Resume sales “black hand” touches the “lifeline” of the job search platform Zhaopin, 51job and Liepin are named by CCTV 315 gala | 315 focus_Sina


Original title: Resume sales “black hand” touches the “lifeline” of the job search platform Zhaopin, 51job and Liepin are appointed by CCTV 315 Gala | 315 Focus

Resume sales have formed a black industrial chainThe job search platform once said that it regards user information security and privacy protection as its own.“Life line”But when the black hand touches“Life line”Is there a responsibility for the job search platform?Why the recruitment platform that was supposed to be used for information exchange has become the source of leakage of information about the resume

2021year315MatchExposed CCTVResume leaks on many large online recruitment platforms,among themZhaopin’s recruiting, hunting, and were named.

In response to the CCTV exposure, Zhaopin, 51job, and Liepin.comNo public response yet

At the close of this edition, Zhaopin, 51job, and Liepin have been removed from the mobile app stores of major Android brands.At the apple storeThe above three apps can still be downloaded normally

CCTV exposed how personal resumes flow into the black market

Zhaopin RecruitmentCEOGuo Sheng recently stated publicly, “For the recruitment industry, safety should be the first priority. In this regard, we are willing to put in a little more effort, take a little risk, and even sacrifice some business interests.”CProtect end users. “But user safetyNot just talking about itMore cope with the action

According to CCTV315Party todayReport, in a name called58Zhilian fan “QQIn the group,Closed TV circuitThe reporter pays a buyer7Yuan, I bought a job seeker resume from The job applicant’s name, gender, age, photo, contact information, work experience, educational experience, and other information are available on the resume.

TheseHow was your resume leaked?ofHow Can Zhaolian Recruitment Personal Resume Information Be Sold On The Internet Black Market?to revealAs long as you register a corporate account on Zhaopin Recruitment, you can easily download these resumes in bulk.

Reported thatRecruitment in and only need to pay the corporate bill. As long as the corporate account pays to apply for membership, you can download a full resume containing key information such as name, phone number, and email address without limitation. Although Zhaopin Recruitment states that corporate users should not disclose resume information in any way. However, the information downloaded from the curriculum lacks management and monitoring, which allows it to flow into the black market of the Internet. Job seekers don’t know that as long as they are willing to spend money, business users can download job seeker resumes without restriction. They don’t even know who downloaded their resumes and what they did with them.

Through this approach, a large amount of personal information from the resume continuously flows into the black hands of criminals. Provided through the corporate account, the black hand looking for the resume can download and resell the resume without the knowledge of the job applicant.

Police Reveal Resume Fraud Trap

The Xinhua news agency had previously reported“Resume the sales industry chain”,Reported thatIllegal intermediaries not only illegally obtain personal information from resumes, but also sell such information on a large scale and make illegal profits from it. This type of resume sale is undoubtedly a very obvious and typical violation of citizens’ personal information. Not only is it a general violation, but it can also be suspected of violating the personal information of citizens. According to the Penal Code, if you illegally sell, provide or obtain personal information of citizens by illegal means is an act of infringement of personal information of citizens.“Whoever violates the relevant state regulations by selling or providing personal information of citizens to others, and the circumstances are serious, will be sentenced to a fixed-term prison of no more than three years or criminal detention, and a fine or fine.;If the circumstances are of special gravity, they will be punished with imprisonment not less than three years but not more than seven years and they will be sanctioned with a fine “.

In recent years, police in various places have discovered many similar cases. Daqing Police in Heilongjiang“Net Net2020“In the special operation, the case of infringement of citizens’ personal resume information was successfully resolved, involving personal resume information as high as1500More than ten thousand items, the amount involved750010,000 additional yuan.

The police investigation found that, on the one hand, criminals obtained resumes through corporate accounts;QQGroup, buy resumes in bulk. Through this approach, a large amount of personal information from the resume continuously flows into the black hands of criminals. In recent years, the police in various places have solved many similar cases. On one of the suspect’s hard drives, there are only a few such stored citizen resumes.700More than ten thousand.

Is the platform for the disclosure of user information?Assume the responsibility

According to the content exposed by CCTVRelevant website of the online recruitment platformeitherIn effective preventionFully perform your duties and responsibilities in “resume sales” behavior and take responsibilityUntilcorrespondentResponsibilities of “Shutu” and “Guardian”

famousTHATOccupation with Intellectual Property Lawyer ZhaoHe answered similar questions in an interview with The Paper.He saidThere are two situations for this type of buying and selling of resumes. One is that criminals use vulnerabilities in the management of the recruitment platform to register accounts and publish false recruitment information through audits to collect resumes and then resell them; the other is to use technical loopholes in hiring. platforms to directly steal information from the user’s resume. Both cases are suspected of illegal infringement of the personal information of citizens.

Does the contracting platform have to assume the corresponding responsibilities for the leakage of user information? Zhao Zhanzhu said that if the evidence is sufficient, the platform should bear civil liability and administrative penalties.Means, mediumThe platform will assume administrative responsibilities and will be sanctioned by the control authority. Generally, it includes ordering corrections and fines; Furthermore, the platform must also assume civil responsibility to indemnify users whose information has been leaked. If the user can prove that they caused losses, the platform should be liable for civil compensation because it has not complied with its information security obligations.

However, if a single user cannot collect enough evidence, and a large amount of user information is indeed leaked, Zhao Zhanzhu said that the prosecution can bring such cases for public interest litigation in accordance with the law.

Occupation ZhaoMeans, medium“Perhaps many users have not suffered direct economic losses, or even if they have, it can be difficult to prove from which channel the information was leaked. It is a better way for the prosecution to file a public interest lawsuit on behalf of users whose rights have been infringed. And ways “.

In response to problems like online job search and resuming sales, etc.,2020year12In September, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the “Administrative Regulation on Online Recruitment Services”, which clearly requires human resource service agencies involved in online recruitment services to review the authenticity and legality of the Materials provided by employers are disclosed, illegally sold, or illegally sold to others. Provide the personal information you collect and violators will be punished. The management regulations also clarify the online job search and recruitment information specifications, information review specifications, network security and information protection specifications, and billing specifications.

RuleAlready in2021year3month1It will go into effect today.
