Civil aviation administration: promoting transformation and improvement to promote high-quality development of civil aviation infrastructure


Original title: Civil Aviation Administration: Promoting Transformation and Improvement to Promote High-Quality Development of Civil Aviation Infrastructure

On December 30, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the Civil Aviation Administration of China recently issued the “Civil Aviation Administration of China on promoting the construction of new infrastructure and promoting civil aviationqualityDevelopment implementationopinion“(Hereinafter the” Implementation Opinions “) and the” Five-Year Action Plan of the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Promoting New Infrastructure Construction “(hereinafter the” Five-Year Action Plan “), Aiming to actively promote the digital, smart and intelligent transformation of the industry Upgrade to promote the high-quality development of civil aviation infrastructure.

The “Implementation Opinions” are reported to be an outline document, taking 2035objectives. The “Five-Year Action Plan” is a specific action guide to implement the “Implementation Opinions” in the next five years.

The “Implementation Opinions” stipulate that “by 2035, a modern world-class civil aviation infrastructure system will be fully established, so that civil aviation will have a face, a logistics order, a customs clearance inspection, a network operation, a civil aviation digital perception and monitoring platform., Data decision,Lean onadministration, ElaboratedServiceThe capacity has been greatly improved, the infrastructure development mode has been fundamentally transformed, the traditional and new infrastructure have been deeply integrated, and the level of systematization, coordination, intelligence and ecology has been significantly improved. It has become a strong support for the development of a powerful civil aviation country in many fields; y Identify key tasks from three aspects: build industry integration infrastructure, accelerate the construction of industry information infrastructure, and promote the construction of innovative infrastructure, including smart travel, smart logistics, smart operation and smart supervision; strengthen digital perception, build ecosystems and improve data governance, Strengthen network security; support nine industry-specific innovationsjobstask.

The “Five Year Action Plan” is based on the general deployment of the “Application Opinions”, with “digital perception, data decision making,Efficient managementOriented by “careful service”, with the core of building industrial infrastructure and smart ecology, selecting key environments and application scenarios,mechanismInnovation,ProcessInnovation and technological innovation, fighting for the industry by 2025Digital transformationInitial results obtained Key aviationthe company, The central airport and operations support unit have completed the digital transformation and upgrade, multiple fields and multiple agents have realized the transformation from manual decision-making to data decision-making, application to advanced intelligent equipment scale and vigorous emerging business developmentIndustry ResourcesUtilization efficiency continues to improve, operational efficiency and profits are comprehensively improved, comprehensive passenger travel time is significantly reduced, and industry monitoring is more accurate. Key directions include smart travel, smart logistics, intelligent operation, intelligent monitoring andPublic serviceAnd innovation infrastructure.

(Source: China Securities Network)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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