Some European countries strengthen control of the epidemic and the United Kingdom will begin clinical trials of the new corona nasal spray vaccine


  General news: some European countries are tightening control of the epidemic and the United Kingdom will begin clinical trials of the new nasal spray corona vaccine

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 26. Reporters from the Xinhua News Agency in Europe report: Due to the acceleration of the spread of the new corona virus, some European countries have recently tightened control measures for the epidemic. Vaccination work continues, the UK is planning clinical trials of the new nasal spray corona vaccine.

On the night of the 25th, the Romanian government announced its control measures in response to a new wave of epidemics, requiring that if the new corona infection rate in a given area exceeds 4 per thousand of the living population, the control measures will be implemented in the area on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, including residents’ travel, is restricted, and all stores, catering companies, etc., stop operating at 18:00; If the infection rate in a given area exceeds 7.5 per 1,000, the above restrictions also apply to other business days. The above measures will not be lifted until the infection rate has fallen to 3.5 per thousand for 14 consecutive days.

Romanian official data published on the 25th showed that in the last 24 hours, there were 6,651 new confirmed cases and a total of 919,794 confirmed cases; 140 new deaths and a total of 22,719 deaths. There are more than 1,300 serious cases during a consecutive week, reaching the highest level since the outbreak, and the current occupancy rate for beds in critical condition has exceeded 90%.

French Health Minister Verande declared on the 25th that the new corona epidemic in France is not optimistic and that the spread of the virus is accelerating. He announced that several provinces are currently strengthening their surveillance. Nièvre, Aube and Rhône have joined the closed quarantine zone. The relevant measures will be applied from midnight on the 26th for a period of 4 weeks. In addition, from the 27th, people over 70 years of age in France can receive the new corona vaccine.

New corona epidemic data published on the French government website on the 25th showed that at 2:00 p.m. on the same day, France had 45,641 new confirmed cases in 24 hours, a total of 4424087 confirmed cases and a total of 93,378 deaths.

Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office Minister Guas Gelgei said on the 25th that the government has decided that the school will only be able to reopen when the number of vaccinated people exceeds 2.5 million. Based on the current situation, the school will reopen on April 12 at the earliest.

Current epidemic prevention and control measures in Hungary include: Except for supermarkets, pharmacies, service stations and other places that provide daily necessities and services, other commercial institutions will be temporarily closed; National curfews from 20 a.m. M. A 5 a. M. The next day; restaurants only provide food delivery services; the school was closed and it was switched to online teaching.

According to data published by the Hungarian New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control Center, at 8 a.m. on the 25th local time, 1,747,519 people in Hungary had completed the first dose of vaccination, of which 524,604 had completed two doses.

The University of Oxford in the UK said on the 25th that the school’s research team will carry out clinical trials to verify the feasibility of nasal spray inoculation of the new corona vaccine.

According to the school, the Phase I clinical trial will recruit 30 healthy volunteers, ages 18 to 40. The researchers will analyze whether the nasal spray from the new corona vaccine can induce a sufficient level of immune system response and will look at this vaccine. of the method and possible adverse reactions.

The school said that the vaccines that the volunteers vaccinated in the trial will be the new corona vaccines that have been approved for use in the UK, and that these vaccines are currently administered by intramuscular injection.

The director of Denmark’s National Health Commission, Brostrom, announced at a press conference on the 25th that the national suspension of AstraZeneca’s new corona vaccine will continue until April 18. He said Denmark is not opposed to the findings of the European Medicines Agency, but that each country must decide whether to use a certain vaccine.

Danish Medicines Agency director Eriksson told a news conference that the Danish health department cannot completely rule out the association between the AstraZeneca vaccine and thrombosis based on current data. The Danish health department needs more time to investigate in depth.

Portugal, the rotating presidency of the EU, held a video conference in Lisbon on the 25th on the theme of strengthening the EU’s role in global health. Portugal announced at the meeting that the EU will inject more than 5 billion euros into the EU health plan to combat the new corona epidemic. (Reporters involved: Zhang Jiawei, Jin Jing, Chen Chen, Yuan Liang, Lin Jing, Lin Huifen, Zhao Danliang)
