Breaking down barriers to return home to start a business in 2020, 10.1 million people return to start a business in their


  Break down the barriers to return home to start a business and let the “lead goose” take root in the vast field.

This year’s “Government Work Report” proposes to accelerate the development of rural industries, strengthen the county’s economy, and expand employment channels for farmers. Do everything possible to increase the income of hundreds of millions of farmers.

Today, many young people return to their places of origin to start their own businesses. Those who return home to start a business and find work bring technology and information back to the field, bring new ideas to farmers, and become the “leading chicken” in helping farmers increase their income.

How to make people who are willing to stay in the country and build their hometowns feel comfortable and people who are willing to go to the country and return to the country feel more secure? At the national video conference on promoting entrepreneurship and employment of returned workers on March 15, the relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Federation of Women of China responded to hot topics.

  10.1 million entrepreneurs will return home in 2020

“Thanks to the government for providing such good industrial services and fulfilling my wish to start a business in my hometown.” In March last year, Yin Haijun, who has more than 20 years of agricultural product logistics experience, returned to his hometown of Qinghu Village, Zhangshan Town, Jizhou District, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province, and established a company agriculture to develop modern aquaculture. In one year, he hired and transferred more than 700 acres of land, and the company’s annual production value reached 5.2 million yuan, helping 279 poor households get rid of poverty and get rich.

Like Yin Haijun, there are almost 40,000 people dedicated to selling vegetables in the first-rate developed areas. To entice them to return to their places of origin to start businesses, Jizhou District encourages returning entrepreneurs to develop new agricultural business organizations such as family farms, agricultural cooperatives and agricultural enterprises through project support, financial subsidies, transfer of land and technical training. After the local villagers transfer the land to the company, they not only earn income from renting the land, but can also work on the base and find employment on their doorstep.

Liu Wei, deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, presented at the video conference that in order to promote entrepreneurship and employment in the hometown, Jiangxi will fully play the role of the agricultural and rural “strategic playground”. and vigorously develop labor-intensive industries such as double season rice, pig farming and plant vegetables.

2020 is an extraordinary year, affected by the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the situation of entrepreneurship and employment in rural areas is dire. All localities coordinate the common development of entrepreneurship and employment, and return to their places of origin to produce a brilliant “transcript” of entrepreneurship and employment.

Liu Huanxin, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, presented that in 2020 the number of entrepreneurs and innovators returning to the country will reach 10.1 million, an increase of 1.6 million over the previous year and one year on year . 19% increase is the largest increase and the fastest growth in recent years. Online store openings, cloud video, live direct sales, and contactless delivery have opened new windows for coming home and starting a business.

“In 2020, an innovation and entrepreneurship project back home can absorb an average of 6.3 people with stable employment, 17.3 people with flexible employment and incomes have increased. These ‘lead geese’ help farmers to make big cakes and distribute them well, using contractual and dividend distribution methods, kind of equity connection, leaving the industry value-added income to farmers, ”Liu Huanxin noted.

  Innovatively solving the problem of “unacceptable for water and soil”

The wave of massive business initiatives and opportunities for rural development have affected the passion and dreams of entrepreneurs who have returned to their places of origin. However, some returning youth have also encountered the problem of “unacceptable” in their entrepreneurship. The gap in the environment and the high threshold of entrepreneurship has become its cause.

“At present, there are still difficulties in the recognition of policies, the implementation of projects, the financing and the security of the land when returning to the city of origin for entrepreneurship and employment. In accordance with the comprehensive implementation of the agricultural and rural employment and development priority policies, we must use our brains, broaden our thinking and find The main starting point for quasi-promotion of return to the city of origin for entrepreneurship and employment is solving difficult problems in entrepreneurship and employment, “said Liu Huanxin.

After the victory of poverty alleviation, the village will usher in comprehensive revitalization, the approach of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” has undergone a historic shift, and the potential to return to the countryside to start a business and employment it’s huge.

“In the past, the original brand of agricultural products could not be sold at good prices. The key is that the industrial chain is too short and the space for industrial value-added efficiency is not fully explored.” Liu Huanxin analyzed that 32% of the agricultural products in my country are not processed and 33% of the municipalities do not have markets for basic products, 53% of the towns do not have general stores and 70% of the towns do not have restaurants. Returnees can start their own businesses around the entire industrial chain of production, processing, circulation, sales and service.

Furthermore, functions such as rural product supply, ecological conservation, cultural heritage and leisure experience are not sufficiently explored, and the level of integration of rural industry is superficial. Returning residents can use “Agriculture +” to create new industries and new formats, and switch from selling products to selling stages, selling services, and selling experience.

Chang Zhengguo, a member of the Party Leadership Group and vice minister of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, noted that the field is a vast world that can do a lot and is an important “reservoir” for recruiting veterans into employment and entrepreneurship. Returning to the hometown is an important channel for veterans to find employment, and more effective steps must be taken to promote it.

  “Full chain” services are hard at work

In order to promote the development of entrepreneurs who return to their places of origin with peace of mind, the “full chain” service works hard from a solid industry to an educational main body, from creating platforms to excellent service and implementation. of policies.

Industry is the foundation for entrepreneurship and employment. Liu Huanxin introduced that in order to promote the development of rural industries and provide more opportunities for entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will give full play to central financial support to build a demonstration and leadership of integration projects of the agricultural industry as the advantageous. Characteristic industrial conglomerates, modern agricultural industrial parks, and strong agricultural industrial cities. The function is to capture a batch of demonstration villages of “one village, one product” with a production value of more than 100 million yuan, a strong agricultural industrial city with a production value of more than one billion yuan, a modern agricultural industrial park with a production value of more than 10 billion yuan, and advantageous characteristic industries with a production value of more than 100 billion yuan.

“Through training, rural women must renew themselves, think, be ambitious and rich as soon as possible; encourage and support businesswomen, university students, migrant workers, retired soldiers, etc., to return to the countryside to establish a family farms and farmer cooperatives and other new business entities, build service platforms for them, carry out project berthing, technical exchanges, product demonstrations, financing services, etc., so that people who are willing to go to the field to return to the field are more confident to show their talents and skills in the vast world of the field, “said Du Rui, secretary of the China Women’s Federation Secretariat.

In order to provide excellent services, all localities will continue to carry out special activities of “Entering Villages and Homes and Knowing the Pulse of Service”, and promoting “One Network Service” of government services and support policies of “one-click inquiry” to provide comprehensive service. To educate the main body, this year the agriculture and rural departments will establish a team of rural entrepreneurship and innovation mentors, explore the “platform + mentor + creator” service model and provide guidance on “One Belt One”, “One Belt Multiple “and” Master Teacher Apprentices “.

“In addition, we will actively implement financial subsidy policies, financial credit policies and preferential tax and tariff policies, and we will make good use of the protection and standardization of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries of integrated land development, as well as of agricultural electricity and gas, and preferential tiered pricing policies for electricity. There is a preference for entrepreneurship and employment in rural areas, “said Liu Huanxin.

  (Our reporter Li Hui)
