All Three Departments Publish Hainan Free Trade Port’s “Zero Fee” Policy for Transportation and Yachts_ 东方


Original Title: The Three Departments Publish Hainan Free Trade Port “Zero Fee” Policy for Transportation Vehicles and Yachts

According to the Ministry of Finance, on December 29, the Ministry of Finance,customsThe General Administration, the State Tax Administration and three other departments jointly issued the “About Hainanfree tradePorttrafficThe “Notice of the” Zero Fee “Policy for Tools and Yachts” (hereinafter the “Notice”) will be implemented from the date of publication.

The “Notice” proposed that prior to the island’s customs operations, the Hainan Free Trade Port should be registered and independent.Legal personality, Dedicated to transport and tourismcompany(Aviation companies should use Hainan Free Trade Port as their main operating base),Imports of ships, aircraft, vehicles and other operational vehicles and yachts used for transportation and tourism are exempt from import duties, import value added tax andconsumptiontax.

The list of companies that meet the conditions to enjoy the policy is provided by Hainan Transportation,culturetourism,marketRegulation, maritime affairs and civil aviationadministrationTable, etc.SupervisorThe department, together with the Hainan Province Finance Department, Haikou Customs and the Hainan Province Tax Office of the State Tax Administration, refer to the recommended categories of the Hainan Free Trade Port.industryThe articles of the transport and tourism industry in the catalog are determined and adjusted dynamically.

Transport vehicles and yachts that enjoy the “zero fee” policy are subject to positive list management. The list is managed by the Ministry of Finance.General Administration of Customs1. The State Tax Administration, together with the relevant departments, will make dynamic adjustments based on the actual needs and regulatory conditions of Hainan. The list of “zero fee” vehicles and yachts in Hainan Free Trade Port attached to the “Notice” shows that they enjoy “zero fee”ProductShare100 items, including large, medium and small electric passenger cars, gliders and hang gliders, balloons, airships and other non-motorized aircraft, inflatable speedboats, leisure or sports rowing boats and canoes, sailing boats, etc.

The “Notice” stipulates that “zero fee” vehicles and yachts will only be used by companies that comply with the policy conditions of the Hainan Free Trade Port for their own acceptcustoms control.By the companyBankruptcyIf the transfer is really necessary for other reasons, customs must obtain the consent and carry out the relevant procedures before the transfer. Among them, if it is transferred to a subject who does not meet the conditions to enjoy the policy, the corresponding import tax will be paid in accordance with the regulations. The transfer of “zero fee” vehicles and yachts will be subject to the national value added tax and consumption.

In the case of vehicles and yachts on the list of import companies, those who voluntarily pay the value added tax and the import excise tax cancustoms clearanceApply at the moment.

“Zero fee” vehicles and yachts will be registered and naturalized at the Hainan Free Trade Port, will operate in accordance with the relevant regulations of the competent transport, civil aviation, maritime and other authorities, and will be subject to supervision. aircraft and ships mustOperatingNational and international routes that start or stop in the Free Port of Hainan. The scope of the yacht’s operation is Hainan province. The vehicles can carry out passenger and cargo transport operations to and from the mainland. At least one end of the origin and destination must be in the Hainan Free Trade Port, and the cumulative stay on the mainland does not exceed 120 days per year, including “point to point” from the Hainan Free Trade Port to the continent. “Round trip” passengers and trucks are not subject to the day limit. In case of violation of the above regulations, the relevant import taxes will be paid in accordance with the relevant regulations.

The “Notice” requires the Department of Commerce, Transportation, Civil Aviation, Finance, Customs, Taxation and other departments of Hainan Province to formulate “Zero Fee” Vehicle and Yacht Management Measures “in the free port Hainan trade “to clarify the procedures for determining the list of companies that meet the conditions of the policy. “Tariff” regulations on the registration, naturalization, operation and supervision after importation of vehicles and yachts, and the recognition of domestic and foreign routes that operate aircraft and ships from or through the Hainan Free Trade PortobjectiveApplicable conditions and calculation methods for vehicles staying on the mainland for no more than 120 days a year, “point-to-point” and “express and return” transportationServiceCertification standards, certification departments and management requirements, and methods of handling violations of regulations, etc.

Relevant departments in Hainan Province should strengthen monitoring, prevent and control risks, and promptly investigate and sanction violations through computerization and other means to ensure the smooth operation of the “zero fee” policy for vehicles and yachts. , and strengthen the interconnection of information of the competent departments of the province to share information that complies with the policy. Information on the supervision of “zero fee” companies, vehicles and yachts.

(Source: Sino-Singapore Jingwei)

(Editor in charge: DF155)

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