After the epidemic, the first-line blood supply is in short supply, Wuhan takes multiple measures to ensure the blood supply | blood donation | Wuhan | new crown


Original title: After the epidemic, the first-line blood supply is in short supply, Wuhan takes multiple measures to ensure the blood supply

The epidemic has entered a stage of prevention and control normalization, and the amount of clinical blood used is increasing day by day, and has been tested by floods and high temperatures one after another. In the “second battlefield” of the Wuhan blood defense war, the Wuhan Blood Center has taken various measures to continue the “blood” of Jiangcheng.

After the epidemic, the clinical use of blood is still under great pressure.

After entering September, affected by the previous epidemic, flood conditions and high temperature weather, there is still a large gap in blood collection at street blood donation points compared to the same period of the last year, and there is a certain gap in the collection and supply of blood in Wuhan.

“With the gradual restoration of normal medical order in Wuhan, patients with non-new coronary pneumonia seek medical care normally, and the number of outpatients and hospitalizations has continued to rise. The average daily demand for blood in the hospital has increased to about 200,000 ml per day, which means that about 800 people must participate every day. Please donate blood for free. ” On September 15, the relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Blood Center said in an interview with a 21st Century reporter Business Herald that the epidemic has entered a normalized stage of prevention and control, and that the amount of blood used in clinical practice is increasing day by day, and has been repeatedly tested by floods and high temperatures. On the “second battlefield “of the Wuhan Blood Defense War, the Wuhan Blood Center has successively adopted various measures, such as the center staff to take the lead in blood donation, group blood donation service in place and online and offline improvement of the popularization of science to continue the “blood” of Jiangcheng.

Take multiple measurements

On September 11, Chen Hanwei, director of the blood donation department at the Wuhan Blood Center, completed her 34th blood donation. On this day, she wants to use the blood donation to complete the curtain call of her career: this is the last business day before her retirement and her 60th birthday. According to the upper age limit for donating blood from the state, this is your last participation in unpaid blood donation.

In the hearts of many blood donors, Chen Hanwei is the main motivation for them to insist on long-term blood donation for many years. “This is the best blood donation service in the country.” Jin Gaofeng, president of the national charity 5A “Golden Rainbow Charity”, once explained the original intention of volunteers from other places to donate blood in Han.

The epidemic disrupted the normal blood supply, superimposed on the late outbreak of medical demand, and the demand for blood in Wuhan is increasing by the day. “To allay blood donor concerns, our center has thought of many ways to make blood donors feel at home.” The aforementioned person in charge told reporters that as of August 8, for the convenience of blood donors, the Wuhan Blood Center Blood donation points on the streets delayed the execution time and officially opened the “night mode” of blood donation. Among them, the blood donation house in Jiali square and the blood donation car in Xunlimen M + square are the two blood donation points that have completed their operation on the streets of Wuhan at the latest, running from 10:30 to 21:00 every day.

On the other hand, after the entrance of August, the assistance units and the medical personnel that still remain in their posts also move to ensure the blood supply: on August 19, to welcome the third “Chinese Doctor’s Day “, Taikang Tongji Hospital (Wuhan) The Wuhan Blood Center held a group blood donation activity. This group of “warriors against the epidemic” once again dedicated their love and blood to their own festival; On August 21, the Wuhan Subway organized the third group blood donation since the outbreak; August On the 26th, the “Third Season of the White Angels Blood Donation Month” was inaugurated. More than 200 members of the medical staff from various private medical institutions in the Wuchang district of Wuhan City came from all over to meet; On August 28, Wuchang District Health Office Blood Donors and its 3 public health agencies and 17 community health service centers lined up with blood donors, 106 people donated blood successfully.

To further popularize the knowledge about blood donation, the Wuhan Blood Center also cooperated with the Hydrogen Community to create the “Wuhan Blood Youth Digital Science Museum”, which has become a part important of this year’s National Science and Technology Week. Since its launch in the WeChat Mini Program on June 14, the cumulative number of visits has exceeded 640,000, and more than 100,000 people have subscribed and shared. Among them, the two sections “Comic Science” and “Blood Knowledge” are the most popular with users. The easy to understand comic book format allows young people to understand blood and then through various ways such as videos and animations knowledge of blood can be spread quickly.

Through previous efforts, by mid-September, nearly 90,000 people had donated blood in Wuhan, with a total of nearly 30 tons of blood donated.

Focus on “Panda Blood”

At the same time, what is commonly called “panda blood”, that is, a rare blood type, has always been a difficult point in the work of ensuring the blood supply.

The distribution of Rh negative blood varies greatly from one race to another. The proportion of Rh negative blood among whites is relatively high, around 15%, while only 0.3% among Asians are of a rare blood type, which is why they are called “panda blood”. According to estimates from the Wuhan Blood Center, there are around 30,000 people with rare blood types in Jiangcheng based on the proportion of the population.

Starting in 2002, the Wuhan Blood Center took the initiative to establish the “Rare Blood Types Association” in the country. It is now called “Rare Blood Groups Love Home.” It is a voluntary mutual aid organization made up of Rh negative blood type donors in Wuhan. It has grown to more than 800 people. There are not only QQ groups and WeChat groups, but also regular activities.

“There are many activities in Wuhan, and it is convenient for everyone to contact us. We will respond positively to any news. There are more than 100 people in our group, all of them panda blood donors like me.” Zhang Mina is a woman who has lived in Wuhan for many years. In an interview, she said that since she was 20 years old when she found out she was a rare blood type, she had a sense of responsibility that she was needed and that she would pay more attention to her body in normal times. She would fix 2-3 for herself each week. After the second sports career, “after the epidemic, we understand that improving our immunity is of great importance for people and for ourselves.”

Pan Hong went to donate blood for the first time in 2012, and that day turned out to be the day before his birthday. “When I gave birth to a boy in 2008, I found out that he had a rare blood type, and was concerned at the time. Later I joined the Home of Love for Rare Blood Groups and donated blood consistently twice a year. Since my first blood donation, I also understand this. I am also helping myself. “

Zhang Mina also said, “Because there is a 6-month interval for donating blood, the frequency of donating blood is 1 to 2 times a year. Later, I learned that my son is also Rh negative blood. In the future, if you are healthy, you can also donate blood. Now I will take it every time I go. “

Zhang Mina recalled the experience of donating blood during the epidemic and still feels deeply: “At that time, the doctor at the blood center sent us a group of text messages, saying that it was urgent for the clinical use of blood. If they meet the conditions to donate whole blood, they will organize vehicles to pick them up. Because they are at home every day. I heard the sound of ambulances on the empty road outside the door one after another, but we were powerless. So at that moment, especially in the car in the blood center, I felt that the little girl could contribute a little too, and my heart would be very warm. “

Pan Hong also donated blood in a retrograde manner on February 19 at the worst time of the epidemic. “At that time, it was because many patients with new coronary pneumonia needed panda blood. When the blood center sent a car to pick me up, it was very uncomfortable to see the scene from the empty city of Wuhan, but for me it was something very significant. Feeling happy.”

Blood donors of rare blood types showed a common calm. They have been practicing quietly, when the frontline clinic needs blood, they will be actively involved as long as the interval has passed, no matter how far away they live or how busy they are.

“When you are in good health, you can support the blood supply as much as you can. Perhaps one day in the future, our family and our children will change because of this incident,” Pan Hong sighed to the reporter.

According to 2019 data, the “Rare Blood Type Love Home” has donated blood to 14,808 people since its inception, and the total blood donation volume reached 4,486,600 ml, an annual increase of about 8% . On average, 4 “Panda Heroes” participate in unpaid blood donation every day, effectively ensuring the blood needs of clinical patients.

It is foreseeable that the unpaid blood donation situation in Wuhan in the second half of 2020 will continue to show high demand and strong support tasks. “We will continue to guarantee the demand for blood from the medical institutions of our city, and we will continue to improve the capacity to respond effectively to emergency guarantees of clinical blood supply in the face of important public health events,” added the official.

(Author: Chen Hongxia, Wang Yujie Editor: Zhang Weixian)
