Writing a New Unfolding Chapter, Xi Jinping Calls on Inner Mongolia to Make Efforts in These Areas | Inner Mongolia | Xi Jinping_Sina News


Original title: Hookup + | Writing a new chapter in development, Xi Jinping asks Inner Mongolia to make efforts in these areas

On the afternoon of March 5, Secretary General Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolian delegation at the Fourth Session of the XIII National People’s Congress where he was meeting. The stage was filled with a democratic and active atmosphere.

“The new development concept is a whole, which must be complete, accurate, and comprehensively understood and implemented, and must strive to serve and integrate into the new development pattern.”

“We must cherish and continue to adhere to the glorious tradition of national unity and the high honor of the ‘model autonomous region’ to consolidate and develop the overall situation of national unity.”

“We must do a good job in studying and educating the party’s history, educating and guiding all party members so that they do not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, and unwaveringly seek happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. “


By participating in the deliberation, the general secretary fully affirmed the work of Inner Mongolia over the past year and presented clear requirements for the construction of a new pattern of development, the consolidation and development of the overall situation of national unity and the study and party history education. CCTV “Liancasting +” is specially solved, and we will learn with you.

  Focus on serving and integrating into the new pattern of development

Identify Inner Mongolia’s position in establishing a new pattern of national development., In-depth analysis of one’s own strengths and shortcomings, further clarify the key industries and the main directions of economic development, promote high-end, smart and green related industries, develop strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing according to local conditions, and make general plans. infrastructure

Pay attention to promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, cultivating excellence and increasing efficiency., Try your best to adjust the structure, function and quality

Close to the industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain deployment, Continuously improve scientific and technological support capabilities

Deepen reform and openness, optimize business environment, Actively participate in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and promote high-quality development with a high-level openness.

  Resolutely maintaining the bottom line to avoid a return to poverty on a large scale

● Inner Mongolia has a large area with sparsely populated land, the scattered lives and lives of farmers and herders, and a fragile ecological environment. It is difficult and challenging to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promoting rural revitalization.Resolutely maintaining the bottom line to avoid a return to poverty on a large scale

Develop advantageous industries and characteristics and develop moderate-scale operations., Promote industrialization and branding of agriculture and livestock, and combine it with the development of cultural tourism and rural tourism to increase the income of farmers and shepherds.

  Build a strong ecological security barrier in the north of the homeland.

● Protect the ecological environment of Inner Mongolia,Build a strong ecological security barrier in the north of the homeland.

● Adhere to the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains.Steadfastly follow the path of ecological priority and green development.

Continue to fight the battle against pollution, Strengthen the comprehensive treatment of air, water and soil pollution, and continue to improve the urban and rural environment.

Strengthen source governance, Promote the efficient use of resources, increase the green transformation of key industries and important fields, develop cleaner production and accelerate the realization of green and low-carbon development.

● Coordinate the management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, pastures and sand systems, implement ecological protection and restoration projects, and increase the protection of the ecological system.Improve the stability and sustainability of the ecosystem.

  Consolidate and develop the general situation of national unity.

● As the oldest established autonomous ethnic region in my country, Inner Mongolia has a glorious tradition in promoting ethnic unity. It has long held the high honor of a “model autonomous region.”Appreciate and follow

● Revolve around common unity and struggle, common development and prosperity,Please note that Han nationality cannot be separated from ethnic minorities, minority nationalities cannot be separated from Han nationality, and ethnic minorities cannot be separated from each other., Carry out detailed and practical work in promoting national unity, and strengthen the recognition of people of all ethnic groups with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China and socialism with characteristics Chinese.

  Conduct education on the consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation.

Doing a serious good job of popularizing the national common language, Fully promote the use of nationally compiled teaching materials.

● Between cadres and masses of all ethnic groups.Undertake in-depth education on the consciousness of the Chinese national community.In particular, we must start with the education of the young, guide the cadres and the masses to fully understand the party’s ethnic politics and establish a correct view of the country, history, nationality, culture and religion.Take a clear stand against all kinds of misconceptions., Join the joint force to “build a beautiful Inner Mongolia and make the great Chinese dream come true”

  Do a good job in studying and educating the history of the party.

● The Central Committee of the Party has taken comprehensive measures for the study and education of the history of the party,Implement it without compromise

  ● Take advantage of these red resourcesOrganize the majority of party members and cadres to focus on the history of the party, while learning the history of New China, the history of reform and opening-up, and the history of socialist development.Do itLearn history to make sense, learn history to increase credit, learn history to respect morality, learn history to practice,Do itLearn the history of the party, understand ideas, do practical things and make a new advance

● On important issues such as adhering to the right path to solve ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics, safeguarding the unity of all ethnic groups, and forging the consciousness of the Chinese nation as a community.Continuously improve ideological understanding and level of work.

Editor in Charge: Liu Guangbo
