Cao Lubao, Mayor of Yancheng City: Build China’s Third Golden Waterway to the Sea and Integrate into Dual Cycle_ 东方


Original Title: Cao Lubao, Mayor of Yancheng City: Building China’s Third Golden Waterway to the Sea and Integrating It into Dual Cycle

On October 30, the second China-Korea Trade and Investment Expo was held in Yancheng.

The first event was organized by Yancheng City, but under the current international situation, Jiangsu Province elevated it to a provincial-level support event and became the largest offline economic and commercial event in Jiangsu Province. since the epidemic.

South Korea and China are geographically close and their economies are highly complementary.industrychainsupply chainClosely connected, it is an important economic and commercial partner of Jiangsu, and also the fourth most important trading partner, the first source of imports, and the seventh source of foreign investment in Jiangsu. In 2019, Jiangsu and South Koreaimport and exportIt amounted to US $ 68.83 billion, representingTo export24.2% of the total.

According to reporters from the 21st Century Business Herald of the Jiangsu Provincial Commerce Department and Nanjing Customs, thebilateral tradeThe balance sheet Sun Jin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that the capital, technology, talents, management experience and integrated circuits introduced from Koreaproduct, For Jiangsu to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investmentIndustrial chainThe supply chain provides important support.

As of the end of August 2020, South Korea has invested a total of 6,391 projects in Jiangsu, with an agreed foreign investment of US $ 38.68 billion and an actual use of foreign investment of US $ 18.36 billion. In 2019, the actual use of Korean capital by Jiangsu accounted for 21.5% of the country.Samsung, SK, LG, Hyundai Motor and other South Korean multinationalsthe companyThey both invest in Jiangsu. Among them, Yancheng is one of the cities with the highest concentration of Korean capital. As the only national cooperation platform in the Yangtze River Delta within the framework of the China-South Korea FTA cooperation, the China-South Korea Industrial Park (Yancheng) is the local and high-level economic cooperation between China and Korea. South. The most important carrier of industrial cooperation, nearly a thousand Korean enterprises,Total inversionMany projects with more than US $ 8 billion are mainly concentrated here.

There are indications that, as the leader of the second phalanx of the Jiangsu economy, Yancheng hopesborrowOpportunities to help China-Korea trade and economic investment exchanges, following the joint creation of Suzhou by China and SingaporeindustryAfter the park, it was actively integrated into the dual cycle and became a new mountain for a new round of development and opening.

SinceUrban economyFrom a geographic perspective, this has a realistic basis.

On the one hand, Yancheng Nanyang International Airport has 6 flights to and from Seoul, South Korea, each week. Yancheng port is 400 nautical miles from Busan port in South Korea, 390 nautical miles from Incheon port and 360 nautical miles from Gunsan port, and has established friendly relations with 11 cities in South Korea, with more than 10,000 A South Korean lives in Yancheng all year round.

On the other hand, with the recreation of “Future of Baowu SteelfactoryThe project is in full swing, and the Huai River eco-economic belt (involving 25 prefectural-level cities in 5 provinces, 200 million people) to the eastGo to seaPortal cityPositioningThe incorporation into the national plan and the construction of the high-speed railway connecting Shanghai and Qingdao is an important approach to smooth the national “big cycle”, laying the groundwork for the take-off of Yancheng during the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period.

Previously, the top leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee were in YanchengInvestigationShi noted that coastal areas should be presented as a promising development space during the 14th Five-Year Plan period in Jiangsu.

In Yancheng, “high level”, “high quality” and “high starting point” plan the “14th Five-Year Plan”, which is called the “move east” strategy of the new era.

“The second largest high-speed rail link between Beijing and Shanghai is being planned. From our communication with the national ministries and the provincial level, it must go through Yancheng,” an official from the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission told the reporter. from the 21st Century Business Herald.

Therefore, at the media communication meeting of the Second China-Korea Trade and Investment Expo on October 29, Yancheng Mayor Cao Lubao pointed out that by entering the “14th Five-Year Plan”Regional developmentThe pattern will usher in major changes.

Since the reform and opening up, Jiangsu’s development strategy has been to focus resources to expand the area south of the Yangtze River, and then lead the area north of the Yangtze River from south Jiangsu. Subsequently, Mr. Fei Xiaotong proposed the concepts of South Jiangsu and North Jiangsu.

By 2010, Jiangsu provinceRegional developmentThe concept was adjusted to coordinated regional development. The provincial level proposed four transfer strategies backed by “talents, funds, projects and policies” for North Jiangsu, as well as “one city, one policy”, and North Jiangsu ushered in a period of rapid development.

After the last few years of development, Yancheng, which has the strongest development momentum among the five northern cities of Jiangsu, achieved a regional GDP of 417.94 billion yuan in the first three quarters of 2020, an increase of 2.2 %, and continued to play the leading role of the second phalanx of the Jiangsu economy. sheep.

Seizing the opportunity of China-South Korea cooperation, how can Yancheng accelerate its integration into the new “dual cycle” development pattern?

In an interview with 21st Century Business Herald reporters and other media, Cao Lubao noted that the first is to accelerate the construction of the Yellow Sea Rim Eco-Economic Circle and promote the coordinated development of the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Circle and the Region. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.Regional development strategyThe full implementation of the “Belt and Road” initiative, the Northeast Asia Free Trade Area and other international cooperation strategies, is also an important step forward for Yancheng to build a “small circle” between China, Japan and South Korea. .

The second is to focus on building an urban belt along the Yellow Sea and forming a new development interface off Northeast Asia. The strong urban development belt provides new development opportunities for the “dual cycle” of internal and external linkages.

The third is to actively cultivate strong and active coastal areas.Growth pole, Because the coast is an important strategic space for the future development of Yancheng and even Jiangsu.

The fourth is to deepen the expansion of the development of links between the east and the west, and use the ecological economic belt of the Huai River to rise toNational strategyBuild China’s third golden waterway to the sea, form a key strategic support for China’s fourth economic growth pole, and extend the open hinterland along the Yancheng coast to more inland areas.

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Editor in charge: DF537)

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