General returnees in the province do not need nucleic acid testing and do not need to implement 14-day daily health monitoring-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net


General returnees in the province do not need nucleic acid testing and do not need to implement a 14-day daily health monitoring.

Daily Business Daily News Yesterday afternoon, the Provincial Government Information Office held the 63rd press conference on the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic in Zhejiang province. Chen Guangsheng, Deputy Executive Director of the Office of the Provincial Leading Group for Prevention and Control, Assistant Secretary General of the Provincial Government, Ling Yun, Inspector First Class of the Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology, and Sun Liming, Deputy Director of the Provincial Commission de Salud attended the press conference and answered relevant questions.

“Daily health surveillance” does not mean “home isolation”

General returnees in the province

All places should not take unnecessary control measures.

During the Spring Festival this year, a routine health check will be implemented for people returning from rural areas. Is this different from “home isolation”?

“Home isolation requires that a person live in a single room under the guidance of community medical personnel. Except in special circumstances, such as medical treatment, they should not leave the home. Daily health monitoring emphasizes fewer trips and meetings, and effective monitoring of the scope of activities. During the period, the village (community) Or unit reports body temperature and symptoms, “said Chen Guangsheng.

Also, rural returnee health monitoring is mainly for people coming to Zhejiang from outside the province during the Spring Festival travel period and those returning to the province within the province are targeting key populations. namely, imported food workers from the cold chain. workers who have direct contact with imported goods in ports and places of isolation There are four categories of personnel, including personnel and transport personnel.

As for returnees in general in the province, even if they move through cities and counties, they do not need to verify nucleic acid test reports and do not need to implement 14-day daily health monitoring.

Chen Guangsheng pointed out that for ordinary returnees in the province, all localities should not be overweight, beg their neighbors and take unnecessary control measures.

Source inspection is more critical

Focus on “human” defense and switch to combined “human” and “stuff” defense

Since the beginning of winter, the new corona virus has entered an active period due to low temperatures, and its transmission channels have become more diverse. The prevention and control of the epidemic has moved from “human” to “human” and “material” prevention. “Prevention, and the source of investigation and control becomes more critical.

“Research and source control will focus on key populations first. As it continues to manage the health of immigrants and returnees from Zhejiang to Zhejiang from medium and high risk areas in China, our province will directly contact with medical institutions, centralized isolation sites, imported cold chain food and ports of entry. As a key population, personnel, such as items and other personnel, will conduct nucleic acid tests once a week in winter and spring to find hidden dangers in time. ” Chen Guangsheng said, like the discovery of an asymptomatic infection at a centralized isolation facility in Hangzhou in December last year, it was actively coded for testing.

Not only that, recently Zhejiang Province has included village clinics and individual clinical staff, network administration staff and rural staff who need to be investigated and assisted in investigating the scope of “due inspection”. Through detection, risk points are discovered in time, and patients and close contacts are treated in a timely manner and precisely controlled, striving to block the hidden chain of transmission in advance.

Currently, the greatest risk of a rebound in the national epidemic comes from foreign imports. In the past, we focused on imported cases, but now we must place “physical prevention” in an equally important position.

According to reports, at present, our province pays close attention to the closed-loop management of “full control and no omissions” of imported food from the cold chain, and strictly controls all aspects of customs declaration, storage, transportation, production and operation, and consumption. to ensure that food in the cold chain is well managed and managed. You can control and be safe.
