Two hours after entering the White House, Biden mentioned Chinese leaders | Chinese leaders_Sina


Original caption: Two hours after entering the White House, Biden mentioned the Chinese leader

(Observer Network News) On January 20 local time, the White House “changed hands.” The new US President Biden also arrived at the White House at 3:15 in the afternoon. More than two hours later, when Biden addressed nearly 1,000 new government officials, he specifically mentioned a conversation with a Chinese leader many years ago.

  Biden talks about the newly named official video screenshot Biden talks about the newly named official video screenshot

Based on news from CNN and the Hong Kong South China Morning Post, Biden participated in the swearing-in ceremony of nearly 1,000 new government officials in video form on the afternoon of the 20th. Biden mentioned in his speech that when he met with the leader Chinese at a private dinner a long time ago, the latter asked him, “Can you tell me what America is?”

Biden replied, “I can use one word to describe it: Possibilities … We believe that as long as we make a decision, anything is possible.”

CNN noted that the meeting Biden mentioned occurred during his visit to China in 2011 as the vice president of the United States.

Both the South China Morning Post and the US Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) noted thatBiden did not mention other countries or foreign leaders in his 10-minute speech at the official swearing-in ceremony.. He also warned the newly appointed officials that it is very important that everyone in contact with them respect each other.

The South China Morning Post believes that Biden mentioned the Chinese leaders in the form of souvenirs, andNo negative comments on bilateral relationsThis means that Biden’s tone toward China has changed after the escalation of tensions between China and the United States during the Trump administration.

CNN wrote: “Biden only spent two hours in the White House and remembered his intimate dinner with foreign (Chinese) leaders.”

According to Biden’s Jan. 20 itinerary provided by CNN, he arrived at the White House at 3:15 p.m. after the inauguration ceremony and attended the official swearing-in ceremony at 5:45 p.m.

Biden was formally sworn in as President of the United States on January 20 local time. At the Chinese Foreign Ministry press conference on the 21st, a reporter asked what China’s expectations were for the development of Sino-US relations. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said the past period was particularly difficult. After such difficult times, the Chinese and American people deserve a better future. We also hope that President Biden will be successful in national governance.

Hua Chunying said: I have noticed that President Biden has repeatedly emphasized the word “united” in his inauguration speech, which is exactly what current Sino-US relations require. Many people from China and the United States, as well as the international community, hope that China-United States relations can return to the right path at an early date and make due contributions to jointly address the major and urgent challenges facing the world. today.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in Charge: Li Siyang
