Lei Jun Frequently Endorses Xiaomi Phones To Carefully Repeat Gree’s Mistakes


Original title: Lei Jun frequently endorses Xiaomi mobile phones, carefully repeating Gree’s mistakes

These days, Xiaomi’s founder and chairman Lei Jun’s endorsement of Xiaomi Mi 11 can be described as a flood, but Baiming Technology believes this is not good news due to another well-known home appliance.companyGree has received the endorsement of its president Dong Mingzhu. As a result, GreemarketDefeated by rival beauty.

Lei Jun’s endorsement of Xiaomi Mi 11 on the bright side means that Lei Jun has to do everything himself, which is consistent with his model workers. This is indeed something to be admired. After all, there are too manyentrepreneurAfter becoming a rich man, he is often arrogant and flamboyant, and Lei Jun has become a world-renowned rich man and still works hard.

However, from the negative side, it seems that Lei Jun is doing this is a bit off the mark. After all, any industry is specialized in surgery. No matter how strong you are, not everyone can specialize. After all, the energy of people is limited, and of certain In some respects, I am a bit vain.

Among the many national entrepreneurs, most choose to be low-key and rarely appear in the spotlight. After all, appearing often in front of the media consumes too much energy for entrepreneurs, which does not lead to entrepreneurs becoming more business-focused.OperatingIn this regard, Gree can be called a precedent that Xiaomi should be vigilant.

Gree has been the leader of the national air conditioning industry for more than 20 years, especially in the Zhu Jianghong era. Zhu Jianghong rarely appeared in front of the media and focused on businessstrategyPlan, do a good job in technology research and development,productqualityadministrationThus establishing Gree’s leading position in the air conditioning industry. At that time, Gree once held nearly 40% of the domestic air conditioning market.market share

In 2012, Dong Mingzhu was elected Chairman of Gree. Since then, Dong Mingzhu has appeared in front of the media frequently. However, within two years, Oaks began using e-commerce channels to launch fiercepriceAfter the war, Oaks’ online air conditioning market share often ranked first, and online air conditioners accounted for a growing share of the national air conditioning market. This led to Oaks’ steadily increasing share of the domestic air conditioning market, while Gree’s market share began to slowly decline.

At the 618 shopping festival in 2019, Midea chooses to stick with air conditioners onlinePrice war, Midea’s share of the air conditioning market began to skyrocket. In the first half of this year, Midea’s air conditioning revenue surpassed Gree for the first time, and Gree ultimately lost its position as the national air conditioning market leader. At that time, Dong Mingzhu finally realized that the domestic air conditioning market had undergone major changes and began to engage in live broadcasts. Although Dong Mingzhu’s live broadcasts set consecutive sales records, Gree’s revenue from air conditioning could not stop the decline.

The first three quarters of 2020PerformanceIt shows that Gree and Midea’s revenue was 125,889 million yuan and 216,761 million yuan, respectively, with revenue growth of -18.8% and 1.88%, respectively.Net profitYear with yearThe growth rates were -38.06% and 3.29% respectively. From the performance indicators, it can be seen that Midea’s performance is significantly better than Gree’s.

From Gree and Midea’s performance changes, it can be seen that Dong Mingzhu chooses to appear in the spotlight frequently; while the boss of his rival Midea He Hengjian withdrew from rivers and lakes long ago and handed over the management rights to the professional.managerpeopleFang hongboFang Hongbo also chose to keep a low profile in front of the media. Two companiesExecutivesTreat the mediaattitudeVery different, the result is also very different.

Obviously, this result is because Midea bosses and executives chose to focus more on business operations, while Dong Mingzhu spent too much energy on media and did not devote all his energy to business operations. Xiaomi is worth thinking about this. As the helm of Xiaomi, Lei Jun has chosen to be the center of attention frequently. Does Xiaomi’s long-term development really benefit?

It can be said that the current millet is proud, but it is worth noting that the performance of millet in the third quarter showed that it relied mainly on the mobile phone business to drive performance growth.Net profitThe growth rate is significantly lower than the general growth rate. The wearable device that Xiaomi sees as one of the hopeful IoT companies has declined in the domestic market and has been defeated by Huawei.profitSource ofThe InternetThe business growth rate is in the single digits and there are hidden concerns behind the excellent performance.

(Article source: OFweek)

(Editor-in-charge: younannan)

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