“A great country cannot call you without you”! The seventh national census is here! | Shijiazhuang City_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original title: “A great country cannot call you without you.” The seventh national census is here!

A few days ago, the reporter learned at a press conference held by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government Information Office that September 20 is “China Statistics Open Day”. The theme of this “China Statistics Open Day” is “No big country can call you without you.” It is to introduce and publicize the seventh national census to all sectors of society.

Census Standard Time

The standard time point for the seventh national census is 0:00 on November 1, 2020.

Object of the census

The recipients of this census are natural persons within the territory of the People’s Republic of China at the time of the census and Chinese citizens who have not settled outside the People’s Republic of China. Foreigners staying in the territory of the People’s Republic of China for a short period are not included. Residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners living in China are also subject to the census and must register for the census.

Census content

The main content of the census is the basic information on the population and households, including name, citizenship number, sex, age, ethnicity, educational level, industry, occupation, migration, marriage, birth, death, housing, etc.

The census registration is carried out through enumerators who enter the homes to inquire, completing them on the spot, or by the census subjects themselves.

This census uses a comprehensive survey method

The main objective of the seventh national census is to comprehensively investigate the population, structure, distribution, urban and rural housing in the last 10 years, and provide support for accurate scientific and statistical information for macro decision making. This census is of important and far-reaching importance for accurately understanding the laws of population change, fully implementing the new concept of development, and practicing the concept of people-centered development. The entire society is expected to vigorously support the census and actively cooperate with census officials to carry out the investigation and registration.

The census will adopt a comprehensive survey method and will be recorded by households. The census will adopt the principle of registration based on their current residence, and everyone must register at their current residence. If the object of the census does not reside at the place of household registration, the corresponding information will be recorded at the place of household registration. The census is carried out by consulting the enumerator at home, filling in the place, or by the object of the census itself.

Since the sixth national census in 2010, the situation of the Shijiazhuang population has undergone major changes. The seventh census will thoroughly investigate the most recent situation of the city’s population, structure and distribution in order to formulate and improve employment. It is of great importance to provide statistical information support for policy measures such as education, health care and pensions.

The seventh national census was carried out in three stages

The first is the census preparation stage (October 2019-October 2020). This stage is mainly to establish census agencies at all levels, formulate census plans and work plans, conduct census pilot tests, implement census funds and materials, carry out census propaganda, select and train census instructors and census officers, divide and mapping census regions and registering households. Take surveys and so on.

The second is the census registration stage (November-December 2020). This stage is primarily for survey takers’ household registration, comparison and review, and random checks of data quality.

The third is the data aggregation and publication phase (December 2020-2022 December). This stage is primarily about data processing, evaluation, summary, publication of major data bulletins, and development and utilization of census data.

Take multiple steps to do a good job on the census.

Shijiazhuang City has taken several measures simultaneously. Through the implementation of comprehensive pilot tests, the remaining problems at the boundary of the census area have been resolved in a timely manner, ownership of the disputed areas has been verified and confirmed, and the quality of selection and selection will be strictly controlled. the appointment of the “two members” of the census.

From July 15 to August 5, a comprehensive pilot project of the Shijiazhuang census was successfully carried out in Nanxincheng Village, Luquan District. During the pilot work process, commercial backbones in 23 counties (cities, districts) acted as instructors and census officers, simulating the general census business process and various liaisons, conducting on-site simulations and actual combat trials of all the census work processes, training the team and accumulating Pilot experience has been established and good foundations have been laid for the various tasks of the census.

Dividing and mapping the census area is extremely important basic census work and an important part of all census work. The Shijiazhuang City General People’s Office strictly follows the work requirements of the national and provincial General People’s Office to formulate a three-level city, county and municipality joint working system. Solve the remaining problems in the census area boundary in a timely manner, verify and confirm ownership of the disputed area, strictly implement the marking standards, and achieve that “all standards must be marked, one home and one standard,” coverage full jurisdiction, no overlap of jurisdictions, timely monitoring, notification and scheduling, Post conspiracy progress daily to stimulate backward counties and districts. Strictly control the acceptance of the quality and carry out the gradual acceptance of the marking work in the final stage. As of August 25, Shijiazhuang City reported the 2.261 million marked buildings and 54 028 census tracts divided in a timely manner according to the time nodes and requirements specified by the province. Among them, the average area of ​​ordinary residential buildings is 217 square meters, and the average number of residential housing units per census tract is 80. All urban area mapping work has been completed to high standards.

To better complete this census, the Municipal People’s Census Office attaches great importance to the selection and recruitment of “two members” and issued on August 13 the “Notice of Strengthening the Selection and Employment of” Two Members “in the Seventh Census National”. The main tasks, conditions, requirements and time nodes for the selection and hiring of the “two members” of the census are clarified, and counties (cities, districts) must carefully organize and carry out the selection and hiring of the “two members “of the census. The “two members” of the census are equipped with standards and requirements, and the quality of the “two members” of the census is strictly controlled, to ensure that they have high political awareness, decent work style, serious and responsible work, hard-working people, dedicated and strong. The “two-member” census team selects communication skills, good at ideological and propaganda work, and personnel familiar with local conditions, laying a solid foundation for the efficient completion of the seventh national census. As of August 30, the city has selected 71,181 “two members” based on the actual number of census tracts. Among them, 14,451 were census instructors.

The census keeps relevant information confidential

In the seventh national census and the sixth national census in 2010, the configuration of the indicators remained basically stable, but there were some changes, mainly the addition of the number of citizenship. In addition, the census recording method increased the number of census subjects to complete through the Internet, and the data collection method was changed to the use of electronic equipment by census personnel to directly report the data in real time. At the same time, the application of administrative records and big data increased.

In the seventh census, the information provided by the subjects of the census was kept confidential in accordance with the law. Census data is strictly limited to being used for census purposes and will not be used as a basis for any department or unit to evaluate or reward administrative management at all levels. The information obtained in the census that can identify or infer the identity of a single census object will not be used as a basis for specific administrative actions such as the punishment of the census object. The original census data obtained from the population census will be preserved and destroyed in accordance with relevant state regulations. The act of revealing or providing others with information that can identify or infer the identity of a single census object will be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Citizens can be assured that the seventh census will strengthen the protection of citizens ‘personal information throughout the process and will strictly comply with confidentiality obligations for citizens’ personal information obtained during the census. The demographic information obtained in the census is strictly prohibited for any unit or individual to leak to any institution, unit or individual.

(Source: Posted by Shijiazhuang)
