Brexit: How close is the deadline for negotiations? -BBC News



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EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said future bilateral cooperation between the UK and the EU should be “open and fair.”

As the new corona virus strikes back and the US election result is difficult to produce, the deadline for Britain to leave the EU is drawing closer by the day; As of December 31, 2020, if no agreement is reached, it will mean a “hard release”, which is the worst. Brexit agreement.

Where is the Brexit process today? What is the situation now?

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French fishermen will fish in British waters. There will be new regulations from January 1 next year, but there is currently no agreement between the UK and the EU.

Review first …

The UK left the European Union on January 31, 2020. Under the regulations, there is an 11-month transition period, and the original regulations will remain in place until the end of 2020, and ordinary people will live as usual.

Of course, due to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, life in the world this year is very unusual.
