Renren’s Film and Television Subtitling Team was investigated and commented: Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Means Protecting Innovation | Renren Film and Television | Intellectual Property_Sina


Original title: Cong Lixian: Everyone’s movie and television subtitle group was investigated, protect intellectual property rights is to protect innovation

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau investigated and handled the case of the copyright infringement of film and television works by everyone. People in general affirmed and supported the handling of the case. However, some people tried to intercede from the perspective of Renren Film and Television Subtitling Group providing free entertainment and cultural products to netizens, which is actually a failure to identify the essence of the case.

It is reported that the public security organs in this case operated the website of the Renren Film and Television Subtitle Group and the client and the personnel of the operating company involved. These staff used websites and clients and sold mobile hard drives to broadcast pirated movies and television works that contained Chinese subtitles. The act was not a normal copyright infringement, the infringement was serious and was suspected of constituting a copyright infringement offense.

Judging from the status of the notification of the case, the case processing agency did not treat or correct the translators of the film and television works in the Renren Film and Television Subtitling Group case. This must be evaluated objectively. For Renren Film and Television Subtitle Group translators of film and television works, if the translator translates film and television works on the Internet for study and research purposes, for use by Renren Subtitle Company for network communication. , these translation enthusiasts also do not spread the translation by themselves The later film and television works did not help the company of the subtitle group Renren to provide film and television works, in this case, the translator is actually the victim of the offense. Of course, if the translators translate film and television works for profit and help the Renren Subtitling Company spread them on the Internet, these translators may also constitute an aid in the infringement, and the circumstances may be serious enough to comply with criminal conditions, and can also constitute accomplices.

This issue has raised widespread concern in the field of intellectual property rights. People in the industry believe that basic rules of intellectual property must be observed, that is, unauthorized works cannot be deduced (translated) by others, much less pirated. This type of basic cognition must be known to all the protagonists of the event. If it is clear that the unauthorized translation and dissemination of other people’s works by oneself constitutes an infringement, the subject involved should have embarked on a standardized development path and established a legal and compatible business model, instead of ruining the situation and becoming counterproductive.

Today, when the protection of intellectual property rights has become the basic consensus of a civilized society, no individual or organization can infringe on intellectual property rights under the banner of the diffusers of knowledge. Specifically, on behalf of the free supply of cultural products, the intellectual property rights of cultural products can not be ignored, in violation of the basic rules of protection of private rights in a society under the rule of law, and the essence from theft and manufacturing profits. In the “Internet +” era there is no shortage of all kinds of free “lunches”, but whatever happens, the premise of free ones is to provide them reasonably and legally, taking other people’s stuff for free is not allowed .

Protecting intellectual property rights is protecting innovation. The intellectual property system is a set of effective systems established to match the innovation and development of society after human society enters the market economy. In the historical process of reform and opening of my country, the protection of intellectual property has played a key role as an important part of international cooperation and national innovation and development. At present, my country is transforming from a great IP country to a strong IP country, and international cooperation and competition in IP have become more important.

From the perspective of promoting the prosperity of the cultural industry, while strengthening the creation and dissemination of excellent domestic film and television works, it is also necessary to properly strengthen the introduction of copyright of excellent foreign film and television works to meet people’s entertainment needs. However, the introduction of excellent foreign films and television dramas must follow standardized copyright channels. Piracy and smuggling are not only detrimental to the creation and consumption of national film and television dramas, but also cannot fundamentally solve the needs of people’s cultural, film and entertainment consumption, and will also damage the order of management. cultural.

Only by jointly protecting humanity’s innovation achievements can we share innovation achievements and achieve common progress. China vigorously promotes the protection of intellectual property, participates deeply in global governance of intellectual property, and integrates international protection of intellectual property with practical actions. This leads to protecting and stimulating innovation, achieving high-quality economic and social development, and promoting the high-level international economy. and business cooperation. In this regard, the relevant departments equally protect domestic and foreign intellectual property rights and strictly enforce intellectual property rights. This is not only the need of the times for national innovation and development, but also the responsibility of international cooperation to protect intellectual property rights.

(The author is a researcher at the East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era)
