By implementing the unified register of movable property and the guarantee of rights, China makes another practical move to optimize the business


  (Economic Observation) By implementing the unified register of movable property and rights guarantees, China has taken practical measures to optimize the business environment.

China News Service, Beijing, December 16, title: Implementing the unified register of movable property and rights guarantees, China has taken practical steps to optimize the business environment

Wang Qingkai, reporter for the China News Agency

Make business easier and streamline the business environment, and then welcome practical steps. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang recently chaired an executive meeting of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the “State Council”) to deploy a hotline to optimize government services and improve the efficiency and standard of services for companies and people; decided to implement the unified register of movable property and guarantees of rights throughout the country to help companies secure financing; Adopt the “Administrative Regulation on the Registration of Company Names (Revised Draft)” to facilitate and standardize the registration of company names.

“Although the three topics above involve different fields, they all point to one theme: further optimizing the business environment.” Zhu Yongyi, vice president of the China Marketing Association, told a reporter from the China News Agency that the three topics are about the benefit of companies and people. The implementation of these measures is of great importance to promote the construction in China of a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized business environment.

  Implement the unified register of movable property and guarantee of rights

The State Council decided to implement the unified registry of movable property and rights guarantees throughout the country as of January 1, 2021. The registry of production equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, product mortgages and the registry of garments of accounts receivable by Banco Popular Internet Service 24/7.

Previously, China stipulated registration agencies for some security rights in movable property, but registration agencies were scattered. For example, the mortgage registration authority for production equipment, raw materials, etc. is the State Administration of Market Regulation, the registration authority for the pledging of accounts receivable is the Credit Information Center of the People’s Bank of China , and the motor vehicle mortgage registration authority is the traffic management department of the public security body …

According to Ji Zhou, a master’s tutor at the Shanghai National Accounting Institute, the decentralization of collateral registration agencies has caused the registration of movable property to face multiple difficulties in practice. It has also affected the financing of movable property mortgages for small and medium-sized businesses and can cause many financial risks.

For a long time, a big problem facing the development of Chinese SMEs is “difficulty in obtaining loans”. Zhu Yongyi believes that the unified registration of movable property and rights guarantees throughout the country will greatly facilitate financing and lending to businesses. For small and medium-sized businesses, it can play a role in “sending coal to the snow” at critical times.

The establishment of a modern and unified movable property guarantee system is also an important part of the financial infrastructure of a country or economy. The World Bank’s “Global Business Environment Report” noted that a unified and modern movable property collateral system plays an important role in alleviating the difficulty and high level of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises in several countries, and included in the “earned credit” indicator of the business environment assessment system.

In the “Doing Business 2020 Report” released by the World Bank in October this year, China’s business environment has risen 15 places from last year and ranks 31st in the world. However, in terms of “access to credit” indicators, China ranks 80th, which has fallen compared to last year.

According to industry experts, the implementation of the unified registry will help financial institutions to have a comprehensive understanding of corporate mobile property and related rights information, increase their readiness to secure the financing of companies, and further improve the ranking. of China’s business environment in the world.

  Incorporate a government affairs hotline and establish an independent filing system for company names

In recent years, China has accelerated the construction of a service-oriented government. The Government Services Convenience Hotline faces businesses and the public squarely, and has played an active role in solving problems for businesses and individuals. But today, government service hotlines in various locations face problems of inconsistent numbers, low efficiency, and inconvenience.

For example, in a prefectural-level city in Henan, there are a total of 26 government service hotlines throughout the city. People have to watch for a long time every time they call at work and say their head hurts. Due to the large number of hotline numbers and scattered administration, problems such as low rate of direct calls and uneven handling efficiency have also been caused.

In this session of the State Council it was requested that in response to the current government services hotline numbers and the number of job seekers, it is necessary to promote the optimization of the government services hotline. Numbers can be combined as much as possible, and one number should be used as much as possible to make it easier for people to remember and use, and to reflect a window service.

In terms of further optimizing the business environment and facilitating business operations, the State Council also approved the “Regulations on the administration of the registration of company names (revised draft)”, which requires the establishment of an independent system of declaration of company names.

“This is an important step for China to further deepen the reform of the trading system, promote the facilitation of the registration of company names and optimize the business environment.” Zhu Yongyi said that the important content of the reform of the company name registration is to cancel the administrative license elements for the prior approval of the name and realize the name of the company. Self-declaration reduces business registration steps and further reduces time to business establishment.

Yang Hongcan, Director of the Registration Office of the State Administration of Market Regulation, previously stated that before the end of 2020, China will implement the entire online process for business start-ups, reducing the time for business start-ups to 4 business days or less.

Zhang Yansheng, chief investigator of the China International Economic Exchange Center, told the China News Agency that through the completion of the independent declaration of company names, the integration of reform measures has been strengthened and promoted interaction and coordination in the field of name registry management reform, which leads to improving the efficiency of business registration and improving market access. The overall effectiveness of the reform has further unleashed China’s economic development potential. (End up)
