British Prime Minister Warns of Relaxation of Restrictions and Announces Next Stage of Anti-Epidemic Roadmap |



Original title: The British Prime Minister proposed that the restrictions be relaxed carefully and the next stage of the road map against the epidemic announced.Pound sterlingUp to 1.19

British Prime Minister Johnson said on Sunday (May 10) that the blockade of the new crown epidemic has not ended and asked people to “be vigilant” about the risks. At the same time, they also proposed plans to gradually relax related measures. Most of British economic activities have been due to measures against the epidemic. Closed for seven weeks.

Although its instructions were directed against England, the British government hopes that other regions will adopt the same approach.

However, there were immediate disagreements, and the leaders of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland said they adhered to existing instructions to “stay home”.

Johnson said the time for the epidemic to unfold was not reached, and that the restrictions should be relaxed.

In the televised conversation, Johnson announced a limited relaxation of the restrictions, including allowing people to increase outdoor sports and encouraging some people to return to work.

He said, “Right now, this is not the time to directly end the blockade. Instead, we must first take some cautious steps to adjust our measures. As the death rate and the number of hospitalizations decrease, it will be” crazy. “Let the number of infections increase again.”. “

The British government’s response to the epidemic was criticized, and Johnson was cautious about lifting the restrictions prematurely. There were 31,855 new crown deaths in the United Kingdom, the second highest in the world, after the United States.

But the government’s decision to replace the slogan that urged the public to “stay home” for weeks has been criticized by opposition parties, who called the new guidelines “remain vigilant” ambiguous.

Johnson said people should continue to work from home if possible, but those who cannot work from home, such as those who work in construction and manufacturing, should “actively encourage them to go out to work.”

He noted that starting Wednesday (May 13), people will be allowed to exercise outdoors without restrictions, they can sunbathe in the park, drive to other destinations, and exercise with their families.

Until now, people have been told that they can only exercise outdoors once a day and that they can only exercise near their homes. Johnson said he still has to follow the rules to maintain social distance, and said he will increase fines for those who violate the rules.

The opposition party said no consensus was reached, and Johnson caused more questions than answers.

But the leader of the opposition Labor Party Stamer said Johnson caused more questions than he answered.

Now, different parts of the UK are likely to develop in different directions. He said in a draft statement, “Britain wants clarity and consensus tonight, but we have gotten nothing.”

The fifth largest economy in the world, the British economy was affected by the epidemic and blockade measures. The business community appreciated Johnson’s statement, but said companies need more advice on how to get people back to work safely.

The British government has faced questions from the Labor Party and other parties, namely why the UK did not adopt early blockade measures, why it did not carry out large-scale monitoring, and why there is a shortage of protective equipment for the medical staff. Johnson was infected with the new coronavirus last month and was in critical condition.

The Sunday Times reported that scientific advisers told the government that if the blockade eases too quickly, the number of deaths from the epidemic could exceed 100,000 by the end of the year. As of Sunday, the UK had reported 219,183 confirmed cases.

Johnson detailed an alarm system from level 1 “green” to level 5 “red” to allow the government to mark the level of risk in different regions and adjust restrictions if necessary. He said the UK is currently at level 4 and may start adjusting to level 3.

The UK announced the next stage of the epidemic roadmap: the severity of each location will be divided into five levels

On Sunday, local time, Johnson delivered a televised speech, announcing the roadmap for the next stage of the British response to the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. Johnson said the United Kingdom will use the five-level warning system as a reference to limit people’s social activities. Among them, the first level indicates that the epidemic has ended in the UK, while the fifth level indicates that the epidemic is severe and the medical system faces the risk of overload. Currently, the UK is at level 4 and is in transition to level 3.

Johnson said this is definitely not the time to lift the blockade policy, but “some steps can be taken with caution” to relax control a bit. Starting Tuesday (May 12), those who must go to work can work outside. However, Johnson recommends that people try to avoid public transportation and travel on foot and by bicycle.

At these three outdoor perimeters, people can stay outdoors longer, exercise outdoors with their families, or enjoy the sun. If the number of infections continues to decline, the school is expected to gradually open from June, and some shops and entertainment venues will resume activities from July. A

Rabobank:GBPUSDGo down to

Rabobank economists expect that, given the UK’s political and economic risks, the pound will continue to decline.

Based on the expectation that the Bank of England will extend the Good Monetary Expansion (QE) at next month’s monetary policy meeting and the risk of Brexit due to criticism the government has received in dealing with the coronavirus crisis,

The British pound is still weak against the US dollar, and may drop to 1.19 in 3 months.

08:10 GMT, GBP / USD reported 1.2412 / 14.

Editor in charge: Tang Jing
