Burst! The US Department of Commerce ordered a ban on downloading TikTok and WeChat from the 20th day. TikTok objected: the lawsuit will be advanced


Finally, the United States made the decision to implement a ban on WeChat and TikTok as of September 20, 2020.

On September 18, 2020 local time, the US Department of Commerce issued a statement stating that, in response to the executive order signed by President Trump on August 6, 2020, to maintain security national and protect US citizens, you will be prohibited from interacting with APP. WeChat and TikTok related transactions.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross stated:

Under the instructions of the President, we have taken significant steps to combat China’s malicious collection of personal data of US citizens, while at the same time promoting our national values, democratic rules and regulations, and strict compliance with laws and regulations. Americans.

Burst!  The US Department of Commerce ordered a ban on downloading TikTok and WeChat as of the 20th. TikTok objected: the lawsuit will be advanced

In response, TikTok replied:

We oppose this decision and are deeply disappointed by it. Hundreds of millions of American users have formed a community that loves TikTok. TikTok brings them happiness and allows them to express themselves and connect with others. To this end, we will continue to pursue lawsuits against the executive order of the US government.

US WeChat and TikTok ban goes into effect

In the statement, the US Department of Commerce said:Although the threats posed by WeChat and TikTok are different, they are similar

Each database collects a large amount of user data, including network activity, location data, browsing search history, etc. WeChat and TikTok have brought unacceptable risks to our national security.

Lei feng(Public account: Lei Feng Net)According to the official website of the US Department of Commerce, the following transactions will be prohibited as of September 20, 2020:

  • Services used to distribute or maintain WeChat or TikTok applications, component codes, and other updates through the US App Store.

  • Services to transfer or pay within the United States through the WeChat application.

Not only that, the US Department of Commerce also stated that as of September 20, 2020 and November 12, 2020, the following transactions will be restricted for WeChat and TikTok:

  • Internet hosting services that maintain or optimize the function of applications in the United States;

  • Content push service that performs the function of maintenance or optimization of the application in the United States;

  • Internet streaming or peer-to-peer services contracted or arranged directly to maintain or optimize the function of the application in the United States;

  • In the United States, the code of the program, function or service in the operation of software or services developed and / or accessible.

Burst!  The US Department of Commerce ordered a ban on downloading TikTok and WeChat as of the 20th. TikTok objected: the lawsuit will be advanced

It can be seen that the effective timing of some of the US bans against the two apps is inconsistent. The US Department of Commerce explained that:

The president stipulated that national security issues caused by TikTok must be resolved by November 12.If it can be resolved, this ban can be lifted.(原文 : The president has scheduled until November 12 for the national security concerns raised by TikTok to be resolved. If so, the bans can be lifted in this order.)

In other words,As Oracle’s “trusted data security compliance partner,” TikTok will also have the ability to reverse the situation.

Under the mercy of others TikTok also responded,I oppose this decision and am deeply disappointed by it, and will continue to pursue the lawsuit against the executive order of the United States government.

It is worth mentioning that the US Department of Commerce also stated in a statement that any other prohibited transactions related to WeChat or TikTok could be discovered sometime in the future. If the government confirms that illegal WeChat or TikTok activities are copied in any way by any app other than the executive order, the president has the right to consider whether additional orders are needed to restrict such apps.

TikTok and WeChat on the cusp

TikTok and WeChat, one is China’s most successful social app, and the other is a nationwide app that has gone overseas. Both have come to the fore.

Tik Tok

As early as July, US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pempeo have repeatedly stated that the US government is considering banning TikTok.

On July 29, US Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin confirmed that the Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) of the US Department of Commerce is reviewing TikTok.

On July 31, Donald Trump threatened to block TikTok on August 1. Affected by this news, TikTok’s parent company Bytedance was forced to agree to fully divest TikTok’s business in the United States. On August 3, Donald Trump also said that he would allow US companies to buy TikTok.

After that, who will take over has become the biggest mystery: Microsoft, Twitter, Oracle, SoftBank, etc. they have joined the “partition team”.

During this period, ByteDance formally sued the US government on August 24. A catastrophe was coming. CEO Kevin Mayer, who had joined TikTok for only three months, still couldn’t resist and left TikTok.

The latest news is that Oracle will become a trusted technology partner for TikTok’s business in the United States, which means that TikTok is out of danger of being sold, but it will also face two review aspects: one is the CFIUS review. , the other National Security Review based on Presidential Executive Order.

According to a foreign media analysis, the aforementioned US Department of Commerce announcement sets a separate timetable for TikTok, which may be set for the deal TikTok is negotiating with Oracle.

It is understood that if the government approves, Oracle will provide cloud services for TikTok. However, according to TikTok, litigation will also be on the agenda, so this incident is fraught with uncertainty.

Burst!  The US Department of Commerce ordered a ban on downloading TikTok and WeChat as of the 20th. TikTok objected: the lawsuit will be advanced


Entering August this year, WeChat has also entered the vision of the US government.

On August 5, 2020, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held a press conference and announced a Clean Network plan aimed at “containing potential national security risks,” which outlined clearly WeChat should be banned from US app stores This “untrusted” Chinese app.

Burst!  The US Department of Commerce ordered a ban on downloading TikTok and WeChat as of the 20th. TikTok objected: the lawsuit will be advanced

On August 6, Donald Trump signed an executive order stating that after 45 days, US citizens will be prohibited from using the WeChat app for related transactions.

As soon as the ban came out, American tech companies took the initiative to oppose it: On August 11, companies like Apple, Intel, Disney, Wal-Mart, Goldman Sachs, Ford, etc., voiced their opposition in a conference call with White House officials.

Naturally, US WeChat users, including many Chinese, have also initiated administrative lawsuits against the US government.

For this reason, on September 16, the US Department of Justice issued a statement stating that US WeChat users can continue to download and use WeChat and will have no civil and criminal liability for violating the presidential ban.

Although the Ministry of Justice compromised, WeChat is still under threat from the government.

At this point, the two apps finally waited for “trial”, but it’s not over yet.

Reference source:

https://www.commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2020/09/commerce-department-prohibits-wechat-and-tiktok-transactions-pto protect


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