A daily summary of A-shares with eight images: tens of billions of sweeps! Tomorrow’s market is in suspense, these stocks welcome opportunities to make up for gains.



[Resumen de ocho imágenes por día de acciones A: ¡barriendo bienes al nivel de decenas de miles de millones! El mercado de mañana tiene suspenso, tales acciones dan la bienvenida a oportunidades para compensar ganancias]Regarding the current market situation, Tianxin Investment Adviser said that on Thursday, the market ushered in a long-lost pattern of volume and price increases, and the capital to the north was even more than dozens of billions of dollars. Regarding Friday, given the continuity to be discounted, it is not ruled out that the market will remain volatile on Friday.

Today (November 5) the top three A-share stock indices opened higher across the board,Shanghai indexThe strong, deep and weak pattern is obvious,Growing Business Market IndexOnce there was a sharp decline, and with the help of the consumption of white horses, the index of the Shanghai Stock Exchange oscillated and consolidated relatively strong. The afternoon tech stocks continued to exert force, promptingTo start a businessThe dashboard index leveled off and rose rapidly, and the market was strong throughout the day.

At the close of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges throughout the day, the Shanghai stock index rose 1.30%, recovering a full mark of 3,300 points to close at 3,320.13 points;Shenzhen Component IndexIt rose 1.72% to close at 13,894.26 points; the ChiNext index rose 1.36% to close at 2,787.88 points.

On the disc, the overall market price reappeared and the partial profit effect increased sharply. Today onlyAerospaceBankWaiting for the sector to regress, among the industrial sectors,Communications industryWine industryCar industryIn the concept sector, blade batteries, 5G,industrySectors like cannabis performed well.

In terms of financing, the Chinese peopleBankMore than 5 daysinterest rateThe bidding method carried out a 7-day inverse of 30 billion yuan.Repurchasetrading 140 billion yuan in reverse that dayRepurchaseAnd 400 billion yuanMedium-term loan facility(MLF) Expired. In addition, the central bank alsoadIt is said to expire on November 16.borrowThe Credit Line (FML) will be renewed once, and the amount of the specific operation will be based onmarketNeeds and other conditions are determined.

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In general, as Yuanda said, the resistance of the large A shares has obviously increased, there are no violent dives, no panic, and it even jumps and opens directly. As one of the few countries in the world with positive economic growth, the production capacity of many industries is gradually shifting to China. China’s economy is developing steadily and healthy. It is also a general trend for the stock market to free itself from external constraints and exit the independent market.

It’s worth noting that the auto sector is really eye-catching and the related stocks set off a wave of daily caps. At the closure,Actions accommodatedBYDDongfeng EngineKing Long carWaiting for the daily limit of individual shares,Zhongtong BusSAICFAW JiefangWait for individual stocks to increase.

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Top 10 Industry Sectors Declining (click image for details)

Top Ten Winners in the Concepts Industry (click image for details)

Ten people who decline in the concepts industry (click image for details)

  Individual stock tracking

Main forceNet inflowTop ten (click the picture to see details)

Top Ten Net Outflows (click image for details)

  Northbound Funds

Northbound Funds (click image for details)

  Southbound Funds

Southbound Funds (click image for details)

  News side

1. According to the statistics of the China Automobile Manufacturers AssociationcompanyCalculated by 10-day report, OctoberCar industrySales volume is estimated at 2,544 million vehicles, a decrease of 0.8% compared to the previous month.I andAn increase of 11.4%; In terms of sub-models, passenger vehicle sales increased 7.3% year-on-year and commercial vehicle sales increased 27.5% year-on-year. January to October,Car industryAccumulated sales are estimated at 19.96 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 4.8%; In terms of vehicle models, passenger vehicle sales fell 10.1% year-on-year and commercial vehicle sales increased 20.6% year-on-year.

2. According to the 21st Century Business Herald, on November 5, the Foreign Investment Office of the Ministry of Commerce and the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized a conference on foreign investment at the headquarters of the International Import Expo China and published the “China Foreign Investment Statistics Bulletin 2020” and “Guidelines for Foreign Investment in China.

3. According to the news from China Securities Network,China Federation of Logistics and PurchasingData released on November 5 showed that the Business Express index for the service industry recovered rapidly in October. In October, the service industry business express mail index was 109.9%, 1.6 percentage points higher than the previous month.

4. According to China Business News, various departments are preparing action plans for the construction of a beautiful China during the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan to promote green production, green consumption and high-quality economic development.

  Institutional perspective

Regarding the current market situation, Tianxin Investment Advisor said that on Thursday, the market ushered in a long-lost pattern of increasing volume and price.Capital to the northIt’s tens of billions of sweep items. Regarding Friday, in view of the continuity to be discounted, it is not ruled out that the market will remain volatile on Friday.

In addition, Braywin analyzed that today the market has shown a willingness to actively repair itself. Not only did the northbound funds have a net inflow for four consecutive business days, but at the end of today, the net inflow was more than 13 billion. Although the deficit in the current situation is that the amount of energy has not yet appeared. Substantial expansion, but the overall trend is heating up. Remember to avoid high-end tech stocks in operation, because there is a risk of capital gains after the recent ongoing pull-up. In contrast, low-level stocks have certain additional earnings opportunities, so the focus remains primarily Low Suction.

Huaxin Securities noted that in a single quarter, the recovery of earnings in the third quarter was rapid. Overall, the A-share earnings growth rate leveled off and rebounded in the second quarter after a sharp decline from the impact of the epidemic, and earnings in the third quarter improved significantly. The general economic recovery and improved earnings will become the central factor driving the next round of market conditions.

According to Wang Delun’s analysis of China’s industrial securities strategy, the A-share market’s 15-year profit cycle since 2003, it can be seen that 12-14 quarters is a round of profitability. The last round of the earnings cycle began in the first quarter of 2016, entered a declining phase in the fourth quarter of 2017, and bottomed out in the fourth quarter of 2018. The impact of unexpected events caused a sharp decline in the growth of Q1 2020 earnings.With basic epidemic control, resumption of work and production is in full progress, and economic data is V-shapedCounter, The impact of the epidemic on the economy gradually subsided. In the second quarter, A-share market profit bottomed out and A-share market profit continued to recover in the third quarter. The earnings growth rate has entered an ascending range and is expected to continue to increase in the future.

  National Finance FundZhang Hang said that China’s stock market is currently in the “middle bull market” and the overall market recovery will continue. He’s also bullish on the A-share market in general.attitudeCompared with the last quarter of this year, the timing of structural investment next spring should focus.

(Article source:Oriental wealthResearch Center)

(Responsible editor: DF150)

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