Wu Youliang: persist in the patriots who rule Hong Kong and promote the practice of “one country, two systems” to achieve long-term stability and development-Chinanews.com


The second plenary session of the Fourth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee was held at 9 am on March 7 in the Great Hall of the People, where members delivered speeches.

Wu Youliang, President of Kingway Group Holdings Co., Ltd .: The theme of my speech is to persist in the patriots who rule Hong Kong and promote the practice of “One Country, Two Systems” with long-term stability and development.

Wu Youhao: On June 30, 2020, the “Law on Maintaining National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China” was promulgated and implemented. This is a day that the general public in Hong Kong will never forget. From noon to midnight, he was as excited as many Hong Kong citizens. Many people took to the streets to raise the five-star red flag to express their excitement.

Wu Youhao: Hong Kong citizens will never forget that Hong Kong has suffered the violent impact of the “Altered Regulation Amendment” for almost a year. How many shops and subway stations were destroyed by arson, how many roads and railings were destroyed and how many policemen were splashed, sulfuric acid was disfigured, stabbed with sharp knives and bows and arrows, how many citizens were burned with gasoline, beaten up to turn them into blood, and even the national flag and national emblem were burned and defaced. This pile of stacks is shocking. Hong Kong people live in panic every day and the economic losses are incalculable. Hong Kong has become a “capital of violence” and a “capital of terror” where external forces and anti-China chaos in Hong Kong rampant attack the bottom line of the “one country” principle. This has seriously damaged human morale, seriously threatened the lives of Hong Kong citizens, and seriously hurt the feelings of people across the country. Many people sadly asked: What happened to Hong Kong? And Hong Kong? Many people shed tears, tears of outrage, tears of pain.

Wu Youhao: On June 30, people again shed tears of emotion and comfort. Today, the Hong Kong National Security Law has been in place for more than half a year, and Hong Kong society is stable, citizens are safe, and people’s hearts are at peace. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Hong Kong held a traditional visa search activity to predict Hong Kong’s fortunes. The public left a message on the Internet: “No visa is better than Hong Kong’s National Security Law,” “Hong Kong’s National Security Law is the signature of Hong Kong’s security!” Rest assured, citizens they finally await a day of tranquility! Hong Kong finally ushered in a major turning point of chaos and governance! The majority of Hong Kong citizens sincerely appreciate President Xi’s wise leadership and decisive decision-making, as well as the central government for stopping the violence and chaos and correcting the chaos!

Wu Youhao: Today, we deeply feel that Hong Kong needs the strong leadership of the central government, the support of the state, and the firm and conscious safeguarding of national interests in Hong Kong amid major changes never seen before in a century.

Wu Youhao: President Xi pointed out: Hong Kong’s major transition from chaos to government once again revealed a profound truth, that is, to ensure the long-term stability and practice of “One country, two systems,” we must always adhere to “patriots who rule Hong Kong”. This important instruction speaks to the hearts of the broad masses of Hong Kong compatriots and points the direction for the “one country, two systems” policy to be stable and far-reaching in Hong Kong. Learning from President Xi’s speech, we have three experiences:

First, ruling Hong Kong by patriots is a fundamental issue related to national sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong is a special administrative region that depends directly on the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong governors must first love their country, and must also firmly support the Communist Party of China, the founder and leader of the Republic, and support the party and the country’s “one country, two systems” policy of governing. Hong Kong Dachuan does not agree with the leadership of the Communist Party of China and does not agree that “one country” is the prerequisite for “two systems.” Only the true patriots who rule Hong Kong can guarantee that Hong Kong and the motherland are never separated.

Second, the patriots who rule Hong Kong is the fundamental requirement for the implementation of the general governance power of the central government. Only by adhering to the patriots who rule Hong Kong can we adhere to the “one country” principle and implement the comprehensive governance power of the central government. Only by adhering to the patriots who rule Hong Kong, resolutely implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law and demonstrating democracy and freedom on the path of the rule of law can Hong Kong There will be rules and regulations, and they will not be eroded by outside forces, and they will not be shaken. Only by insisting on the patriots who rule Hong Kong can we promote Hong Kong policy smooth integration into the overall development of the country, enhance competitiveness, and prosper, prosper and stabilize our family and business. This is the common welfare of our Hong Kong compatriots.

Third, for patriots to rule Hong Kong, there must be a strong system guarantee. It must be admitted that the current system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to ensure that patriots rule Hong Kong is flawed and imperfect. It should be reformed as soon as possible to promote the modernization of the SAR’s governance system and governance capabilities, and use a sound system to ensure that the patriots rule Hong Kong. This is an urgent need for the implementation and development of the “one country, two systems” policy in Hong Kong, and it is also a necessary step to effectively maintain Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. The use of systems to ensure that patriots rule Hong Kong includes not only the governance of the SAR administrative, legislative and judicial power structures, but also the governance of SAR education and other fields. Patriotic sentiments must be the core value of Hong Kong rightly and confidently and passed on from generation to generation!

Wu Youhao: I firmly believe that with the care and support of President Xi and the Central Committee, the strong backing of the great motherland and the ruling Hong Kong by patriots, Hong Kong will have a better tomorrow.

(Organized according to the web text live stream)
