Collection! In 2021, Central Committee Document No. 1 arrives and it’s full of dry goods! _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original title: Collection! In 2021, the Central Committee document No. 1 is here, and the dry goods are full!

On February 21, the “Promotion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council for the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernizationopinion“, that is, the Central Document No. 1 issued in 2021.

How to continue consolidating the results of poverty alleviation? How to advance in agricultural and rural modernization? How to implement rural construction activities? How to deal with bad trends like expensive gifts? Central Document No. 1 in 2021 will be implemented in many ways and will provide benefit packages to farmers.

  —— Make the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization

During the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, the goals and tasks of poverty alleviation in the new era were completed as planned. Under current standards, all the rural poor were lifted out of poverty, all poor counties eliminated, and relocation proceeded, poverty alleviation and relocation efforts were fully completed.

During the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, how to continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation?

Core Document No. 1 in 2021 proposes that after completion of poverty alleviation goals and tasks, a five-year transition period will be established for counties that have escaped poverty since the poverty alleviation date, in order to help them get on and off. Improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent the return to poverty, detect and provide timely assistance to the poor who are prone to return to poverty and maintain the objective of preventing the return to poverty on a large scale.

At the same time, dynamically monitor the rural low-income population and implement hierarchical and classified assistance.workCapable low-income rural population, insist on development assistance to help them improve endogenousDevelopment capacity,development ofindustry,take partjobRelying on both hands to work hard to get rich.

  —— Securing grain, cotton, oil, sugar, meat, etc.supplySafety

Core Document No. 1 in 2021 also proposed that in-depth implementation is importantFarm productsWarrantystrategy, Improve the governor’s responsibility system for food safety and the “vegetable basket” greater responsibility system to ensure the safety of food, cotton, oil, sugar, meat and other supplies.

How to guarantee security of supply?

The document made many deployments: strengthening the functional areas of food production and importantFarm productsConstruction of production protection zones Building national food securityIndustrial beltExpansion of the three main food crops of rice, wheat and corncostSureAnd incomeSurePilot scope. Accelerate the construction of a modern farming system, protect the basic production capacity of live pigs, improve the long-term mechanism for the stable and orderly development of the live pig industry, and actively develop the cattle and sheep industry, etc.

  —— Promote organic farming in an orderly mannerIndustrializationrequest

Seeds are the basis of agricultural modernization Following the central economyjobsmeetingSubsequently, in 2021, the Central Committee document No. 1 was proposed again to fight a turnaround in the seed industry.

The document clarifies that the third survey and collection of crop germplasm resources, livestock and poultry germplasm resources will be accelerated, and the construction of national resources of agricultural, livestock, poultry and marine fisheries biological germplasm will be strengthened.

At the same time, accelerate the implementation of important scientific and technological projects in agricultural biological improvement. Implement a new round of livestock and poultry genetic improvement plans and a modern seed industry modernization project. Respect science, strict supervision and orderly promote industrial application of organic farming Support the leaders of the seed industrybusinessEstablish and improvedealTo improve the breeding system, accelerate the construction of southern Silicon Valley, strengthen the construction of seed production bases and improved seed improvement systems, study the research and development of major varieties and post-subsidy policies promotion, and promote the integrated development of improvement and promotion.

“Seed technology is particularly important for agriculture and has a relatively large contribution to increasing production,” said Dang Guoying, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.monopolySex is stronger, which meanspriceThe provider has the last word. China itself is a great agricultural country. Fine seed cultivation is a basic technology that you must master yourself.

  ——Construction of 100 million acres of farmland to ensure harvest during drought and floods in 2021

The cultivated land is the basis of food production. Resolutely stopping the “no agriculture” of arable land and preventing “no hail” In 2021, the central government document No. 1 proposed resolutely maintaining the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land. Take steps to “grow teeth” and implement the most stringent farmland protection system.

“The resources of cultivated land are limited and non-renewable resources. If the red line of cultivated land is broken, it will be impossible to talk about China’s food security. Therefore, we must emphasize the ‘no agriculture’ of cultivated land. “Wan said. Jianmin, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The document proposes to clarify the priority of the use of cultivated land, permanent staple cropland is mainly used for grain production, especially rations, and general cultivated land is mainly used for grains and cotton, oil, sugar, vegetables , etc.Farm productsAnd forage production.

“Implement a new round of high-level farmland construction plans, improve construction standards and quality, improve management and protection mechanisms, and raise funds for construction through multiple channels. Central and local governments they will jointly increase investment in the construction of high-level agricultural land in major grain production areas, and build 100 million mu in 2021. High-standard agricultural land with high yield and stable yield during droughts and floods. “

  -Order the launch of the second round.land30-year trial extension after contract expires

Land is the lifeblood of farmers. In 2021, central government document No. 1 proposes to adhere to the unshakable collective ownership of rural land by farmers, adhere to the unbreakable basic state of domestic contract management, and orderly carry out the second round of land contracting and extending the 30-year trial after it expires to keep rural landRecruitment relationshipStable and unchanging for a long time, and improve the land management rights circulation service system.

At the same time, strengthen farm management, constantly promote rural housing system reform, and exploreproperty, Qualification rights,Right to useEfficient way to divide. Guarantee the land contract rights of farmers that are established in cities,Right to use the property, Collective rights of income distribution, study and formulate specific methods for voluntary and paid transfers in accordance with the law.

“The central government has repeatedly emphasized that set-aside and contracted farms should not be used as farmers to settle in cities. The intention of the policy has been very clear. All localities cannot and dare not impose such restrictions on farmers. to settle in the cities. “Dang Guoying pointed out.

  —— Increase governance of bad practices, such as high-priced gifts

In terms of rural construction and rural development, Central Document No. 1 of 2021 also contains a lot of ink.

The document makes clear that county-level spatial and spatial planning will be basically completed in 2021, and the layout of the villages will be clarified. Actively and orderly promote ‘multi-plan integration’ practical village planning preparation and achieve full coverage of village planning as soon as possible for villages with conditions and needs.

“The preparation of the village plan must be based on the existing foundations, preserve the characteristics of the village and not participate in large-scale construction and demolition.” The document emphasizes: “Rural construction is built for farmers, and they should be based on local conditions, steadily and steadily, and without wind to play sports. Strictly regulate the removal of villages. Also, they should not go against the wishes of farmers, force them to go up there, do things well and do practical things. “

In recent years, high-priced engagement events have frequently caused controversy. The document proposes to continue to promote rural customs, promote the point system, moral advice, red and white advice and other practices, increase high-priced beauties, human sentiment comparison, thick burial and thin support, extravagance and waste, feudal superstition and others. bad practices, and promote the formation of civilized rural customs, good family style, simple folk style.

(Source: China News Network)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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