US accuses Russia of interfering in his election Putin: US saves others alone


Original title: United States accuses Russia of interfering in its elections Putin: United States saves the people by itself Source: CCTV News Client

Recently, the United States provoked once again the so-called conspiracy theory of “Russian interference in the American elections,” and the relationship between the two countries has become strained again.

Revisiting the “General Election Interference” Conspiracy Theory That US-Russian Relations Are Tightening

The US intelligence agency issued a report on the 16th that Russia supported Trump during the 2020 US presidential election and cracked down on Biden’s campaign team. The report also mentioned that it intends to impose new sanctions on Russia. Russia firmly denied the allegations in the report.

The source of the sound was Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president:Russia did not interfere in the last American elections, nor in the 2020 elections mentioned in the report.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova:We do not accept this report. First of all, it is another lie and false information manufactured by the United States. Second, US state agencies should think of something more concerned, fresher, and closer to reality, rather than misleading national public opinion. in this way. We believe that the US intelligence services only want to use similar documents to prove their sense of existence and that the huge budget allocated for them is reasonable.

At the same time, US President Biden made inappropriate comments against Russian President Putin in a media interview.

ABC Host:What price should he (Putin) pay.

President of the United States, Biden:You will pay the price.

In response, the Russian Embassy stated on social media that some ill-considered statements by the US leader put the relationship in jeopardy, which was already too contentious. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it indicated that the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, will return to China to discuss the prospects for relations between Russia and the United States.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova:The atmosphere of Russia-United States relations is very tense. I can only say that I do not remember a similar situation. The new United States government has been in power for almost 100 days. We believe that this is a good opportunity to evaluate the work of US President Biden Washington’s team in recent years. The behavior of Russia-US relations has come to a standstill.

Does the United States accuse Russia of interfering in the elections?

Netizen: There is nothing new, doesn’t it mean that the choice has not been rigged?

With regard to the so-called “Russian interference in the American elections”, the Russian people, the media and some national public opinions in the United States believe that it is out of nowhere, trying to change the focus of the conflict.

Gary, Russian citizen:Obviously, Biden is trying to create a scandal. You need to face Russia. The United States has always been our opponent. They have done everything possible to destroy Russia, but they will not succeed.

Regarding the usual American conspiracy theories, some Russian netizens said: “The comments of the US government that once again accuse Russia of interfering in the elections are nothing new or boring.”

“The US government has made blatant accusations against other countries, but has never presented concrete evidence. All the rhetoric is only verbal.”

Some US netizens noted that former President Trump and his supporters insisted that there was fraud in the 2020 US election. At the time, Democrats kept saying there was no problem with the election. How come they are fighting again now?

“If someone interfered with the election, why was everyone who said on social media that the election interfered with the ban?”

“Doesn’t that mean that the election was not rigged? Only when it is in the interest, the election is ‘rigged.’

“Why has the intelligence department never evaluated how the Democratic Party rigged the election? Or how the voting itself turned into a disaster in America?”

As for why the United States reiterates “Russia’s interference in the elections,” some Russian netizens believe that it is US politicians who exercise personal political influence to serve some voters.

Another netizen believes that this is the essence of the American “war machine”: “America wants war. America always wants war. Because it is good for business. On all roads, they will always choose war. Propaganda There will always be more deaths. “

Some netizens pointed out that the United States is the one that interferes in the internal affairs of other countries and manipulates the elections of other countries: “What about the interference of the United States in Venezuela and the support (of the opposition leader) Guaidó? I guess it’s like Obama in Syria. Like Bush in Iraq, call it ‘bringing democracy’. “

American Liberal Party Wes Benedicte:The United States government has interfered in the internal affairs of many other countries, especially Russia. The United States has found too many reasons to criticize Russia, many of which are our own internal problems.

Russian TV Today host:(US) There will always be reasons to blame Russia. You really don’t think that the US government led by Biden will suddenly improve relations with Russia, do you? Life can be full of surprises, but this is not the case.

Putin Responds To Biden’s “Killer” Statement: US Saves Others By Itself

In addition to accusing Russia of interfering in the US elections, US President Biden even called Russian President Putin a “murderer” in an interview with the media.

Putin responded to this today by saying that people are used to looking for their own characteristics in others, believing that others are equal to them, in order to evaluate others. The knowledge of the American leaders was formed under a specific historical background, including the policy of genocide against the Indians, slavery, etc. Today, African Americans continue to be treated unfairly. Putin said that the Americans believe that the Russians are just as wrong as they are and that the Russians have a different “genetic code.”

(Edited by Lu Kaili)
