All Herkenbosch, with 4,000 inhabitants, were evacuated due to forest fires. Inland


In total it is more than 4,000 inhabitants. Police passed street by street passing houses to ring the bell. Those left behind were asked to put a note on the door.


A spokeswoman for the security region tells L1 Radio that a decision will not be made until Wednesday afternoon when residents can return. “We want the fire to be under control before people can return.” Companies in the Roerstreek industrial area may remain open on Wednesday. It also indicates that other village centers in the Roerdalen municipality, which includes Herkenbosch, are not yet being evacuated.

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People with no relatives or acquaintances they can go to are cared for in sixteen sports halls in the area. However, according to the security region spokeswoman, not all reception locations are needed. The Red Cross has made eight hundred beds available.

Persistent smoke

“The reason for this measure is persistent smoke and the expectation that it will not decrease overnight,” says Roerdalen Mayor Monique de Boer-Beerta. “It is a precautionary measure to avoid public health risks. The smoke contains a high concentration of carbon monoxide.”

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De Boer-Beerta asks residents to remain calm and asks people who can leave their home to leave. “I understand that this decision creates anxiety and excitement, but we will do everything we can to ensure that the evacuation is carried out as quickly and orderly as possible.”

Health institution

Two health institutions have already been evacuated on Tuesday night. Thirty residents of the Pergamijn Health Institution and their supervisors were received at the Roermond Hotel. The ninety residents and their supervisors at the Bosscherhof care institution are found in various locations in Roermond, Blerick, Baarlo and Tegelen.
