Strengthen the prevention and control of rural epidemics and optimize primary medical policies | Medical Institutions_Sina


Original title: Strengthening the prevention and control of rural epidemics and optimizing primary medical policies Source: China Business Times

In 2020, in the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, we have a better knowledge of the new corona virus, it is fierce, but following the requirements of professionals, the epidemic is preventable and controllable. However, compared to cities, vast rural areas still have many problems preventing epidemics.

The main problems in the prevention of epidemics in rural areas

Villagers’ awareness of preventing the new corona pneumonia epidemic is not strong enough. Getting used to walking around the neighborhood and not having the habit of wearing masks; Affected by traditional customs, there will be many people at weddings and funerals; conceptually that asymptomatic is healthy; daily disinfection and sterilization habits are lacking and there is no standardized garbage disposal Problem: Young workers go out to work, leaving behind widows, widows and lonely people who are unwilling to help prevent the epidemic.

Rural health inspection and quarantine regulations have not been implemented. Especially when there are many people gathering at weddings, funerals, etc., the inspection and the force and breadth of the quarantine of public tableware, raw materials and packaging, storage and transportation, etc., they are far from being enough; the current new crown test is not enough. subordinated to the inspection and quarantine of conventional food hygiene, causing a great epidemic Prevention and control work is difficult to advance; Due to low incomes of staff in primary medical institutions and understaffing, university graduates are reluctant to work at the grassroots level, compounding the shortage of senior staff in primary medical institutions.

Rural primary medical institutions do not yet have the capacity to cope with major epidemics. For many years, the village doctor has been a hereditary system of untrained family apprentices. Because the government has not solved the problem of elderly care for village doctors, many village doctors continue to work after the age of 60-70, greatly affecting the level of rural health care. Entry-level clinics cannot yet handle this task in terms of technology, equipment and personnel, whether patients with fever and other symptoms have infectious diseases.

The unimplemented hierarchical diagnosis and treatment policy has also increased the risk of epidemic expansion. Central and local governments at all levels have been advocating for the implementation of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system for many years. The bases are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent diseases and the rehabilitation of the disabled. Large hospitals are dedicated to the rescue and treatment of critical and emergency illnesses. However, due to the level of personnel in low primary health and medical institutions, the lack of equipment and equipment cannot meet the health needs of the masses, combined with the unlimited expansion of large hospitals and the pursuit of economic benefits, resulting in a situation where the disease is easy to go up and down. Therefore, some people with communicable viruses have gone to large hospitals during the epidemic. The phenomenon that led to the spread of the epidemic.

After the new medical reform, the large amount of medical funds invested in the grassroots has little to do with improving the health of residents. After the new medical reform, a large amount of funds were invested in the primary medical reform, such as the establishment of the residents’ health records, so a lot of funds, labor and material resources were wasted, and the result it has little to do with improving the health of residents. In addition, in recent years, family contracted services provided by primary care medical and health institutions have only been maintained when the contracting objectives set by the State have been met, and have not really included family contracted services for health services. residents’ health, which restricted the ability of villages to respond to the epidemic.

Rural villages are clearly not adequately prepared to deal with a sudden, large-scale epidemic. During the epidemic, it is necessary not only to do a good job of publicity, but also to find ways to alleviate the psychological anxiety of residents, including residents of isolation points. The unscientific level of safety in the designated area and the limitless expansion of the number of nucleic acid tests highlight the fear of the epidemic and the lack of psychological preparedness.

We have not done enough to precisely coordinate and combat the epidemic and reduce the impact on social and economic life. In today’s society, the information network has spread to the corners of society, surveillance probes (especially public security surveillance probes) can perform comprehensive monitoring, and computer information processing capabilities have also been vastly improved. However, the way to achieve accurate prevention and control at lower cost still needs to be improved.

Suggestions on Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Rural Epidemics

Strengthen awareness of safety precautions. Promote the harmfulness of the new corona pneumonia epidemic through easy-to-understand, flexible and diverse methods, and emphasize that it can be prevented and controlled as long as the epidemic is carried out in accordance with the requirements of professionals . In addition, the villagers should be made to pay attention to the use of masks to effectively control the harmfulness of the nose and mouth. Spreading objects and frequent hand washing can effectively remove harmful substances attached to hands, adequately remove viruses and bacteria that may exist in public facilities and home environments, and Reduce aggregation is an effective way to prevent the spread. of the new corona pneumonia epidemic.

Scientifically standardize and reasonably establish epidemic inspection stations for returnees. It is not only equipped with complete and accurate itinerary and health inspection and investigation facilities, but also has a treatment plan for persons suspected or confirmed to carry the novel coronavirus, in order to achieve the first isolation, the first treatment and the first treatment. It is time to capture the information of close contacts It is time to inform, advance preventive measures and strictly prevent proliferation.

Implement and implement custom sanitary inspection and quarantine standards for villages in accordance with the law. Focus on the full coverage and pre-inspection of the sanitary inspection and quarantine of restaurants and premises, storage and logistics guarantee facilities, related channels, packaging waste and garbage, etc .; and severely punish the breach of duties in accordance with the law.

Provide relevant facilities for rural primary medical institutions to formulate and strictly implement rigorous and scientifically standardized patient medical procedures For patients to communicate at home, it is up to the primary clinic medical staff to decide whether to seek support from nearby CDC, protect the door by themselves or protect patients to the primary outpatient clinic; primary clinics must quickly kill viruses and bacteria in indoor and outdoor facilities, establish primary clinics With CDC’s all-weather hotline at the county level, the connection is timely and seamless.

Strengthen and optimize the rural medical staff team. The government should formulate preferential policies to encourage university graduates to work in primary medical institutions. Formulate corresponding policies to encourage senior staff working in primary medical institutions to remain at the primary level permanently. Village doctors should be included in the national preparation plan like village teachers, and those who meet the standards of practice of village doctors should be included in the establishment of national or local government, and corresponding salary levels should be set. , and they must retire on time. when they reach the retirement age set by the state. Strengthen the training and evaluation of existing basic-level general practitioners. While strengthening the training of basic-level physicians medical services capabilities, the quality of basic-level medical work, such as pre-hospital first aid, the identification of common symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, anemia, and cough. Treatment measures such as hemostasis, suturing, bandaging, fracture fixation and transport, the number of diagnoses and treatments, and the rate of first diagnosis of diseases will be used as criteria. to evaluate medical work.

Reform the corresponding rural medical policies. By increasing the rate of reimbursement for medical treatment at the grassroots level and strengthening publicity and guidance, we will attract and encourage more urban and rural residents not to leave the community or village to see a doctor in medical and health institutions. primary health. , gradually making primary health and medical institutions the first choice for the masses to seek medical treatment. Through research and policy guidance, established health records will be used directly for clinical services of primary care physicians, and family recruitment services should also enhance the capabilities of the follow-up service after the signing of the contract. When evaluating, the state must not only evaluate whether the prescribed figures have been completed, but also whether it is used for medical services and whether it has improved the health of residents.

Perform precise prevention and control with the help of modern technology. With the help of artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and other technologies, integrate various data resources, improve emergency management information system and emergency management infrastructure, refine emergency management classification and classification and implement it. in the field as soon as possible. .

(Author’s unit: Hebei Federation of Industry and Commerce)

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