Go boldly forward and show new achievements.


Original title: Bravely advance and show new feats.

  On February 25, the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was held grandly in Beijing. Cadres and people from all walks of life in Qinghai actively listened to the live broadcast of the conference and the response was enthusiastic. All said that in this eight-year battle against poverty, the masses of all ethnic groups in Qinghai handed over a qualified “poverty alleviation answer sheet” to the party and the people. Getting rid of poverty is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. The conference inspires cadres and masses from all walks of life in Qinghai to boldly advance rural revitalization work and show new facts on the new battlefield.

  Niu Dehai: Getting rid of poverty and taking off your hats is the starting point for a new life

On February 25, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Niu Dehai, Secretary of the Dari County Party Committee of Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, was awarded the National Advanced Individual for Poverty Alleviation and received praise. nationals along with more than 1,900 advanced people. people across the country. “Excited, excited, touched!” Recalling the scene when he participated in the National Poverty Alleviation Commendation Conference, Niu Dehai summed up his state of mind at the time in three words.

Since the beginning of the fight against poverty, Dari County has focused on the goal of “two no worries, three guarantees”, through leadership in party formation, relocation, health and poverty alleviation. , ecological poverty alleviation and industrial poverty alleviation, to promote poverty alleviation to a successful conclusion. In industrial poverty alleviation, Dari County has integrated household industry projects and counterpart assistance projects, implemented targeted industrial parks for poverty alleviation, commerce and tourism, and increased income from more than 7,000 people.

In the field of ecological poverty alleviation, Dari County has developed ecological positions as rangers, ecological protection and management personnel, environmental sanitation cleaners, etc., and has established agricultural and pastoral areas around the improvement plan of three years for environmental improvement in agriculture. and grazing areas, greening actions of the land and system along rivers and lakes. In the grazing area ecological clean-up mechanism, there are over 2,000 ecological managers in Dari County, who realize the dual effect of “poverty alleviation + protection”.

Niu Dehai said that in future work, we will always maintain a high spirit and hard-working work style, do a good job in all aspects, improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty, and ensure that poor households are truly out of poverty. Really poor. (Wu Mengting)

  Ma Lan: lead everyone to live a more prosperous life

“This time it is an honor for me to be able to participate in the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference and receive advanced personal honors. It is an honor and an incentive. After returning, I will continue to dedicate myself to the work of promoting the revitalization strategy. rural and give life to all. Prosperous days, “said Ma Lan, Party Secretary of Qiuzhi Township, Qumalai County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

Short hair and athletic shoes are standard equipment for Ma Lan’s work. He said he can dedicate himself to his job. Over the years, it has overcome the difficulties of Qiuzhi Township, which is sparsely populated, has a large service radius and high-altitude hypoxia. You go home during the day to understand the situation and solve problems at night. Because the homes of the shepherds are far from each other, sometimes it is necessary not only to coordinate several departments to solve a problem, but also to travel a lot. It is often a busy day to solve a home problem.

After a long time, the local people know that there is a “man woman” secretary who is solving the difficulties of the masses, so everyone will come to her to solve any problems, such as the development and expansion of the project of collective operation of the town . and the berthing of various support working groups. It is as small as mountain disputes, neighborhood disputes, sick cattle and sheep, etc.

“We live under the Kunlun Mountains, the source of thousands of mountains, and the source of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers, the source of all waters. Therefore, we must protect the water and soil on one side, always aiming for development. harmonious of ecology and development, and insist on exploring the proper harmony for local economic development and ecological governance. The way forward together. ” Ma Lan has already set new goals for a better life in the future, and hopes that under the favorable political conditions of the rural revitalization strategy, he will lead everyone to a better life. (Zhou Jianping Sang Tai Russia and Japanese measures)

  Cao Shoulin: Realistic Contribution to Rural Revitalization

On February 25, Cao Shoulin and the two village committees watched the live broadcast of the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference. Although the eulogy ceremony was over, Cao Shoulin’s excitement could not calm down for a long time.

Cao Shoulin is the first secretary of the Qinghai Province Second Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals Geological Studies sent to Sanjiaocheng Village, Xianghua Tibetan Municipality, Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County. Since he became the first secretary of Sanjiaocheng Village, Cao Shoulin has seen that the village has high potato yields and high starch content. Every year a large number of vegetable traders go to the fields to buy potatoes. After discussing with the members of the village task force and the members of the two village committees, they prepared to start a noodle factory.

With the strong support of the Xianghua Township Government and Party Committee, in May 2020, Sanjiacheng Village started building a noodle factory, which was completed and put into operation in October of that year. These days, Cao Shoulin is busy helping village potato noodles find a market, and he’s also busy delivering noodles to customers who order them. This poverty-stricken village, which had suffered nine droughts in ten years, has now established its own economic system.

“Advanced is our role model, our role model. As a member of the grassroots workers for poverty alleviation, all the workers who participated in this great war are fortunate. Our contribution is worth it, and the smiles of the poor are the best for us. Good, “said Cao Shoulin, he will mobilize his energy and do his best to effectively integrate poverty alleviation and consolidation work with the rural revitalization strategy, and change his” hard work index ” by the “happiness index” of the town. (Wu Mengting)

  Zhang Guobin: Make “Qing” brand stronger

“The model group that has been praised on stage this time is not only a role model for our Haidong people, but also a great spirit for the Qinghai people,” said Zhang Guobin, a young businessman from Ledu District, Haidong city.

After the 80 who dares to venture out and fight, after graduating from college, Zhang Guobin went to Shanghai. He started out as a salesperson in the fast-moving industry. With the perseverance of the Qinghai people and the belief that the spirit of hypoxia is not lacking, he went all the way to the large area. Director. “Big cities can temper us, but our hometown needs us more.” Seeing that his hometown is getting better and better, Zhang Guobin’s idea of ​​returning to his hometown to start a business has been strengthened.

In early 2019, Zhang Guobin left his high-paying job and returned to Qinghai, where he began selling agricultural and secondary products with some like-minded friends. While delving into specialized local products, they also kept up with the trend and opened a specialized tea house as a window for foreign tourists to learn about Qinghai humanities, for more people to get acquainted with Qinghai and understand the Qinghai. honest farmers and shepherds. behind Qinghai specialties and for the masses The story of a poor person who increased his income and became rich.

“Since the fight against poverty, our characteristic Qinghai industries have been developed and people’s income and living standards have been improved. In particular, we have made many efforts to create characteristic and advantageous poverty alleviation industries such as yak, highland barley and national handicrafts. I hope that in the coming days, driven by good policies, the most prestigious ‘green’ brands have helped farmers and herders continue to increase their income and make our hometown be more prosperous. ” (Zhou Jianping, Sangtai, Russia and Japan)
