Who is most affected by the draft EU restrictions on vaccine exports? _ Oriental Fortune Network


Original title: Who is most affected by the draft EU restrictions on vaccine exports?

European UnionCommittee(Hereinafter “European Commission”) released restricted vaccines on the 24thDeparturedrought. The draft states that in the current EU vaccine export system, it is necessary to introduce the principles of reciprocity and proportionality.

The European Commission stated that when evaluating whether to export vaccines, two more points should be considered: First, whether the export destination of the vaccine has passed laws or restricted vaccines or related vaccines.Raw MaterialsExport; Second, from the perspective of the epidemic situation, the vaccination rate and access to vaccines, whether the epidemic situation and the vaccination situation of vaccine export destinations is better than that of the EU .

European Commission President Von der Lein said that within the OECD, the European Union is the only major producer of large-scale vaccine exports to dozens of countries. The vaccine export process must be bidirectional, which is why the EU has introduced the principle of reciprocity and proportionality in the vaccine export process; however, the European Commission also warned against overinterpretation of the draft, which is an export of vaccine .negotiationStart.

Carry offtrafficInternational University andPublic affairsAcademyteacher, Zhao Daizai, Executive Director of the Joint Center for Health Policy Research of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Yale UniversityagreeA reporter for China Business News said in an interview that part of the EU’s restrictions on vaccine exports is due to insufficient supply of EU domestic vaccines, which is related to its procurement policy.JohnsonThe vaccine has not been officially used, and the European Union has opted for the purchase of the new corona vaccine at AstraZeneca,PfizerRegarding the three vaccines, Modena and Modena have not given the green light to other countries to produce vaccines. Furthermore, the EU also has some degree of error in the production of its own new corona vaccine. The EU believes that at least 2 billion doses of vaccine can be produced by the end of 2021. However, from the perspective of EU vaccine production, thisobjectivesI’m afraid it will be difficult to achieve.

  Or influencePfizerVaccination in the UK

The European Commission said that since the European Union began exporting vaccines abroadmechanismSince then, vaccine export applications have been approved to 33 different destinations and a total of approximately 43 million vaccine doses have been exported. The UK, Canada and Japan are the EU’s main vaccine export targets. The EU has exported 10.9 million doses, 6.6 million doses and 5.4 million doses of vaccines to these regions.

British media quoted EU officials as saying the EU is unlikely to impose an export ban to the US because the US has provided the EU with a number of raw materials for vaccine production.

The Canadian government also stated that when the draft was announced, the European Union hadWarrantyThis measure will not affect exports of vaccines to Canada. So far, what Canada has obtainedPfizerBoth the vaccine and Modena are produced in Europe.

British media believe the EU introduced a vaccineExport restrictions, The main objective is to restrict the export of vaccines to the UK. On the one hand, the UK is the EU’s leading export destination for vaccines and, on the other, UK vaccination is moving faster than the EU.

Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González (Arancha González) said on the 24th that the action of the European Union is to manufacture AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticalsthe companyDelivering on EU Vaccine Supply Commitment The company had promised to supply 90 million doses of vaccines to the EU in the first quarter of this year, but only 30 million doses were ultimately delivered. AstraZeneca recently said that the quantity of vaccines supplied to the EU in the second quarter was only half of what was promised.

British media said that once the EU bans the export of vaccines to the UK, it will affect the rate of vaccination of AstraZeneca and Pfizer in the UK. Especially for the Pfizer vaccine, people who get vaccinated for the first time may face a situation where they cannot get the second dose for a long time.

  There is still room for the UK and Europe

The draft EU restrictions on vaccine exports has not been finalized and there will be a minimum of six weeks for consultation. EU leaders will continue to debate this issue at the EU summit on the 25th. Within the European Union, Germany, France, Italy and other large European Union countries currently have restrictions on how to finally implement the restrictions to the export of vaccines.opinionDifferent.

Italian Prime Minister DraghiattitudeThe toughest. He said on the 24th that in terms of exporting vaccines, the EU should use various tools to carry out vaccine control measures and require pharmaceutical companies to fully comply with them.contractobligation. Italy has taken steps to restrict the export of AstraZeneca vaccines to Australia.

Although French President Macron once expressed support for Draghi’s position, he also said: “A total ban on vaccine exports does not make sense, because we also depend on non-European countries to produce vaccines.”

Germany’s stance on vaccine exports is slightly softer. German ChancellorMerckEr said on the 24th that in the world production of vaccinessupply chainIn China, countries are interdependent. “We must be very careful in calling for a complete export ban, and we must look at the supply chain very carefully,” he said.

The British media quoted a senior German official on the 24th as saying: “If there are export restrictions, we would not feel very good. However, that does not mean that all (vaccine) exports can always be approved.” He warned the EU. Actions taken on the issue of vaccine exports can trigger a tit-for-tat response and jeopardize the global vaccine supply chain.

Outside the EU, British Prime Minister Johnson stated on the 23rd that although the EU has issued draft restrictions on the export of vaccines, the UK does not want to confront the EU on the issue of vaccine exports. the UK and Europe can cooperate and continue to provide vaccine promotion.Service

In fact, just hours after the EU issued a draft restriction on vaccine exports, the EU also left some room for the UK. Britain and Europe issued a joint statement saying they hope to achieve a win-win situation in vaccine exports.

The joint statement stated that in view of the interdependence between Britain and Europe, the two sides are working hard to adoptshort term, Concrete measures in the medium and long term to expand the supply of vaccines for all citizens. Officials from both sides also warned against the vaccine.Export restriction policyThere is overinterpretation. This is not a supply agreement, but the beginning of negotiations.

According to British media reports, the focus of future negotiations between the UK and Europe on vaccine exports will be on AstraZeneca’s operations in the Netherlands.factory, The two parties can share vaccine production here.

(Source: China Business News)

(Editor in charge: DF544)

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