The key to the deferred retirement policy is the phased suggestion of experts to establish a flexible retirement “before and after 2 years of age” | US_Sina


Original title: The key to the deferred retirement policy is gradual. Experts Suggest Establishing a Flexible “Two-Year” Retirement

Zheng Bingwen stated that my country needs to introduce a “flexible retirement” mechanism and establish two more “flexible retirement” ages in addition to the future “legal retirement” age.Common peoplePlease select.

“Gradually” is the keyword for my country’s next retirement plan.

The “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” and the outline of the long-term goal for 2035 proposed that my country gradually delay the legal retirement age over the next five years in accordance with the principles of “adjustment in small steps, flexible implementation, classified promotion , and general planning “.

Among them, “flexible implementation” is the biggest and most important feature of delayed retirement reform. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, delayed retirement will not be “one-size-fits-all.” It’s not that everyone needs to reach the statutory delayed retirement age before they can retire. Rather, it should reflect a certain degree of flexibility and increase the space for people to choose early retirement.

Zheng Bingwen, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, recently accepted an exclusive interview with CBN on delayed retirement, said my country needs to introduce a ‘flexible retirement’ mechanism and establish two more. ” legal retirement ages ”in addition to the future“ legal retirement ”age. The“ flexible retirement ”age is for individuals to choose. The“ flexible retirement ”mechanism is an important means and content to implement the gradual delay in the legal retirement age.

  The implementation of the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” delays retirement

  China Business News: The “14th Five Year Plan” and the long-term goal outline for 2035 have proposed to gradually delay the legal retirement age. Do you think it is possible that my country will launch a plan to delay retirement this year?

  Zheng Bingwen:Whether it can be launched this year depends on the central government’s final decision to take over the overall situation. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security told a press conference that it will solicit public opinion before the deferred retirement plan is officially launched. In other words, we must first solicit opinions publicly and then launch this plan on the basis of absorbing opinions. Therefore, whether it can be launched this year depends on when the plan will be released to the entire society and opinions will be sought. But in any case, I can safely guess that the delay in retirement during the period of the “14th Five-Year Plan” must be implemented.

Originally, the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” had already proposed “to implement a policy of gradual delay in the retirement age”, but the time had not yet come. I believe that the “XIV Five-Year Plan” should be implemented, because during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, the population of China has several turning points and the aging pressure is very high.

  China Business News: What is your attitude towards gradual delay in retirement?

  Zheng Bingwen:I advocated delaying retirement many years ago. The reason I have such a clear attitude is because I feel that the retirement age is too low, especially after comparing with the situation abroad, I feel that postponement of retirement is the general trend.

There are many problems with the financial sustainability of my country’s pension system, such as poor incentives, a large gap between the actual results of payments and the actual situation, and the low retirement age. So I think it will be a matter of time before the retirement policy is implemented.

  The key to delaying retirement is “gradual”

  China Business News: After the introduction of the deferred retirement plan, how can the old and new retirement systems seamlessly converge?

  Zheng Bingwen:Policy convergence is very simple and the key is “gradual.” As long as it is “gradual”, policies can be integrated, if it is not “gradual” and seems “abrupt”, it will be difficult to integrate. The gradual implementation of deferral will dilute the deferral age very little, so that different groups do not influence perception and there will be no resistance.

Let me give you an example: US President Reagan came to power in 1981. He considered the retirement age of 65 in the United States at that time to be too low and should be raised to 67. Then, in 1983, two years later, he signed a bill to increase the retirement age and decided to increase the retirement age from 65 to 67. The two-year increase began to sign the bill in 1983. When will it be enforceable? It was 2002. In other words, the preparatory period is up to 20 years, which provides the entire society with sufficient psychological preparation. This is the first “gradual” performance.

The second gradual manifestation is that it is delayed only 2 months out of the year, which is very spread out, and has little impact on people’s lives, or even feels it.

The third gradual action consists of dividing the two overdue years into two stages. The first stage was raised from 65 to 66. It took 5 years to implement the 66-year retirement starting in 2008. In this 66-year-old A 12 -year “breathing” period was “introduced” into the platform, and Then the second phase began, which is to “marry” at 67 years from 2021, that is, to increase by 2 more each year from this year. Month, until 2027, achieve full retirement at the age of 67. Calculated in this way, from 2003 to 2027, the two-year improvement is spread out over a 24-year period, and the gradual progress is so imperceptible.

  Introduce a “flexible retirement” mechanism

  China Business News: How clear is the practices of other countries for China?

  Zheng Bingwen:Of course, America’s “gradual” approach is a bit inappropriate for China. For example, the United States has a 20-year “lead time” from the signing of the legislation in 1983 to its implementation. Our country has raised this issue for more than a decade, and the entire society has had this psychological preparation for more than a year. a decade ago. So this “advanced period” has actually been over ten years, and it doesn’t need to be that long now.

For another example, the United States only increases the age of two, while China’s actual retirement age and legal retirement age are too low. If the American practice is followed, it is estimated to last for hundreds of years, which is also unrealistic. However, the American approach has taught us that “gradual progress” is very important. China’s “gradual progress” cannot be spread over hundreds of years like the United States, but it should not be too radical. A comprehensive approach with multiple measures must be taken.

For example, I strongly advocate the “introduction” of a “flexible retirement” mechanism. In short, in addition to the “legal retirement” age established in the future, two more “flexible retirement” ages should be established for the person to choose.

For example, one is the “extended retirement” age. In addition to setting 65 as the legal retirement age, set 67 as the “extended retirement” age, which allows those who are in good health and want to work for another two years. Conditions The pension is slightly higher than the legal pension.

The other is the “early retirement” age, which consists of setting a retirement option of 63 years before the legal retirement age. The pension is slightly below the legal retirement age, so many groups who are willing to retire early and go home to bring their grandchildren an option. Therefore, the introduction of a “flexible retirement” mechanism is also a form of “gradual”.

In other words, it is not realistic to extend the age increase by hundreds of years, but my country can take multiple measures. Among them, the introduction of a “flexible retirement” mechanism can “offset” part of the pressure of insufficient dispersion, so that “The” flexible retirement “mechanism is also an important means and the content of” gradual “.

  China Business News: Do you think the introduction of the “flexible retirement” mechanism has reached a consensus in the industry?

  Zheng Bingwen:I think that is the main objective of the central government’s decision to make the retirement plan public and request the opinion of the whole of society, so that everyone can fully express their opinions and reach a social consensus.

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Editor in Charge: Zhang Yanan
