Gather powerful forces for rural revitalization


[Perspectivas brillantes de las dos sesiones]

Gather powerful forces for rural revitalization

——On behalf of committee members to effectively consolidate poverty alleviation results

Guangming Daily reporter Li Hui

By current standards, 98.99 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, 832 poor counties removed, and 128,000 poor villages included. General regional poverty has been resolved. The alleviation of poverty in my country has created a miracle that shines in the annals of history.

Getting rid of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. After winning the battle against poverty, the focus of the work of the “three rural areas” has shifted towards the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization. How to consolidate and scale up the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connect rural revitalization? How to firmly maintain the bottom line to prevent the return of poverty on a large scale? In both sessions this year, the representative committee focused on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization to gather strength to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

Industry flourishes, field flourishes

“Depending on working in a nearby poverty alleviation base, I got out of poverty, earning 10,000 yuan a year and can live a good life on my doorstep.” At the Qiuxue Peach Industry Poverty Alleviation Base in Miaoquan Village, Luxi County, Jiangxi Province, Zhong Dongwen, a poverty alleviation home, is busy fertilizing peach trees. Zhong Dongwen is a typical representative of the county’s poverty alleviation through industrial development.

To consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, the continued support of the industry is inseparable. In Luxi, “five thousand mu” industrial poverty alleviation projects in Taoyuan, orange grove, grapefruit orchard, tea and vegetable garden spread to 9 municipalities and more than 40 villages, leading to more farmers to increase your income and get rich.

In Nankuanping City, Shanyang County, Shaanxi, the living environment of Anjiamen Village, where poverty has been eliminated, has been significantly improved, the spirit of the masses has been improved, and the feeling of profit and happiness.

“Poverty alleviation is the starting point for a new struggle. Going forward, it is more important to consolidate development and effectively connect poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.” Representative Ning Qishui, Undersecretary of Anjiamen Village Party Branch, suggested that the industry projects should be precisely planned and equipped according to local conditions Professional talents combine long-term projects and short-term projects to find the market of a great advance to guarantee the sustainable development of the project. He suggested that the government and finance departments integrate funds, increase special support to rural industries, such as microfinance, industrial capital investment, etc., to increase the collective economic income of the village and ensure that it does not return to poverty. .

Much remains to be done to enhance rural revitalization and promote the development of green industries. Member Ma Quanlin, Deputy Director of the Gansu Desert Control Institute, suggested that the creation of forests and villages should be included in the unified planning of rural revitalization strategies and promoted as a whole. Establish a special fund for forest and rural construction to give a one-time bonus to the successful creation of national forests and villages, especially those in economically underdeveloped areas, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of forest and village creation in various regions. and promote the green development of the countryside.

Establish a mechanism to prevent a return to poverty.

This year’s government work report proposed that a long-term mechanism to consolidate and scale-up poverty alleviation results should be established and improved in order to improve the overall level of development of poverty alleviation areas.

The key to consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization lies in whether a complete mechanism exists. Establishing and improving the follow-up mechanism for those prone to re-poverty is critical to maintaining the overall stability of major assistance policies in poverty-stricken counties.

“To make an effective connection between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, we must harness the key links.” Working methods such as the “implementation” working mechanism and the precise implementation of policies are applied to the general promotion of rural revitalization.

To consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, Representative Chen Chunfang, Party Branch Secretary of Chegudun Village, Nanying Township, Lingshou County, Hebei, suggested that on the one hand, we should establish and improve a mechanism to prevent a return to poverty. and strengthen the monitoring of people prone to return to poverty and achieve early detection and early intervention and early care; on the other hand, it is necessary to establish and improve long-term assistance mechanisms such as industry, employment, education and medical care. care to make the poverty alleviation effect more sustainable.

“This year’s ‘Core Document No. 1’ noted that the integration of urban and rural development within the county should be accelerated. We will actively promote the expansion of powerful cities and plan the construction of several key cities.” Representative Lu Dimin, head of the Mango Testing Station in Tiandong County, Guangxi, suggested that the western region carried out pilot reforms to expand power and strengthen cities, effectively promote the revitalization of rural industries, ecology, culture, organizations and talents, activate the vast central and western rural areas, and contribute to the construction of a new model that takes the domestic cycle as its main axis and promotes the national and international dual cycle. developing.

Cultivate talents, retain talents

Talents are the cornerstone of rural revitalization. In recent years, rural revitalization has turned vast fields into a focus for investment and business. Many aspiring young people have returned to their places of origin to start businesses, injecting vitality into rural development. In Xingyi City, Xinjin District, Chengdu, Sichuan, Luo Linzhong’s rural vegetable restaurant and eco-tourism garden, a returning businessman, became popular due to rural tourism.

By participating in Tianfu Green Collar College’s “Chef Training Class”, Luo Linzhong and his wife began to work with confidence. “Now a week’s income is equivalent to last month’s income, especially on weekends and holidays, business is particularly good,” Luo Linzhong said.

“The demand for talents in rural revitalization has shifted from skilled farmers to more diverse new farmers. The original model of farming rural talents needs to be expanded and updated.” New Hope Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Yonghao suggested that the implementation should be implemented through subsidies and support conditions. The “Agricultural Talents Going to the Field” plan attracts and retains talent. He suggested training senior professional agricultural managers, incubating newer generations of peasant entrepreneurs, and better mobilizing poverty-stricken households and small farmers to master skills.

The rise of rural e-commerce and live streaming has opened a window for agricultural products to “get out of town and into town.” Representative Zhang Jindong, Chairman of Suning Holding Group, suggested that rural e-commerce talent training should be a systematic project and that an e-commerce talent training model linked by government, universities and institutions should be established. e-commerce companies. The government will carry out high-level design and universities will provide intellectual support. Conduct hands-on training to quickly and effectively train rural physical retail talent.

Member Su Hua, a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association and vice president of the China Vocational Education Society, suggested supporting vocational universities to establish a rural practical talent training system without profit through a combination of training and hands-on operation, and a pairing method of centralized training and flexible, decentralized training. Provide specific skills training for new-type professional farmers, planting and breeding experts, wealthy leaders, and returning migrant workers.

“Guangming Daily” (Edition of March 7, 2021)
