The task of stabilizing foreign investment this year is still focused on the five key directorates of the Ministry of Commerce.



[La tarea de estabilizar la inversión extranjera este año sigue siendo importante. El Ministerio de Comercio ha aclarado las cinco direcciones clave]Although China’s use of foreign investment will grow against trend in 2020, the situation to stabilize foreign investment this year remains dire. On March 1, the official website of the Ministry of Commerce announced the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in Stabilizing Foreign Investment with a Focus on Establishing a New Development Pattern”, which outlined 22 specific measures of five aspects to carry out the stabilization work for foreign investment this year. (China Business News)

Although China’s use of foreign capital will grow against trend in 2020, the situation to stabilize foreign capital this year remains grim. On March 1, the official website of the Ministry of Commerce announced thejobsThe “Notice” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), proposes 22 specific measures of five aspects to carry out the work of stabilizing foreign investment this year.

Former Vice Minister of Commerce,China International Economic Exchange CenterVice President Wei Jianguo told China Business News that the notice is mainly to implement the Foreign Investment Law and Implementing Regulations to be implemented in 2020 and the “Encourage Foreign InvestmentindustryCatalog (2020 Edition) “, one of the highlights is that it has changed the concept of management, restriction and supervision with policies in the past, and it has changed it to a concept of stimulus-oriented service.

The notice noted that it is necessary to expand the high-level openness to the outside world, attract more resources from high-quality external factors, and promote the internal cycle, before implementing in-depth accessNational treatmentAdd a negative list management system, implement the “Catalog of Industries that Encourage Foreign Investment (2020 Edition)”, promote the combination of attracting capital and technology and talents, and formulate the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the Utilization of Investments Foreigners “.

In Wei Jianguo’s view, in the past, most foreign investment opportunities were in the coastal areas. In the context of “creating a dual cycle link and foothold for national countries”, foreign investment opportunities may reside in coastal zones, free zones, or in free zones, central and western regions, even in border areas.

The notice indicated that it is necessary to improve the level of open platforms and create national and international dual-cycle connection points and support points.Create a new plateau for reform and opening up, the in-depth development of the industry expansion services and the opening of demonstration pilots, promote innovation and improvement of national economic development zones and improve border areas.The level of development, Actively promote open regional development.

Wei Jianguo said: “Improve the development level of the combined border areas and actively promote open regional development. This is the first time it has been proposed.”

The notice also emphasized the need to increaseIndustrial chainInvestment promotion efforts have promoted the integration of national and international industrial chains. Innovate ways to attract investment, actively attract strategic investments, carry out various investment promotion activities, and make the most of the role of various exhibitions.

The notice indicated that it is necessary to improve the guarantee system of the foreign investment service to ensure the industrial chainsupply chainKey foreign investmentbusinessStable operation Improve the foreign investment service mechanism and strengthen key pointsForeign companiesContact services, promote the acceleration of the implementation and construction of key foreign investment projects, continue to increase the protection of foreign investment and make good use of special funds for foreign economic and commercial development.

“One of the keys to perfecting the system and guarantee mechanism of the foreign investment service is to establish a complaints mechanism. We must listen more to the feedback of foreign entrepreneurs to allow state companies, private companies and foreign companies to compete. fairly”. Wei Jianguo added.

GE China Chairman and CEO Xiang Weiming told CBN that the above notice encourages foreign investment to participate in China’s new stage of development. Currently, China is the world’s largest GE outside states. United.Big orderA countrymarketGlobal supply chainAn indispensable part of the system. In recent years, China’s continuously optimized business environment has enabled GE to continuously respond to China’s development needs, bring the latest global scientific and technological R&D achievements to China, and invest in innovation, manufacturing, talent training. and local acquisitions in R&D with partners.

The stabilization of foreign investment is severe, but there are opportunities. Official data shows that in 2020, China’s use of foreign capital will grow against trend. The actual use of foreign capital for the entire year is 999.98 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2%. There are 39,000 newly established foreign capital companies, making China the world’s largest foreign capital inflow country. In January 2021, China’s actual use of foreign capital continued the development trend of the previous year, reaching 91.61 billion yuan that month.RMBI andAn increase of 4.6%.

While the situation in the use of foreign investment is good, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao stated at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on February 24 that the stabilization situation of foreign investment this year it is severe and complicated due to its uncertainty. On the one hand, its uncertainty is due to the uncertainty of the epidemic and the uncertainty of the economic recovery; On the other hand, competition between countries for investment has become increasingly fierce. United Nations Trade and DevelopmentmeetingGlobal FDI this year is forecast to fall 5-10% based on last year’s 42% drop. The situation is grim, but we believe the opportunities exist as well.

In the context of preventing and controlling the global epidemic, foreign-funded companies have continuously increased their confidence in the Chinese market and continued their operations in China.

The annual announcement of the German Chamber of Commerce in ChinadealThe confidence survey report shows that among the surveyed German companies, 39% of companies have achieved growth in their business in China in 2020, and 42%Business benefitsIncrease; for the situation in 2021, most German companies in China are optimisticattitude. 77% of companies believe that their industry will develop better in China than in other markets, and 72% of companies expect to share in Chinathe companySales will increase, 56% of companies expectprofitIt will increase, 96% of companies said they have no plans to exit China, and 72% of companies plan to invest more. German companies interviewed believe that China has a large presence in innovative technologies and digital solutions.Deal

(Source: China Business News)

(Editor-in-charge: DF524)

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