Adverse Reactions: Foreign Media: Britain Warns People With Allergies Not To Vaccinate Pfizer | UK-Finance News


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Original caption: Adverse reactions occurred Foreign media: Great Britain advises people with allergies not to get the Pfizer vaccine

  Reference News Network reported on December 11 According to foreign media, the British drug regulatory agency recently stated that anyone with a history of allergies to certain drugs or foods should not be vaccinated against the new corona vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and German Biotech. The allergy warnings provide a more comprehensive guide.

According to a Reuters report in London on December 10, Joan Lane, director of the British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority, said: “Anyone with a history of vaccines, drugs or food allergies should not receive vaccines from Pfizer-Biotech. Anyone who develops allergic symptoms after the first dose of the vaccine should not receive the second dose. “

Previously, the agency warned that people with “obvious allergic reactions” to the items listed above should not get the vaccine, but did not specify which allergic reactions.

According to an Associated Press report in London on December 9, the British medical regulatory agency warned on the 9th that people with a history of severe allergies should not be injected with the new corona vaccine from Pfizer and Biotech. The researchers also investigated whether the two reactions on the first day of the British vaccination schedule were related to vaccination.

Professor Stephen Powys, a senior official in England’s National Health Service, said this recommendation was issued “preemptively” and that respondents have recovered.

Pfizer and Biotech said they are cooperating with investigators “to better understand each case and its cause.”

The British Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority stated that if someone has an obvious allergic reaction to vaccines, medicines or foods, such as carrying an epinephrine injection device (adrenaline pen or other similar device), or others who may have an fatal allergic reaction This vaccine should not be vaccinated. The regulator also said that vaccination can only be carried out in places with resuscitation equipment.

These suggestions are reportedly not uncommon. Several vaccines that have been on the market warn of allergic reactions. When people who have reacted to drugs or vaccines in the past have been injected with a new vaccine, doctors know to watch them.

The two cases of reaction corresponded to the personnel of the National Health Service, who had a history of severe allergies and carried an epinephrine injection device. According to the National Health Service, both had severe reactions but recovered after treatment.

Pfizer and Biotech said that subsequent trials of this vaccine found that “there were no serious safety concerns.” More than 42,000 people received two injections in these trials.

Detailed data from the vaccine trial showed that among the vaccinated population, 0.63% had a possible allergic reaction; Among the population vaccinated with a placebo, this proportion was 0.51%. Commentators from the US Food and Drug Administration called this a “mild digital imbalance.”

The two companies published documents showing that people with a history of severe allergies were excluded from the trial and advised physicians to look out for these reactions in trial participants who were previously unaware of severe allergies.

In addition, according to an Agence France-Presse report on Dec. 9 in Washington, a senior government scientist said on the 9th that if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides to approve Pfizer’s new corona vaccine -Biotech, severe allergies may be required. People with a history should not be vaccinated.

Both the UK and Canada have reportedly passed two-dose vaccination programs on an urgent basis and the US is expected to take similar action within a few days. The FDA advisory panel will hold a meeting on this topic on the 10th.

Moncef Slavi, chief consultant for the new US coronary pneumonia treatment and vaccine research and development project, told reporters: “From the data, patients or subjects with a history of severe allergies are excluded from clinical trials. Make up your mind – tomorrow this will be one of the considerations. As in the UK, subjects with known severe reactions are not expected to be vaccinated until we know exactly what happened. “

The FDA may also require that vaccine providers pay attention to whether people will experience a rare, temporary, and not very serious facial paralysis called Bell’s palsy. Previous data showed that 4 of the roughly 19,000 people who participated in the vaccine trial had this condition.

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Editor in charge: Xue Yongwei
