Be wary of Hui Enterprise operating loans used to speculate on real estate


▲ The real estate speculation of the “operation loan” will not only cause a shortage of funds for small and micro enterprises, but will also loosen the policy of regulation of the real estate market. Informational map. Image source: Beijing News Net

According to reports, luxury residential properties in Shenzhen and Shanghai have recently been queued up to buy, and the report says this abnormal phenomenon has nothing to do with the illegal flow of “operating loans” in the real estate market. Subsequently, several regulatory authorities quickly expressed their position and will continue to pursue this. In Shenzhen, existing banks have confirmed that a total of three loans were found to flow illegally into the property market in 2020, and the illegal loans have been recovered in advance.

It remains to be thoroughly investigated whether “operating loans for the real estate market” is an individual phenomenon, or is gradually becoming a trend. But even if it’s just emerging, it deserves additional attention. Because, at this critical moment, operating loans are of great importance for the difficulties of small and micro enterprises to resume production and resume production.

The “operating loan” refers to the corporate operating mortgage loan, which is a loan used by banks to meet the capital needs generated during the production and operation of small and micro enterprises. In general, real estate is used as collateral. Since it is for small and micro businesses, the interest rate on the operating loan is not high. During the epidemic, financial support, such as lowering thresholds and discounting interest rates, along with interest discount policies issued across the country, caused the interest rate to be lower than the interest rate. mortgage interest, thus creating an arbitration space that flows into the real estate market. “The basic cause of the storm.

In the specific operation, speculators can first raise funds to buy a home through various channels, then mortgage the property to the bank to apply for an operating loan, and then use this loan to repay the previous loan and finally carry out the “operation of de facto “” Loan “real estate. If this mode of operation becomes popular, it will not only cause a shortage of funds for small and micro-enterprises, but will also loosen the policy of regulating the real estate market everywhere, which is contrary to the policy of “there is no housing or speculation”.

In fact, behind the “commercial loan in the real estate market”, several for-profit groups are forming synergy. Tenants’ speculation is to break the property market’s loan limit policy and seek more profit space; real estate developers and intermediaries are also contributing to self-help, and some ordinary people are also affected by the impact of the epidemic on the real economy, the stock market is not good, all kinds of driven by factors like declining wealth management income, turned to the property market to look for opportunities. There is even some speculation that if the epidemic seriously affects the economy, the government is likely to resort to stimulating the housing market.

But this is probably an error of judgment. The meeting held by the CPB Central Committee Politburo on April 17 made it clear again that China should use greater macro-policy efforts to cover the impact of the epidemic and use funds to support the real economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprises , while emphasizing that Living should be used, not to speculate, promotes the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Regarding “operating loans in the real estate market”, banks in Shenzhen have launched a full self-examination after regulatory authorities expressed their views. Given the concealment of such violations, banks cannot take it lightly, and need to use technical means like big data to continue to track and strictly investigate the whereabouts of operating loan funds to prevent them from happening.

One of the purposes of rigorous research into “operating loans in the real estate market” is to stabilize the real estate market, but most importantly, to ensure the provision of increases in financial services to small and micro businesses at critical times to help them overcome difficulties. Therefore, do not turn things around and cannot affect credit support for the normal production and operation of small and microenterprises and individual industrial and commercial households by standardizing the operation of the loan business.

In fact, one of the reasons why the “house” has become the focus of contradictions is that banks have a habit of “borrowing umbrellas on sunny days and picking up umbrellas on rainy days.” They consider the houses as a guarantee of high quality and prioritize loans. For financial security reasons this is generally understandable, but in a special period, can this collateral preference be changed? In order to lend more valuable funds to those most in need. After all, not all small and micro businesses that urgently need loans have real estate that can be mortgaged, perhaps they can live off this breath and resume normal operations.

In summary, whether it is to do the “six stability” or implement the “six guarantees”, employment is the main task, and small and micro-enterprises have an important role in this, and protect the capital chain of small and micro-enterprises. is to defend the Chinese economy. Therefore, the phenomenon of “commercial loans entering the real estate market” should not be ignored, and stricter and more effective supervision should be adopted to ensure that commercial loans are affordable and for small and micro enterprises.

Editor: He Rui Proofreading: Jia Ning
