Are your cultural rights protected? Find the answer in this report of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress


  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 23, by cable Question: Are your cultural rights protected? Find the answer in this report of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Wei

The 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress deliberated on a report on the 23rd, which refers to their cultural rights and interests.

From August to October 2020, this year’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee inspected the implementation of cultural laws for the first time: the inspection of the law enforcement of the Public Cultural Service Guarantee Law. The inspection team went to Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Henan and Qinghai to carry out inspections, went to 16 prefectures and cities, and inspected 96 public cultural facilities in place … On the basis of understanding and mastery complete implementation of the law, training This public cultural service guarantees the police inspection report.

Cai Dafeng, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, said in a report at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress: “Since the situation of inspections, governments of all relevant levels and departments have placed the implementation of the Public Cultural Service Guarantee Act in an important position and have practiced the purpose of the legislation. We will really do a good job of implementation, achieve remarkable results, promote cultural enterprises to achieve new breakthroughs in the new era, and ensure that the people’s cultural rights and interests reach a new level. “

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The report says that China has initially established a network of public cultural facilities covering urban and rural areas, and the levels of administration and service have been continuously improved.

According to figures, at the end of 2019 there were 5,535 museums, 559 art galleries, 3,196 public libraries, 3,326 cultural centers, 40,747 cultural stations, and 564,277 comprehensive base cultural service centers. Characteristic public cultural facilities have been built in some places, such as the Museum of Tibetan Culture in Qinghai and the “Study on the Sea” in Hainan.

At the same time, the total amount of public cultural resources continued to expand, and the total amount of public digital cultural project resources reached 1,274 TB. The cultural benefit projects have been executed in depth, and projects such as “theater in the field”, “moving stage car” and “a movie a month in a village” have continued to advance to further open the “last mile” of basic public cultural services.

Today, all public libraries, cultural centers (stations), art galleries and 4929 museums across the country are open for free, achieving “barrier-free, threshold-free” entry and are welcomed by the masses.

“When I think about my life these years, the best place is the library.” During the epidemic, a migrant worker wrote a message and affectionately confessed to the Dongguan library.

From innovative practices such as the “Rural Cultural Auditorium” in Zhejiang, the “Rural Stage” in Gansu, the “Farmers’ Cultural Paradise” in Anhui and the “Agricultural Bookstore + E-commerce” in Jiangxi, to create a new era of spaces. spiritual and cultural peasants, even many public cultural institutions “closed doors” during the epidemic “No, thank you, there is no closed service”, so that people staying at home can meet in the “cloud”, and public cultural services they have significantly improved people’s sense of cultural gain and happiness.

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The law has been in place for more than three years and achieved remarkable results, but the report also frankly stated that “there is still a certain gap compared to the requirements of meeting the growing needs of people for a better life and building a socialist cultural power “.

What problems persist in the implementation of the law? The report ranks five aspects.

——The warranty liability has not been fully met. Some local funding guarantees do not exist and the construction of public cultural facilities does not meet the standards. The consultation and feedback system that reflects the cultural needs of the public and the evaluation and evaluation system of public cultural services with public participation have not been generally established.

——Service efficiency is not fully utilized. In some places, public cultural services are seen as simply providing entertainment activities, and the main content of the service of some cultural stations remains a set of four components of “hit, pull, play and song”, which is not attractive to the masses.

—— Resource allocation needs to be further optimized. Some rural public cultural facilities in the central and western regions are outdated and in poor condition, and the types and quantities of services provided are relatively small and simple. There are relatively few public cultural products suitable for minors, the elderly and the disabled, and public cultural services for migrant workers are relatively weak.

——The participation of social forces is not wide enough. In some places, there is still a tendency for the government to dominate “culture”, and some public cultural institutions have established councils, but they are mere formalities.

——There is a shortage of professional talent, especially those with literary and artistic experience, Internet knowledge, and managerial skills. At the grassroots level, especially in rural areas, there are widespread problems such as insufficient staffing, aging, full-time and unskilled work, and “talents cannot enter and cannot be kept.”

  Deeply integrate public cultural services into rural revitalization, further narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas to precisely meet the needs of the people.

Evaluate the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party, promote the comprehensive and deep implementation of the law, and give opinions and suggestions in the report.

Effectively improve political positions and always stay in the right direction. Build public cultural facilities in an important position to strengthen cultural self-confidence, gather Chinese power, and enhance the country’s cultural soft power.

Consolidate the primary responsibility of the government and further strengthen protection. Improve the guarantee mechanism for the financing of public cultural services and promote the digitization of public cultural services. Increase assistance to former revolutionary bases, ethnic areas and border areas, and continuously improve the quality of public cultural services in areas of poverty.

Focus on the grassroots and accelerate the integration of urban and rural public cultural service systems. Deeply integrate public cultural services into the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, improve the rural cultural infrastructure network, increase the total supply of rural public cultural services, and further reduce the gap between urban and rural areas.

Expand channels and guide and further support social forces to participate in public cultural services. Promote the opening to the public of the cultural and sports facilities of institutions, schools, companies and institutions, so that people can enjoy increasingly convenient public cultural resources.

Deepen the reform of the cultural system and continuously improve the efficiency of governance. Deepen the reform of the supply side of public cultural services, establish and improve the interactive and menu-based service mechanism of “supply feedback-supply evaluation-demand collection service” to accurately meet and the cultural needs of the masses effectively.

责编:袁晴 ]
