“Burning cell towers is an attack on emergency services” – The Daily Standard


Burning cell towers by, presumably, the 5G conspirators is an “attack on our emergency services and, therefore, on our society.” Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhaus has gotten that strong message.

Radio masts have caught fire in various locations in the Netherlands in recent days. This is probably the work of conspiracy thinkers linking the new 5G network to the corona virus.

Grapperhaus emphasizes that there is no reason to suspect the masts and associate them with the coronavirus. Furthermore, the minister emphasizes that a 5G network has not yet been installed in the Netherlands.

Grapperhaus has a great impact against De Telegraaf:

“The perpetrators gamble with lives and therefore can expect quite severe prison terms. The systems we have here ensure that we can be directly on emergency calls with the fire, police and ambulance services. If we can’t do that anymore, a lot of things will go wrong. ”

The Dutch are expected to have been warned not to submit to this kind of unnecessary brilliance. The emergency services are already busy enough. Be kind to each other and give yourself space.

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