Japanese media: Japan’s emergency situation lasted for 1 month 3 senior officials were exposed to illegal drinking late at night


Original title: Japanese media: Japan’s emergency situation lasted for 1 month 3 senior officials were exposed to illegal drinking outside of the night

According to Japanese media reports, due to the continued expansion of the new corona epidemic, the Japanese government decided on the 2ndEmergency declaration1-month extension, that is, from February 7 to March 7.

Additionally, during the emergency declaration, three senior Japanese government officials ignored the relevant regulations and entered and left the Ginza hotel and tavern late at night. After the incident was exposed by the media, it sparked public criticism.

The situation remains grim, the emergency declaration is extended by one month

According to the “Nikkei Shimbun” report, the Japanese government decided to extend the deadline for the emergency declaration from February 7 to March 7 in response to the growing epidemic of the new crown. At the same time, Japan’s “Go To Travel” tourism demand stimulus policy will continue to be suspended across the country, and Shanghai will continue to ban foreigners from entering Japan.

^ On January 7, in Tokyo, Japan, people wear masks to travel according to the Xinhua News Agency.

Prior to this, on January 7, the Japanese government issued a formal declaration of emergency, with an implementation period from January 8 to February 7. This is the second time the Japanese government has issued an emergency declaration since the new corona epidemic last year. The target regions are 11 prefectures, including Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Tochigi, Aichi, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, and Fukuoka. This extension of time involves 10 other prefectures except Tochigi.

The report noted that the reason the Japanese government decided to postpone it for a month is mainly because the epidemic has not been fully and effectively controlled and the medical supply system is in a severe state. The number of new infections nationwide (7-day moving average) continued to rise after the emergency declaration was issued on January 7, peaking at 6,433.3 on January 11. Since then, it has continued to decline, with 3,463.7 people on the 31st, to 80% on the 7th.

On the other hand, the tense situation in the Japanese medical supply system shows no signs of improvement. According to statistics from the Cabinet Secretariat of Japan, as of January 28, the number of people in recovery per 100,000 inhabitants in 1 metropolis, 3 prefectures, and Hyogo prefecture in the Tokyo area was higher than when the statement was issued. . Increase, and Kyoto remains the same as when the statement was issued.

In terms of the utilization rate for hospital beds that are supposed to be insured at the peak of infection, with the exception of Tokyo, Tochigi and Gifu, the remaining eight prefectures are flat or worse. Hospital beds for critically ill patients in Tokyo are also deteriorating. On the other hand, the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people among infected people is also increasing. In the week ending January 27, the proportion of people over 60 reached 29.6%, an increase of 9.3 percentage points in the two weeks. The elderly are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill. The number of seriously ill patients remains high today, around 1,000, and the death toll (7-day moving average) is also increasing, reaching 94.7 on January 31, a 10% increase in a week.

Three senior government officials were exposed to illegal drinking during the statement

According to reports, the content of the Japanese emergency declaration mainly includes the following aspects: shortening the business hours of restaurants to 8 pm; avoid unnecessary and emergency exits; limit the number of activities; reduce attendance by 70% through remote office. However, three high-ranking Japanese government officials were exposed by the media that they still went to the Ginza pub to drink late at night during the emergency declaration.

^ Three high-ranking government officials in Japan took the blame and took the initiative to leave the party due to illegal alcohol consumption. According to “Sankei Shimbun”

According to an earlier report by Japan’s “Weekly Shincha”, on the night of January 18, Jun Matsumoto, former chairman of National Public Security for the Liberal Democratic Party, went to an Italian restaurant in Tokyo and Ginza.Tavern. At first, Jun Matsumoto insisted that he go alone, but then the media revealed that the Japanese Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tanoze Taichi, and the Vice President of the National Assembly Countermeasure, Takashi Otsuka, they were also present. .Last week, MatsumotopureHe resigned as president of politics of the Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party.

It is understood that Jun Matsumoto’s original intention was “protection“These young people lied to claim that there was a person present. Because the social impact was too great, he had to announce his resignation on January 29. General Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party, Toshihiro Nikai, persuaded the three to resign. to the party, February 1, in the afternoon, they submitted a request to withdraw from the party to the headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party and were accepted.

Red Star News reporter Luo Tian

Edit Zhang Xun

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