The State Administration of Taxation promotes 100 measures to facilitate the handling of taxes and fees, “without penalty for the first offense” that will be extended to the entire country |


Original title: The State Tax Administration introduced 100 measures to facilitate taxation and rates, and the “first violation of impunity” spread throughout the country

In order to reduce the burden on taxpayers, the State Tax Administration has implemented 100 service measures in 10 categories that are convenient for people and benefit them, including the introduction of a unified national list of “without penalty for the first offense. ” etc.

To reduce the burden on taxpayers, the State Tax Administration has introduced new measures.

On February 24, the State Tax Administration held a press conference to launch 2021 “I Do Practical Work for Taxpayers and Facilitate Private Tax Operations”. Ren Rongfa, deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation, presented that this year’s “Spring Breeze Action” has launched 100 service measures in 10 categories that are convenient and beneficial for people, focusing on the theme of “optimizing services. of law enforcement and doing good things for the benefit of the people.

This includes the establishment of a taxpayer experience mechanism for the issuance of tax service products, the expansion of the scope of the presentation and review of preferential tax policy materials, the launch of a unified list at the national level of “impunity for the first time. rape “and the launch of a special action for small and micro enterprises” Spring Rain Run Miao “.

It is understood that the 100 measures to facilitate private taxation fully responded to taxpayer concerns. Since February of this year, the State Tax Administration has launched a nationwide survey on the needs of taxpayers, collecting more than 30,000 opinions and suggestions, and most of them have been adopted, making up the previous 100 new measures to facilitate private taxation.

Korea Rong, Director of the Tax Service Department of the State Tax Administration, presented at the meeting that many of the highlights of the “Spring Breeze Action” are practical tricks to streamline processes and streamline information.

For example, the comprehensive implementation of the consolidated statement of property behavior tax; the average processing time for normal export tax refunds domestically has accelerated by more than 10%. Promote the social security payment business and the “joint operation of one office” of the social security and health insurance management business, and further reduce the cost of paying taxes.

In January this year, the executive meeting of the State Council decided to study and promote the “first offense without penalty” list system in the field of tax law enforcement.

According to Rao Lixin, Chief Auditor of the State Tax Administration, the State Tax Administration has studied and decided to further promote the “first offense without penalty” system in the national tax system, and plans to publish at the end of March, including registration of taxes, sending data, filing taxes, issuing invoices, etc. The first batch of the list of tax-related items “first offenses without penalty” unified at the national level, taxpayers first noticed the items listed in the list and the circumstances were less tax authorities took the initiative to correct before the tax authorities found out or corrected them within the period ordered by the tax authorities. If there is no administrative penalty, it cannot be imposed in accordance with the law.

Rao Lixin said that the implementation of a unified national system of “impunity for first violation” lists will help standardize the application of the administrative tax law and improve the fairness and impartiality of the application of the law; on the other hand, it will help improve mutual understanding and support, highlighting the modern concept of flexible supervision of the tax authorities, combining corrections with corrections, inclusive and prudent. At the same time, applying “no first offense penalty” to minor offenses can quickly and easily resolve issues, effectively improving law enforcement efficiency, reducing compliance costs, and promoting tax compliance.

In addition to promoting “impunity for the first violation” throughout the country, “Operation Spring Breeze” has a series of new measures to optimize tax law enforcement.

Wang Shiyu, Director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the State Tax Administration, presented at the meeting that this year, in terms of regulating the application of the law, a mechanism will be established to review the rights and interests of tax normative documents , and the rights and interests will be reviewed before the normative documents are officially published to confirm whether the rights and interests of the taxpayers reduce or increase the burden on the taxpayers. Strengthen the analysis, monitoring, supervision and inspection of the implementation of preferential tax policies and measures and the illegal collection of “excessive taxes”.

This year, the State Administration of Taxation will also promote a unified benchmark of regional tax administrative sanctions. Wang Shiyu explained that, at present, all provincial tax offices have established discretionary benchmarks that are uniformly applicable within the province. On this basis, the State Tax Administration has combined with the national and regional coordinated development strategy to actively promote regional tax offices to formulate unified taxes. administrative sanction discretionary benchmarks.

For example, this year, the State Tax Administration, together with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development and the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle, will further explore the promotion of a discretionary benchmark of unified tax administrative sanctions. within the region, and better play the role of fiscal support and serve the country’s coordinated regional development strategy.

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Editor in Charge: Wang Xiang
