The Ministry of Transport answers all questions: there are more than 10,000 refrigerated and insulated vehicles throughout the country, and free and convenient transport of vehicles that perform the new task of transporting vaccines of the crown | Daily Economic News


On the morning of February 26, the Ministry of Transport held a regular press conference in February to release data on the economic performance of transport in January.

The reporter warned that on January 26, the Ministry of Transportation, together with the National Health Commission, the General Administration of Customs and the National Administration of Medical Products, issued the “Technical Guidelines for the Road Transport of Cargo of New Vaccine against the Coronavirus “. In response to the problem of transporting the new coronavirus vaccine, a reporter from the “Daily Business News” asked at the press conference: The current global demand for vaccination against the new coronavirus has increased significantly and higher requirements have been placed on transport. of the vaccine. . The Ministry of Transport has recently introduced a policy of free passage of vehicles for the delivery of new vaccines against the coronavirus. What are the relevant vaccine transport characteristics and what is the current situation? What service assurance measures will the transportation department take?

Transportation Ministry spokesman Sun Wenjian said in response to a question from a “Daily Economic News” reporter that the Transportation Ministry issued a notice a few days ago.For vehicles that perform the task of transporting goods for the new corona virus vaccine, tolls for toll vehicles are waived and free, continuous and convenient transit is implemented.Toll stations will be set up with special channels to ensure that vaccine cargo transportation vehicles have priority and convenient passage; for the moment, toll stations that do not have the conditions for the installation of special channels will pass through the “green channel” for the transport of fresh agricultural products.

More than 10,000 refrigerated and insulated vehicles across the country can meet vaccine transportation needs.

Sun Wenjian introduced that the current domestic storage and transportation conditions for the new coronavirus vaccine are 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, which requires high timeliness of transportation. Generally, refrigerated insulating trucks + refrigerated insulating boxes are used for transport.

“According to a preliminary investigation,The country has more than 10,000 refrigerated and insulated vehicles and about 300,000 refrigerated and insulated boxes, which can meet the transportation needs of vaccine production, supply and inoculation.

Sun Wenjian said that in order to effectively ensure the safe and efficient transportation of the cargo of the new coronavirus vaccine, the Ministry of Transport has focused on three tasks:

Specifically, the first is to strengthen the technical guidelines for the transportation of vaccine cargo. In conjunction with the National Health Commission, the General Customs Administration, the National Food and Drug Administration and other departments, they formulated and issued the “Technical Guidelines for the Road Transport of New Cargo of Coronavirus Vaccines”, which clarified technical guidelines for the three main links of vaccine cargo transportation preparation, transportation process, and emergency response. Provide reference for the standardized operation of each operation topic.

Second, to promote the connection between vaccine transport and production supply and demand.The Ministry of Transport, together with the relevant departments, adhere to “high standards and strict requirements”, and published a list of the main vaccine cargo logistics companies consisting of 28 road transport companies and 28 international transport companies cargo, and promotes a close connection between vaccine manufacturers and logistics companies.

Also, strengthen the safety of vaccine transport vehicles. The Ministry of Transportation specially issued the “Notice on how to do a good job in the free, continuous and convenient passage service of the new coronavirus vaccine loading vehicles”, established a transport order system and implemented free services, continuous and not -Stop transportation for vaccine transportation vehicles with transportation orders Convenient access policy.

“At the same time, a 24/7 transportation security service call was opened at 010-65292831 to receive and coordinate the transportation of emergency supplies, such as vaccines, in a timely manner.”

Sun Wenjian said that in the next step, the Ministry of Transportation will further close the departmental coordination, strengthen the overall planning, and provide a strong guarantee of road transport service for the production, supply and vaccination of vaccines. At the same time, he also urged the relevant companies that handle the task of vaccine transportation to strictly comply with the relevant requirements, improve various management systems, and effectively ensure the safe and efficient transportation of vaccine products.

Positive progress has been made in the transformation of “adaptive aging” in transport

At the end of 2020, the Ministry of Transport and seven other departments jointly issued a document to solve the problem of the difficulties of the elderly in the use of smart technology. Among them, it is proposed that the improvement of the inspection services of the “health code” in the transport Field should be completed by the end of February 2021. What is the current progress of the “aging” transformation in the field of transport ?

In response, Sun Wenjian said that the issue of senior citizens’ travel has attracted a lot of attention. In order to solve the obstacles older people face in the “digital divide”, the transportation industry has taken a number of related measures.

Previously, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and 7 other departments, issued the “Notice on the effective solution of the difficulties of the elderly in the use of intelligent technology to facilitate the daily transport of the old people”. On February 1, the Ministry of Transport held a videoconference for the exchange of work experiences in facilitating the daily transport of the elderly to share the experience of various regions and encourage each region to learn from each other.

Sun Wenjian said that the current work has made positive progress, mainly in the following areas:

One is to optimize the sanitary code inspection service. It is not very convenient for older people to check their health codes when they travel. For those who really need to verify the health code in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control requirements, the transport field has optimized the services of the staff to verify on behalf of the staff and register with valid certificates. All passenger terminals and highway service areas have manual services on hold; Some areas where conditions permit, cities like Changzhou have established channels without a health code at passenger terminals to ensure that the elderly can travel without a health code.

The second is that the “one-click car call” makes it more convenient for older people to take a taxi and ensure that older people can use the Internet or without a mobile phone.

For example, major online ride-sharing platform companies, such as Shouqi Car-hailing and Didi Chuxing, have optimized ride-sharing software features and already implemented “one-click ride-sharing” ahead of the Spring Festival; Shenzhen, Shanghai and other The places have been in the main central transportation, hotel and tourism stations. Scenic locations and key business districts have installed “one-click car call” kits for cruise cabs; Xi’an and other places provide combined “one-to-one” services Ensuring services for seniors who need a fixed car and seniors with mobility problems.

The third is to maintain the manual service windows in the passenger terminals. All local automobile passenger stations, passenger terminals, urban rail transit stations, highway service areas and toll stations maintain manual service windows to provide convenient services and assistance, such as consultation and guidance for the elderly to ensure a carefree travel for the elderly.

“In the next step, the Ministry of Transport will continue to monitor relevant deployments, pay close attention to the travel needs of the elderly, and continue to improve the level of ‘aging adequate’ service in transport, so that older people have more sense of profit, happiness and security in the trend of the ‘smart era’. Feeling, “said Sun Wenjian.

Cover Image Source: Xinhua News Agency

Consultation in real time of the new global epidemic of pneumonia
