By capturing quality, innovation and details, Wuhan has become a popular tourist city_Social hotspot_Social Channel_Yunnan Net


Original title: By capturing quality, innovation and details, Wuhan becomes a popular tourist city

Hubei Daily’s intern reporter Yan Fangting

Read the synopsis

Tourism is an important part of the modern service industry. Faced with the new trend of improving the structure of tourism consumption, Wuhan considers that accelerating the development of tourism is an important part of building a modern industrial system, strengthens construction quality, strengthens innovation in variety and lends attention to detail improvement, providing important support for high-quality development.

Secretary-General Xi Jinping noted that tourism is a comprehensive industry and an important driving force for economic development.

How to create a “destination” in the heart of tourists and promote the modernization of the tourism industry?

How to innovate services so that foreign tourists “want to come when they go, but don’t want to go when they come”?

Faced with the impact of the epidemic, Wuhan is accelerating to adapt to new changes in the tourism market, seizing new opportunities in the tourism market, innovating new tourism business models, helping the economy to revive and increasing the tourism boost.

The power of quality

From “transit point” to “destination”

“To travel to Wuhan?”

“Travel to Wuhan!”

Between question and answer, Fujian Sun Xuri and his wife Dai Shuangyi looked at each other and smiled.

This question and answer is famous.

Sun Xuri and Dai Shuangyi had never visited Wuhan before. Until February of this year, Sun Xuri became the first group of Fujian medical team members to help Hubei.

“During the epidemic, the elderly grandson said that there are big rivers and big rivers, and Wuhan is great. It must take me and my children to see enough! Afterwards, I found out that the quality of the Wuhan tour is too great! high and well deserved! ” Dai Shuangyi expressed satisfaction.

Regardless of Dai Shuangyi’s “satisfaction” now, it wasn’t like that before.

Many years ago, Dai Shuangyi and his college classmates traveled west. As she passed through Wuhan, the dilapidated buildings next to the train station and the turbulent flow of people made her feel “reaching a great county.”

“Why bother? Wuhan has it all!” Dai Shuangyi laughed.

From south to north, east to west, Wuhan, with its nine provinces, has the advantage of convenient transportation, but was once an often-overlooked “way point”.

On August 8, the “Huiyou Hubei” activity was launched, and Wuhan became a popular tourist city. During the National Day Golden Week, Wuhan received 18,824,600 tourists, ranking first among key cities at the same level.

From being “slightly ignored” by tourists to “deeply drawn” from a tourist “transit point” to a “destination”, Wuhan is becoming the “new favorite” of tourists from all over the country.

The data is the most compelling: in the past five years, the number of tourists received by Wuhan has exceeded 200 million, and the annual growth rate has stabilized at around 10%. Last year it exceeded 300 million for the first time, and the number of tourists was among the top ten provincial capitals.

【Expert Reviews】

Tao Lianghu, Executive Vice President of Hubei Provincial Party School: High-quality tourism products are the only magic weapon to attract tourists. Today, the travel preferences of tourists have gradually shifted from the elegant past “check-in” to in-depth tours. This requires the scenic area to comprehensively improve its quality in terms of service facilities, cultural environment, and highlights. Wuhan seized the opportunity of this round of tourism demand improvement and realized the overall improvement in the quality of the scenic spot. This is the profound reason that Wuhan has been successfully “upgraded” from a tourist transit point to a tourist destination.

The power of innovation

From “day trip” to “multi-day stay”

“Whether Li Bai or Cui Hao, they describe the Yellow Crane Tower during the day, why don’t they write the Yellow Crane Tower at night?” Asked Hao Hao, a boy from Shaanxi, curiously after finish “Tower of the Yellow Crane at night”. mom.

“Because they are not as lucky as you and cannot enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Yellow Crane Tower at night!”

The mother-child dialogue elicited laughter from the surroundings.

This year’s National Day Golden Week, the 35-year-old Yellow Crane Tower was rebuilt and the night tour experience opened for the first time.

“I didn’t expect the show to be a success, I didn’t expect the venues to be packed with tourists, I didn’t expect to receive rave reviews at home and abroad!”

Lu Wei, the “Yellow Crane Tower at Night” staff member, used three “unexpected” to express his inner shock.

16 trial operations presentations, nearly 10,000 tourists experience, more than 1,500 medical workers visit the scenic spot for free and enjoy the night beauty of Yellow Crane Tower Park. More than 100 million views have been liked …

The Yellow Crane Tower isn’t the only one that doesn’t take the unusual path.

With the soul of the ancient Wuhan culture, “Zhiyinhao” creates the world’s first multi-dimensional experience drama adrift; the Yangtze River Cruise and the Light Show are linked to represent the movement of the Yangtze River; the tourist train launches in Mulan Grassland, and the nightly economy remains popular; Jianghan Road pedestrian street transformation Upgrade, become a new online celebrity registration point …

In the age of the experience economy, to discover individualized experience products to meet the differentiated needs of tourists, Wuhan is coming up and ready to fly.

【Expert Reviews】

Professor Hong Xianghua of the Central Party School (National School of Administration): High-quality tourism products and industries satisfy people’s longing for a better life and are market demands for economic and social development to a certain extent. The appeal of tourism products lies in innovation, and the basis of innovation lies in meeting and leading the needs of people. Fitting is innovation on the demand side and leadership is innovation on the supply side. Wuhan’s innovations have produced the effect of “making something out of nothing” and “being better out of existence.”

The power of details

From “long and loose” to “fine beauty”

“99, 100 …… ; 199, 200 ……”

I don’t know how many times Gan Gang, who has disabled legs, said a series of numbers silently.

500 meters – This is the straight line distance from the Yellow Crane Tower visitor center to the main building.

A normal person takes more than half an hour to walk on the road for 7 minutes and he will sweat profusely.

“In 2015, we customized a special car for the disabled to collect and drop off the battery, and the problem was solved,” said Wang Hongnian, a staff member at Yellow Crane Tower Park.

A problem is solved and another problem arises: the shuttle bus is available, but there are still disabled tourists who do not want to travel.

It turned out that in the public, some disabled people felt that the car battery was too high and it was very cheeky to be hugged and hugged.

Eliminate the first generation of “high on top” wheelchairs and replace them with professional “folding forklifts”. Once the bottom of the car is lowered, it is only an inch off the ground. Without the need for others to “pick up and hug”, the disabled can “get on” easily.

Countless “Gan Steel” laughed.

Yellow Crane Tower’s moving service is a paradigm of improving the quality of service in Wuhan’s scenic spots.

These “heartwarming stickers” can be seen everywhere.

In Happy Valley, the dumpsters at the scenic spots will dynamically adjust according to the “trash inventory”: if there is more trash, increase the dumpsters; if there is less garbage, reduce the amount or even cancel the placement.

Street tree problem. Camphor has a large crown and high trunk, has a good shading effect in summer, and can prevent mosquitoes. “The fly in the ointment is that the camphor tree bears black fruit. The fall affects the beauty of the road and can also easily get tourists’ clothes dirty.” Huang Xiaolin, General Manager of Wuhan Happy Valley Weapon: Every day before the park opens, the staff take a stick to “sweep the black and the old”: clean the black fruit, remove branches and old leaves.

Problems with the toilet. The wells are designed according to the male to female ratio of 4 to 6, there is a “neutral” toilet for men and women. The problem of women going to the bathroom disappeared.

“I take my children to scenic spots, one is afraid of the sun and the other is afraid to go to the bathroom.” Ms. Chen from Ganzhou, Jiangxi laughed, “These two problems are not problems in Wuhan, but fun!”

【Expert Reviews】

Zou Wei, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Wuhan University: The details determine success or failure. Greater Wuhan has the geographical advantage of the nine-province road, a deep historical and cultural heritage, proud of great rivers, great lakes, industrial heritage and urban atmosphere, and has great potential for the development of global tourism. To learn from the experience of developed cities and famous tourist cities, we must pay attention to refined services and bring tourists comfort and aesthetic experience in every detail, causing people to linger. At the same time, through personalized, networked and data-driven services, the beauty of details is better highlighted, the environment is excellent and the experience is good, and the international reputation and the reputation of Greater Wuhan are enhanced. with the essence of the details.
