army into ideological and political education, educate people for the party, educate talents for the country and dedicate our forces to cultivating the newcomers of the era who are responsible for the national rejuvenation, “Long Bing said.

“In his important speech, the Secretary General pointed to the direction of the future with five ‘remember great victories and advance great enterprises.’ Zeng Rui, director of the Youth Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, said that children are the future of the motherland and the witness will be passed on to advance the great cause. In your hands. It is necessary to focus even more on enlightenment and political values ​​to shape the main responsibility and main business at work, help children inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary ancestors, establish a heroic feeling from an age early and become the successor to the communist cause as soon as possible. (Reporters Wang Peng, Wang Peng, Sun Shaolong, Zhai Xiang, Liu Fangzhou, Yu Yetong, Li Jingya)
