Words and concepts of the two meetings | Environment | Inner Mongolia | Ecological environment | Secretary General_Sina News


Original title: The two encounters of words and points of view | Context

A new journey, dreams arise.

The big meeting in the spring of 2021, the beginning of the event is related to the general situation, and the beginning determines the future.

In recent days, Secretary General Xi Jinping went to the National People’s Congress and the CPPCC delegation four times and heard 24 representatives face-to-face. The secretary general interacts with you sincerely, exchanges frankly, discusses the state of the country, focuses on the new stage of development, explores new concepts of development and outlines a new pattern of development …

The place of “environment”, beautiful China, is immediately in front of us.


  “‘The green water and the green mountains are the golden mountains and the silver mountains’, this is actually an added value”

Time accumulates quantitative changes into qualitative changes.

One is an important ecological security barrier in the north of the homeland, and the other is known as the “Chinese Water Tower”. For the two regions of Inner Mongolia and Qinghai, the protection of the ecological environment is one of the issues of most concern to Secretary Xi Jinping.

In 2021, the Two National Sessions, representatives of the Inner Mongolian delegation and the Qinghai delegation, Zhou Yizhe and Kong Qingju, brought the Secretary General good news from his hometown:

“According to estimates, the total value of our forest and wetland ecosystem service functions here in 2018 is 615.974 billion yuan. Green waters and green mountains are the Jinshan Yinshan. There is a clear account.” The former lumberjack and current ranger are from the Greater Xing’an Mountains, Inner Mongolia, Zhou Yizhe from the forest farm told the general secretary about the new “Forest Symphony”.

“Snow leopards and desert cats that were occasionally seen in the past have now appeared frequently.” “Ecological management has become stricter and green water and green mountains have returned.” Kong Qingju, a village teacher who grew up at the foot of the Qilian Mountains, brought photos to the general secretary. It shows two cute “cats”.

By placing ecological environment in the overall national strategy, Secretary-General Xi Jinping calculated an ecological account for everyone: “Total ecological value is the concept of green GDP, which shows that ecology itself is value. Not only There is the value of the forest itself., There is also a green lung effect, which can even bring tourism, forest economy, etc. “Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains,” which actually adds value. “

“A wealthy society is not integral, and the quality of the ecological environment is the key.” “Protect the ecological environment as protect the eyes” “Adhere to the ecological priority, promote high-quality development and create a high-quality environment First is” adhere to the ecological priority “” … … In the In recent years, the words of Secretary General Xi Jinping have entered the hearts of the people of the two sessions of the country.

  This is a sea of ​​grassland flowers filmed on Zalut Banner (photographed June 5, 2020). In the summer, the mountain meadows in the northern part of Zalut Banner, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are thriving.

One by one vivid development cases, pleasant green stage scenes … Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has used its own development achievements to express a simple and true truth: green development is in line with coexistence. and win-win situation of mankind and nature Requirements are more in line with the laws of sustainable development of ecological environment.

Continue to do good work on the “addition and subtraction” of ecological and environmental protection, which is not only Secretary-General Xi Jinping’s requirement for Inner Mongolia and Qinghai, but also the requirement for the entire country.

“Benefit the people and help the children and grandchildren”, a beautiful China has a long way to go.

  Business environment

  “Deepening of the reform and opening and optimization of the business environment”

A country will not prosper without business and the people will not be rich without business. The hundreds of millions of market players are an important source of China’s economic vitality.

A good business environment is as essential as sunlight, air, and water. It is an ecosystem for the survival and development of market agents and determines the competitiveness of countries and regions.

In the Inner Mongolian delegation, Secretary General Xi Jinping asked Inner Mongolia to determine its position in building a new pattern of national development. It presented three “requirements”, one of which is “to deepen reform and openness, optimize the business environment and actively participate in joint construction. The” Belt and Road Initiative “promotes high-quality development with openness high level “.

In recent years, Secretary General Xi Jinping has put forth important requirements for creating an internationalized, legalized and market-oriented business environment on many occasions. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have continued to promote the reform of “delegation of power, regulation of services and improvement of government functions” to accelerate the profound transformation of government functions and stimulate the vitality of the market by optimizing the environment of developing.

Improving the business environment gives companies the deepest feelings. One data set fully reflects the vitality of China’s market entities in 2020: 25.02 million new market entities registered throughout the year, 22,000 new companies registered on average every day, and 140 million market entities at the end of the year; Above designated size industrial enterprises have achieved this year-round Profit was 6451.6 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% over the previous year.

The business environment can only be better, not the best. The 2021 “Government Work Report” clearly stated: While implementing the policy of helping companies alleviate hardships, intensify efforts to promote related reforms, and cultivate more active and creative market players.

In the context of building a new pattern of development, China’s opening door is opening more and more and will share more development opportunities with other countries in the world and promote the recovery and development of the global economy.

  Urban and rural environment

  “Promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and fully implement the rural revitalization strategy”

To do a good job on this important article of the rural revitalization strategy, we must take the path of urban-rural integration and development.

More than two months ago, Secretary General Xi Jinping emphasized at the Central Conference on Rural Work that it is necessary to promote the development of urban-rural integration in order to achieve tangible results, improve the development system and mechanism of urban-rural integration, and to promote citizenship of the agricultural transfer population. The region should be considered as an important entry point for the development of urban-rural integration. These important instructions point the way and the direction for the integrated development of urban and rural areas and pose specific requirements.

How to solve the problems of regional disparity, urban-rural disparity and income disparity? During the Two National Sessions, Secretary General Xi Jinping continued to have in-depth exchanges with representatives and members, ideas that collide.

“Fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept.” In the first year of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, the Secretary General again asked for the “witness” of the new concept of development.

  This is a blooming navel orange garden taken on Feb 27, 2021 at Xilingxia Village, Quyuan Town, Zigui County, Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Zigui County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, is building beautiful villages, adapting measures to local conditions, planting peach, plum and other fruit trees in navel orange orchards.

In the Inner Mongolia and Qinghai delegations, Secretary-General Xi Jinping passed “practical measures”: to develop advantageous characteristic industries, develop moderate-scale operations, promote industrialization and agriculture and livestock brand, and combine with development of culture tourism and rural tourism. Increase the income of farmers and herders; improve the production and living conditions of urban and rural residents, strengthen the improvement of rural residential environment, cultivate a civilized country style, and build a new beautiful and pleasant socialist village with harmonious industry …

The better you know, the more faithful you will be.

Editor in Charge: Zhu Jiabei
