Interview with the German media after the release of Wang Quanzhang: judge in case 709 blatantly illegal-RFI-Radio France Internationale


  1. Interview with German media after Wang Quanzhang’s release: Judge in Case 709 grossly violated RFI-Radio France law
  2. Sun Lijun fell and Wang Quanzhang appeared in an interview to reveal the grim NTDTV
  3. Interview with Wang Quanzhang: the judge’s apparently illegal behavior was unacceptable Deutsche Welle
  4. Wang Quanzhang is not yet free after the expiration of the period of isolation RFI-Radio France Internationale
  5. Wang Quanzhang: Since his arrest, he persisted in his faith and refused to plead guilty. NTDTV
  6. See full story on Google News