Big data ban “killing familiarity”! Know these new regulations before traveling on National Day! _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original title: Big data ban “killing familiarity”! Before traveling on National Day, you should know about these new regulations!

The “eleventh” holiday is about to begin, and the country will also usher in a wave of travel spikes. With the opening of the National Day holiday, a host of new policies and regulations will also be implemented. E.g,Big data“Killing” and recycling of pesticide packaging waste bannedadministrationMeasures, the country’s first free zone legislation will be implemented.

  Do not block or delete unauthorized comments! Big Data “familiarity killing” is prohibited

  cultureAnd the “Online TravelOperatingServiceThe Interim Management Regulation will be formally implemented on October 1. Focus on rectifying unreasonable cheap travel on online travel platforms, big data “kills familiarity” and other bad business practices.

Article 13 of the “Regulations” regulates the unauthorized deletion of comments or comments. Online travelOperatorsTourists’ right to proper screening will be protected, and unauthorized tourists will not be blocked or removed.productAnd service evaluations, and should not mislead, induce, substitute or compel tourists to conduct evaluations. Assessments made to tourists should be kept and reported tosocietypublic.

In addition, with regard to the phenomenon of big data “killing familiarity”, Article 15 of the “Regulation” clearly states that online travel operators will not abuseBig data analysisAnd other technical means, based on tourists.consumptionRecords, travel preferences, etc. they establish unfair commercial conditions that infringe the legitimate rights and interests of tourists.

  Do not dump, stack, or dump pesticide container waste without authorization

Pesticides are essential in agricultural productionMeans of productionHowever, with the long-term and large-scale application of pesticides, the problem of pesticide residues and pollution has become more and more serious and has become one of the important sources of agricultural nonpoint source pollution. As of October 1, the “Administrative Measures for Recycling and Elimination of Pesticide Container Residues”, jointly announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, will also be officially implemented.

The “Measures” require pesticide producers and operators to follow the principle of “who produces and manages, who recycles”, and to comply with the corresponding obligation to recycle pesticide packaging waste.

The “Measures” stated that pesticide operators and pesticide packaging waste recycling stations (sites) should strengthen the management and maintenance of related facilities, equipment and sites, and properly store collected pesticide packaging waste. , and they must not throw, stack or dispose of pesticide containers without authorization. Waste. The transportation of pesticide packaging waste shall take measures to prevent environmental pollution, and pesticide packaging waste shall not be discarded or scattered, and the means of transportation shall meet the requirements of waterproofing, anti-leakage and anti-leakage .

  Legislative implementation of the first free zone in the country

The first legislation of free zones in the country “Shenzhen special economic zoneQianhai Shekoufree tradeTest areaRegulations“It will be implemented on October 1.

Except for areas subject to access management by the state, the Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone will explore full liberalizationinvestmentAccess, the “Free Zone Regulation” proposes in an innovative way “no violation and no intervention”Management mode,RightForeign investmentGradual relaxation or cancellation of access restrictions.

At the same time, the “Regulation on Free Trade Areas” will also explorecompanyInvest in the free trade area to remove all access restrictions, promote the management of the negative list of cross-border trade in services in Hong Kong and Macao, and promote the full liberalization of trade in services with Hong Kong and Macao.

The Free Trade Area Regulation amended the national regulations on the registration of imported drugs, allowing Hong Kong and Macao to have approved the listing according to the law but not approved for the national registry, and urgently need clinical drugs in medical institutions. in the area of ​​free trade (excluding vaccines) and medical treatment. The devices are used in medical institutions designated by the Free Zone; Medical institutions and scientific research institutions must carry out transformative research and applications of new technologies such as stem cells, immune cell therapy, monoclonal antibodies, gene therapy, and tissue engineering in accordance with relevant regulations.

  Institutional operating expenses, public debt, etc. they must be disclosed to the public.

The revised “Regulations for the Implementation of the Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China” will enter into force on October 1, 2020.

The “Regulation” stipulates that the disclosure of general transfer payments to the public must be detailed to regions, and special transfer payments must be detailed to regions and projects. Government debts, agency operating expenses, government acquisitions, and financial account funds are disclosed to the public in accordance with relevant regulations. Department budgets and final accounts should disclose basic expenses and project expenses.

The “Regulations” specify that local government debt balances are subject to limit management, and each provincial government debt limit is approved by the State Council within the total limit approved by the National People’s Congress or its Standing Committee. The finance department should establish and improve the local government debt risk assessment index system, provide early warnings for areas with high debt risk, and monitor and resolve debt risks.

  New regulations for inland vessels: tighten the “tap” that dumps sewage into rivers

  trafficThe “Administrative Measures for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution by Inland Ships with a Gross Tonnage of Less than 400” issued by the Ministry of Transport establish requirements for the disposal of garbage from ships, which will be implemented as of 1 October.

The “Measures” stipulate that inland vessels of less than 400 tons gross tonnage are prohibited from discharging oily sewage containing cargo oil residues (oil sludge), sewage containing toxic liquid substances, and shipping garbage into water continental; Ships are prohibited from being in protection areas of drinking water sources, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the Lijiang River and other waters where the discharge of domestic sewage is prohibited.

Hospitality wastewater generated by passenger ships, such as oil scraps, vegetable scraps, soups, etc., will be managed as kitchen waste, and the ships will collect and send them to the reception facilities.


  ——Shanghai: Highest reward for food safety reports increased to 500,000

On October 1, the recently revised “Shanghai Food Safety Reporting and Reward Measures” will be officially implemented.

The “Measures” expand the scope of rewards for food safety reports. In terms of the amount of rewards, the “Measures” establish three levels of reward based on the evidence reported and the results of the verification of illicit acts.

At the same time, the reward amount is calculated by holistically considering the value of the goods involved, the reward level, the degree of social influence and other factors, and the reward standard and the upper limit of maximum reward are increased. . The reward standards at all levels are not less than 2,000 yuan, 1,000 yuan, and 200 yuan, respectively. The maximum reward limit has been increased from no more than 300,000 yuan to no more than 500,000 yuan.

  ——Sanya: Disposal of kitchen waste in violation of regulations can be fined up to 1 million yuan

On October 1, the “Sanya City Food Waste Management Regulation” will be implemented. This is the first local food waste management regulation in Hainan province.

The “Regulations” have established specific penalties for various unlawful acts. Among them, the food waste producer does not deliver the food waste to the food waste collection and transportation service company that obtained the service license, and to the food waste collection and transportation service company. Food waste that has not been collected and transported must be handled by the food waste disposal service company that has obtained the service permit and the local environmental sanitation.SupervisorThe department ordered corrections and fined up to 1 million yuan.

  ——Beijing: implementation of three new health insurance policies to reduce burdens from October

In mid-September, the Beijing Municipal Health Insurance Bureau issued three new policies for burden reduction, to be formally implemented on October 1.

These three new policies to reduce the burden include the inclusion of six illnesses, including severe mental illness, in the scope of special illnesses in the city’s health insurance outpatient clinics; increasing outpatient treatment for malignant tumors and kidney dialysis for two special outpatient diseases.RefundAt the same time, 9 kinds of expensive drugs, such as Rosastat capsules and 9 other kinds of expensive drugs, are paid in a fixed ratio to further reduce the drug burden on the masses. It is reported that the new policy applies to urban employees, urban and rural residents and other insured in this city.

(Source: China News Network)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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