China High-Level Development Forum Releases Multiple Policy Signals


Original title: China High-Level Development Forum Releases Multiple Policy Signals

The China Development Forum 2021 will be held in Beijing on March 20-22. The theme of this forum is “China on a new modernization journey.” Around the first year of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”macropoliticalThis year’s economic focus, green development and openness to the outside world, many authoritative figures at the conference issued a signal: macroeconomic policies will maintain the necessary support for economic recovery and will not seek sharp turns; such as open highlands, Beijing and Hainan New breakthroughs in openness policy are also brewing.

  China has a greaterbadgePolicy regulation space

What is China’s economic situation in the first year of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”? What are the characteristics of macroeconomic policies? Many participants gave an in-depth analysis.

New chinese townBankMonetary policyCommitteeCommittee members,China International Economic Exchange CenterVice President Wang Yiming said that setting an expected growth target of more than 6% this year reflects China’s pursuit of higher quality, more efficient and sustainable growth, and also reserves space to deal with uncertainties, prevent risks and structural reforms. .

“As China’s economy gradually returns to normal, normalization of macroeconomic policies has also been placed on the agenda.” Wang Yiming pointed out that, considering the structural differences in the economic recovery, small, medium and micro enterprisesbusinessEven facing difficulties, macroeconomic policy will maintain the necessary support for economic recovery, will not seek a sharp turn, and will strike a balance between stabilizing growth and preventing risks.

When it comes to monetary policy, the Chinese peopleBankGovernor Yi Gang said that China has more room to control monetary policy.China’s monetary policyAlways stay within the normal range, tools and suitable means,interest rateModerate level. We need to value and make good use of normal monetary policy space to maintain policy continuity, stability and sustainability. He stressed that “China’s monetary policy is providing liquidity andinterest rateThere is room for the level. “

He also noted that monetary policy should pay attention to both the total amount and the structure, and strengthen targeted support in key areas and weak links. Monetary policy must strike a balance between supporting economic growth and preventing risks. Monetary policy must create an environment conducive to deepening financial reform and openness. “In general, today, we must implement sound monetary policy and support stable companies to protectjob, Continue to take precautions and solve the problemBig financesTackling tough risks to further deepen financial reform and openness. “

Pending the governance points of the entire period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and former deputy director of the Central Finance Office, said that the logic Basic of the “14th five-year plan” is to build on the new stage of development and implement the new concept of development. Build a new pattern of development Believe that to build a new pattern of development, we must go deepersupplyLateral structural reforms, build a more resistant supply pattern; accelerate technological innovation, build a self-sufficient technological pattern; expandResident consumption, Build a pattern of internal demand with the consumption of residents as a fundamental pillar, insist on expanding the high-level opening and build an open pattern that promotes the mutual promotion of national and international double cycles.

  Multiple measures to help green and low-carbon development

my country presents the goal of “striving for maximum carbon emissions by 2030 and striving for carbon neutrality by 2060.” At this annual conference, the theme of many sub-forums also focused on “low carbon and green development”. “Peak carbon and carbon neutrality are two interrelated stages. The dialectical relationship between them is ‘this is fast and the other is fast, this is low which is easy, and this is slow and the other is difficult’. The Five-Year Plan “is a critical period and a window period,” said Li Zheng, executive vice president of the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University.

“We only have less than 10 years left to achieve the peak carbon goal, so the time is very short. We must provide the whole of society with a driving force to achieve the peak carbon goal through relevant policy formulation. said Xia Guang, a researcher at the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and a former National Inspector of Ecological Environment Protection.

Participants from relevant departments also revealed policy ideas to support green and low-carbon development in the next step. Yi Gang said that peopleBankGreen finance has been identified as a key task for this year and the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”. It will enhance the standard green finance system, strengthen reporting and disclosure, fully incorporate climate change drivers into the policy framework, and encourage financial institutions to actively respond to climate change. Challenge and deepen international cooperation to do this job well.

With the aim of “fully incorporating climate change factors into the policy framework,” Yi Gang emphasized that the People’s Bank of China ispressure test, Systematically consider climate change drivers.In monetary policy, we are studying and adoptingPrime rate, Special green re-loans and other support tools to encourage financial institutions to provide financial support for the reduction of carbon emissions.foreign exchange reservesIn terms of investment, we will continue to increaseLinkControl investment in high-carbon assets and incorporate climate risk factors into the investment risk management framework.

Participants also presented suggestions on next policy measures. Xia Guang said that the driving force provided for the whole society to achieve carbon peaks can be divided into three aspects: driving force, pulling power and action force. This also corresponds to the three aspects of policies: the driving force corresponds to the implementation of the government Regulatory policies, the power of attraction corresponds to policies that provide incentives and orientation through the market, the power of action corresponds to policies that improve the capacities for social action.

  Several open highlands seek new breakthroughs

In the first year of the “XIV Five-Year Plan,” China’s measures to expand openness came into the limelight. At the annual meeting, people from all walks of life jointly discussed the prospects for China’s opening up to the outside world.

Wang Yiming believes that China’s economy has been deeply integrated into the world economy andInternational division of laborThe system, national circulation and international circulation are interdependent and inseparable. China will unswervingly expand openness and, in particular, continue to expand institutional openness of rules, regulations, administration and standards, and build an institutional system and regulatory model that is in line with internationally accepted rules. “This is the need for China’s own development, and it will also promote the common development and prosperity of the world,” he said.

In specific construction, the role of the open platform will be further emphasized. The scheme of the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” is clear and the construction of several open platforms will be promoted in a coordinated manner to create a new open mountainous area with a higher level of openness, a better business environment and a stronger radiation effect.

The reporter learned that, as the only comprehensive pilot program to expand the service industry openness in the country, Beijing has launched 4 rounds of demonstration pilot programs since its implementation in 2015.Yin Yong, deputy mayor of Beijing, He said Beijing will make the most of the advantages of the construction of “two zones” of the comprehensive demonstration zone for the expansion of the domestic service industry and the pilot free trade zone, focusing on, Capital, data, talent,landAnd other factors of production, improve service assurance capabilities and create a first-class local business environment. For example, he said that Beijing will promote greater openness, including value-added telecommunications, and make the negative list of the digital economy more and more streamlined.

Another open highland, the Hainan Free Trade Port, is also generating new breakthroughs. Shen Danyang, Executive Deputy Governor of Hainan Province, stated that during the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period, Hainan will focus on expanding modern logistics, medical and health care, modern finance and business services.industryScale, build an internationalCold chainThe development of blue oceans such as logistics, specialized healthcare, and islands of international design. “We will enhance the economic development policy of headquarters and promote headquarters companies to further integrate with international standards in terms of trade facilitation, investment freedom and capital management,” Shen Danyang said.

(Source: Daily economic information)

(Editor-in-charge: DF520)

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