By integrating into the new pattern, the goal of Inner Mongolia-Xinhua Net Inner Mongolia Channel has been determined


The radiant snow spreads to the earth, and it grows with vitality, and it will sprout in spring;

The congregation congregation ended successfully, the people were inspiring and full of spirit …

In the two sessions of the autonomous community, how “to integrate into the new pattern of national development” became a hot topic.

“Accelerating the formation of a new pattern of development with the internal cycle as the main body and the national and international dual cycles promoting each other” is a strategic thought presented by the Central Committee of the Party in response to the stages of development of my country, the environment, and conditions. It is an important strategy related to China’s medium and long-term economic development.

In an important speech at the seminar on the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary General Xi Jinping clarified that the key to building a new pattern of development lies in the unhindered business cycle and achieve a high level of independence Self-improvement and the implementation of high-level openness.

At present, proactive services are effectively integrated into the new national development model. The objective of Inner Mongolia has been clear: to base itself in Inner Mongolia, in front of the whole country, looking at the world, identifying its own position, capturing favorable conditions, comparative advantages and development opportunities, and identifying contradictions, limitations and deficiencies. To promote the development of the “14th Five-Year Plan” with a higher position and a wider field of vision, we will strive to take responsibility for Inner Mongolia and contribute to the construction of a new pattern of development.

  Integrate into the new pattern and focus on the strategic foundation to expand domestic demand

In the great strategic decision to accelerate the formation of a new development pattern, the country has made it clear that “taking mainly the internal cycle as the main body” means that efforts must be made to open up all the links of production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and to ensure a stable and healthy development of the national economy Respond effectively to the uncertainties of international environmental changes.

Consider the general situation and plan accordingly, grasp the general situation and act accordingly.

Inner Mongolia has reached a top-to-bottom consensus: by proactively serving and integrating into the country’s new development pattern, firmly grasping the strategic foundation of domestic demand expansion, and unswervingly expanding consumption, strengthening investment and optimizing supply. . Further stimulate economic vitality, build development momentum, and hedge downward economic risks.

Some experts frankly said that for Inner Mongolia, the key to better service and integration into the domestic cycle is to be a proactive and stable investment, open our eyes to promote consumption, and do everything possible to optimize the environment.

Situated in a new starting point and assuming a new mission, Inner Mongolia consolidates its historical position and assumes responsibility for the times. It has a clear direction in the work report of the government of the autonomous region, and has played a series of “combined blows” to stimulate consumption and investment demand.

—— Combine the expansion of consumption with the improvement of the quality of life of people, accelerate the innovation and transformation of physical businesses, promote the creation of green shopping centers, the transformation of pedestrian streets and support the development of chain stores of brand;

——Continue to carry out the “Taste of Inner Mongolia” series of activities, promote the consumption of brands such as “Mengzi Brand” and “Time-Honred Brands”, cultivate information consumption and green consumption, and reasonably increase consumption public;

——Improve the urban and rural circulation system, develop electronic commerce in rural and pastoral areas, support the construction of cold chain logistics for agricultural and livestock products and live animal trading markets, and expand the consumption in counties and rural pastoral areas …

To expand domestic demand, we must play the key role of investment.

In 2021, Inner Mongolia will implement a number of major projects such as water transportation and conservation, municipal engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation; will systematically deploy 5G base stations, charging posts, hydrogen refueling stations and other new infrastructure; it will create a legalized market-oriented market. international business environment …

Integration into the new development pattern is not a passive response, but an active action.

The Hulunbuir delegation conveyed this message: In the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, Hulunbuir must be integrated into the unified domestic market in all aspects, linking production, distribution, circulation and consumption; focus on consumption, investment and export. horse-drawn carriage “is in operation and striving to get a good start to the” 14th Five-Year Plan. “

The Wuhai delegation delivered the message: Focus on services and integrate into the new development pattern, and make efforts to strengthen the key role of investment and the basic role of consumption. Fully unlocking the potential of high-quality project support and infrastructure protection, actively preventing and defusing major risks, and consolidating sustained economic recovery; resort to the two keys to improve consumption capacity and improve the will to consume, strengthen product innovation and quality improvement, and promote the comprehensive development of online and offline consumption.

The delegation of the city of Ordos conveyed this message: Ordos is committed to building an excellent business environment in the country, optimizes the business environment with advanced and first-rate benchmarks, continues to deepen the reform of “decentralization, management and service,” and comprehensively implements “single notification”, “one network, integrated operation”, examination and approval in parallel to centrally solve outstanding problems such as lack of system, lack of procedures, lack of services and lack of responsibilities.

By grasping the key point of “circulation” and making good use of the practical “unlocking” method, Inner Mongolia will add glory to the whole area and even more generally in the service and integration of the country to build a new pattern of development .

 Integrate into the new pattern and promote high-level openness

Emphasizing that the expansion of domestic demand does not mean self-closing, but rather better connecting the regional market with national and international markets, taking advantage of the potential of domestic demand and striving for strategic initiatives in opening up development; emphasizing the mutual promotion of the National and international dual cycles mean that, first of all, we must focus on doing our own business well. On the basis of seizing the domestic market, we must promote the division of labor and cooperation with other regions and foreign countries, mutual benefit and win-win situation, and make better use of domestic and international markets and two resources to achieve a stronger economic performance. Continuous development.

Be tolerant of diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

Promote reform through openness and seek development through openness. Inner Mongolia bravely stepped into the forefront of the tide and was quick to catch up with a more open mind.

The government work report proposes that in 2021 we will vigorously develop the port economy, coordinate the planning, construction and management of the region’s ports, and promote the transformation of the canal economy to the landing economy. Promote the construction of Manzhouli and other key national development and pilot opening zones, and promote the construction of the Erenhot-Zamyn-Uud Economic Cooperation Zone. Promote the implementation of the China (Inner Mongolia) Pilot Free Zone.

The goal of Inner Mongolia is to vigorously promote the construction of a major “bridgehead” for the opening of my country to the north, while promoting the continued expansion of domestic demand, build an export-oriented economic system with regional characteristics and accelerate the formation of a coordinated system. pull of investment demand and consumer demand, and mutual promotion of internal and external demand The good situation of common progress has prompted the autonomous community to achieve a new and greater development.

Integration into the new pattern of development is not a closed cycle, but an open win-win situation. Each league and city has its own unique tricks.

Actively integrated into the national and international dual cycle, the capital of Hohhot finds itself in a new starting point with an open attitude:

Integrate comprehensively into the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development, combine Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei capital, technology, talents, market, management and other elements with the location, resources, ecology, policies and other advantages of the capital, connect the market, undertake industries, actively serve and borrow Actively lead the construction of Hubao-Eyu city group and Hubao-Euwu integrated development, vigorously promote the “hard connectivity” of infrastructure and the “soft connectivity” of policies, rules and standards. Accelerate the unblocking of the great canals connecting Taiyuan, Xi’an, Zhengzhou and other places, deepen the exchanges and interactions of cities along the Yellow River and form an open and cooperative economic belt; actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road”, and constantly promote the comprehensive consolidated zone and comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone. Construction of open platform, further deepen cooperation with Russia and Mongolia, actively expand cooperation and exchanges with countries such as Eurasia, China, Japan, and South Korea, and create a true “bridgehead” opening to the north.

As the most populous city in the autonomous region, Chifeng City actively integrates into the new development pattern, seizes opportunities and demonstrates higher achievements——

Make the most of the favorable conditions adjacent to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, seize opportunities for industry side effects and capacity transfer, vigorously carry out investment promotion, accelerate the acceptance of a series of industrial projects complementing the chain and extend the chain, and actively play a supporting role in the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; Promote infrastructure interconnection with Jinzhou, Tianjin, Tangshan, Yingkou and other places, accelerate the construction of the subportable economic zone, orderly develop imported resource processing projects, and strive to build a pilot land-sea cooperation development zone; strengthen cooperation with Based on the comparative advantages and leading industries of Chifeng, exchanges and connections between the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the urban agglomerations of the Jiaodong Peninsula exchanges and cooperation in capital flow will be strengthened , talent training, information communication and market development, and further expand open economic development.

Do a good job on articles about climbing high using ladders, going to sea borrowing boats, and building on momentum. Inner Mongolia is constantly expanding its “circle of friends” in the new “double cycle” development pattern.

It’s another spring year and the Swagger horse is perfect. (Reporter Bautana, Zhao Na)

Editor in Charge: Xu Hongmei and Li Guodong
