Clarify Capital Development Roadmap in Year 1 of “14th Five Year Plan” _ 东方 Fortune Net


Original title: Clarify the capital development roadmap in the first year of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”


[Limpiar la hoja de ruta para el desarrollo de la capital en el primer año del XIV Plan Quinquenal]On January 23, the fourth meeting of the XV Beijing Municipal People’s Congress opened at the Beijing Convention Center. Mayor Chen Jining briefed the meeting on the government’s work. The report comprehensively examines Beijing’s economic and social development achievements during the “XIII Five-Year Plan” period, clarifies the main goals and tasks of the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period and ten key tasks in 2021, and makes a good start for ensure that the “14th Five Year Plan” starts well. A new chapter in the development of the capital in the new era, a road map and construction program to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements. (The Beijing News)

governmentjobsreportThe path has been laid for the development of the capitalline chartWith construction table,societyAll parties must do so vigorously, consistently and consistently to get off to a good start and begin the capital’s fourteenth five-year plan.

On January 23, the fourth session of the XV Beijing Municipal People’s CongressmeetingAt the inauguration of the Beijing Convention Center, Mayor Chen Jining briefed the conference on the work of the government. The report comprehensively examines the achievements of Beijing’s economic and social development during the “XIII Five-Year Plan” period and clarifies the mainobjectivesTasks and ten key tasks in 2021, in order to ensure a good start to the XIV Five-Year Plan, to work hard to write a new chapter in the development of the capital in the new era, and to draw up a roadmap and construction schedule to Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

By saying goodbye to the “13th Five-Year Plan” and entering the “14th Five-Year Plan”, the development of the capital has entered a new path. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, Beijing has made new important achievements in various enterprises:qualityDevelopment has taken solid steps, the capital functions continue to be optimized and improved, the comprehensive strength of Beijing and the internationalInfluenceSignificantly improved … These achievements have been hard-earned and it is necessary to continue your efforts during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan” and to open up new perspectives on the basis of the consolidation of existing achievements.

If the past 2020 is “extremely extraordinary”, then 2021, which is “the future is here”, is also a “critical year”: 2021 is the start year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party Communist China It is of special and important importance to do solid work on various tasks, get off to a good start and start for the “14th Five Year Plan”, and present a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding. from the party.

At the beginning of the year, the top priority of the work is to do a good job of normalizing the prevention and control of the epidemic in the capital without any relaxation. The current epidemic prevention situation in the capital remains serious and complex, with sudden local clusters of epidemics in individual areas, putting enormous pressure on epidemic prevention work. In the long term, it may be difficult for the epidemic to disappear in a short period of time. Therefore, for a period of time in the future, Beijing will continue to insist on “importing external defense, rebounding internal defense” and consolidating the “four directions.”responsibility“, perfect prevention and standardized controlmechanism, Promote vaccination in an orderly manner, do everything possible to control the epidemic and provide a safe and orderly environment for the economic and social development of the capital.

Focusing on economic and social development requires the continuous promotion of the new development pattern.The new development pattern with the great internal cycle as the main axis and the mutual promotion of the internal and international double cycle is an important advance of my country based on current economic conditions and vision for future development.strategyOn the basis of its unique economic and national and international advantages, the capital has the role of “central hub” and “central hub” in the process of accelerating the development of the “dual cycle”. District “new vitality, occupying the country and evenInternational economicDevelop new highs.

In this process, it is more necessary to persist in taking reform and innovation as a fundamental engine. Reform and innovation are the source of vitality for development and the key driving force for comprehensive modernization.On the one hand, Beijing should persist in deepening reform and openness, and continue to advance the optimization of version 4.0 .Business environmentReform, create a world-class business environment, attract more qualitydealcapital; On the other hand, we must make the most of the advantages of many science and technology and innovation resources, promote comprehensive innovation focused on technological innovation, and cultivateNew industryNew formats, new models, newdemand, To consolidate the high-precision economic structure, improve the economic quality, efficiency and core competitiveness, and add new impetus to the capital’s high-quality development.

Under the capital’s future development strategy of reducing intensive and efficient development, the importance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development is also more prominent. This requires Beijing to firmly learn the “bull’s nose” of dissolving non-capital functions, strengthening Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordination and complementing the advantages of each, building a group of world-class cities with the capital as a core and realize the optimization and improvement of regional economic development. In turn, this will also bring historic new opportunities for high-quality development of the capital.

2021 is the first year that my country has entered the new journey of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”. For Beijing, it is also the implementation of the capital city strategy.Positioning, A crucial year to build a world-class harmonious and livable city, and comprehensively plan and do a good job in all aspects of the work, You not only need the sense of urgency to wait for time, but also the sense of responsibility to give to others. In the government work report, the road map and construction schedule have been drawn up, then it is necessary that all parts of society vigorously and constantly promote the successful achievement of the capital’s goals.

(Source: Beijing News)

(Responsible editor: DF387)

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