At the end of October, the country’s poverty-stricken workforce reached 29.73 million migrant workers | Poverty Alleviation_Sina


Original title: At the end of October, 29.73 million working poor of migrant workers nationwide ——

Employment and poverty alleviation, so that everyone has work and money.

In recent years, Banqiao City, Huichuan District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, has adopted the model of In recent years, Banqiao City, Huichuan District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, has adopted the “party branch + cooperative + base + farmer households” model to carry out industrial poverty alleviation . So far, 137 farmer households have been lifted out of poverty, 112 jobs have been added, and the value of production has reached 6 million yuan. . The picture shows villagers in Boyang Village, Banqiao Town, harvesting gastrodia elata at the local 10,000 mu gastrodia ecological demonstration plantation base. Photo by Shi Yuzhu (People’s Vision)
Recently, the poverty alleviation workshops in the resettlement area of ​​Xi'an City, Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, are very busy.  The poverty alleviation workshop produces various types of inducers, providing approximately 150 jobs for residents in the surrounding resettlement areas.  The picture shows workers dispensing glue into semi-finished inductors on Nov. 18. Photo by reporter Chen Sihan of the Xinhua News Agency.Recently, the poverty alleviation workshops in the resettlement area of ​​Xi’an City, Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, are very busy. The poverty alleviation workshop produces various types of inducers, which provide approximately 150 jobs for residents in the surrounding resettlement areas. The picture shows workers dispensing glue into semi-finished inductors on Nov. 18. Photo by Chen Sihan, a reporter for Xinhua News Agency.

At the press conference of the State Council Information Office on November 19, Li Zhong, Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, presented that at the end of October, 29.73 million poor workers were migrant workers across the the country, which represented 108.9% of the total number of migrant workers last year. More than% of those affected by poverty who have come forward and registered have received industrial poverty alleviation and employment support. Experts noted that poverty alleviation in employment has become an important component of employment priority policy and an important channel for targeted poverty alleviation and alleviation.

  Build more than 30,000 poverty alleviation workshops

“The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, together with various regions and departments, will do their best to promote the employment and entrepreneurship of the working poor, and help to defeat decisively the alleviation of poverty “. Li Zhong presented, in detail, the main measures taken include the following:

-Expanded employment channels. Focusing on the two main directions of migrant workers and local employment, explore the formation of four organized labor export channels, the development of poverty alleviation workshops, the absorption of industrial projects and entrepreneurship to boost employment, in order to promote the employment of the working poor.

——Improve employment policy. Use policies such as capital subsidies, tax cuts and exemptions, and financial support to encourage businesses to absorb, support independent entrepreneurship and flexible employment, and develop public welfare jobs for resettlement.

-Optimize employment services. Stick to accurate services and provide personalized assistance to the working poor; adhere to continuous services, continue to provide jobs, policies and services to the working poor; Join stable labor services to help working poor remain stable in the company and locally.

—— Strengthen skills training. Undertake large-scale vocational training to ensure that the working poor receive comprehensive training. Implement actions to improve vocational skills, special support programs for job stabilization and expansion, support free training and online training for the working poor, and support small, medium and micro-enterprises to absorb the working poor so that conduct training on behalf of workers.

After five years of hard work, the alleviation of working poverty has achieved remarkable results. Li Zhong said that at present, more than 90% of the poverty-stricken people who have registered for registration have received industrial poverty alleviation and employment support, and more than 2/3 are mainly dependent on workers. migrants and the alleviation of industrial poverty; A total of 32,688 poverty alleviation workshops have been built to train leaders in poverty alleviation and entrepreneurship. More than 410,000 people and 214,000 business entities of various kinds were founded, which not only promoted the employment of the working poor at home, but also laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of industries in rural areas. A support system has been formed for groups with labor difficulties in rural areas. The workshop attracted 437,000 jobs from the doorsteps of the poor, and leaders of entrepreneurship and wealth boosted incomes for 4.06 million poor.

  The share of labor income increases year over year

“Since the fight against poverty began, employment and poverty alleviation have become an important measure of poverty alleviation and an important means of poverty alleviation,” said Ou Qingping, deputy director of the Office of Poverty Alleviation of the Council of State. Promote the two aspects of close employment as a whole and do everything possible to increase the income of the poor.

The number of workers has increased substantially. According to Ou Qingping, from 2016 to 2020, the number of working poor who go out to work has increased by more than 10 million. At the same time, the stability of going out to work is also improving and the proportion of working poor who go out to work for more than half a year has increased significantly. “We organize grassroots support forces to find the basic information of the working poor and, according to their willingness to go out to work, specific employment and precise assistance,” said Ou Qingping.

It increased wage income and helped alleviate poverty. In the last five years, the proportion of poor families’ income from working in the family has increased year after year. “Today, two-thirds of poor families have been involved in migrant labor. About two-thirds of these families’ income comes from migrant workers. It must be said that migrant workers provide a solid income guarantee to earn. the battle against poverty, “said Ou Qingping.

“Employment is the basis of people’s livelihoods, and poverty alleviation in employment is also the most powerful means of lifting poor families out of poverty.” Ou Qingping said that in the next step to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, the Office of Poverty Alleviation of the State Council will work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to continue working on poverty alleviation in the job. , Promote stable income growth for poor families and consolidate the results of expanding employment and alleviating poverty.

  Boost the internal motivation of poor households

Society cannot “do it all at once”, and impoverished households must be strengthened. According to Ou Qingping, in terms of increasing the skills of migrant workers and improving their overall quality, the Office of Poverty Alleviation of the State Council has done three things: one is to provide extensive pre-employment training for poor workers who are willing to go out to work to improve their job skills; Increase on-the-job training for the poor workforce of the poor; third, to enable them to receive vocational education for the newly developed workforce of poor families.

Skills training has produced many skilled craftsmen: Ning Xianhai in Huidong County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, studied welding at Panzhihua Technician College and won the gold medal in the welding project of the 44th World Skills Competition in 2017; Hu Min, Prison District, Xi’an, provided free assistance I received a grant to study at Shaanxi Automotive Technical School. In 2019, I won the “Elite Female Award” at the National Steel Structures Welding Vocational Skills Contest … “In recent years, nearly 8 million children from poor families have received vocational education. These people have received education vocational in vocational schools. After graduation, job stability is very high, “said Ou Qingping.

“In recent years, large numbers of poor people have gone to work. While relying on their own hands to increase their income, they have broadened their horizons, freed their minds, and shed their ideological dependence. The Past that some poor people were resigned, passive and satisfied with the status quo The situation has transitioned from “I want to get rid of poverty” to “I want to get rid of poverty”, which fundamentally stimulated their endogenous motivation. ” Ou Qingping said: “Poverty alleviation must help aspirations first. Employment is the best way to help aspirations and wisdom Way.” (Reporter Kong Dechen)

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Editor in charge: Li Ang
