Citizens go to the sub-center to announce the quality of life and business environment in 5 years to meet big changes_ 东方


Original title: Citizens took to the launch pad of the sub-center to welcome the big changes in the quality of life and the business environment in 5 years

December 29, BeijingSub-center of the cityA special press conference was held.jobsHe and 9 representatives of ordinary people living in the sub-center addressed the launch stage and talked about the changes in the sub-center during the past five years from the perspective of the “I”. Tongzhou branch of the Beitou Group, which won the title National Model Workerthe companyviceGeneral ManagerZhang Jie said, “As a person who has witnessed the construction of the sub-center, there are changes in everything he sees; the direction of his heart is filled with joy.

The change of life environment is the most personal feeling of people in daily life. The “illegal construction of a street” was turned into a small park, and the work behind it was not easy to do. Laohuaizhuang Town, Yongledian Town, Tongzhou DistrictcultureSu Xuejun, an activity room worker, shared his personal stories. In 2018, there is adealOn the street, the faces of the doors are “uneven”, and all are back houses built by the farmers themselves, which are typical illegal constructions. The mobilization team in the town worked with everyone many times, but at first nobody wanted it. The village cadre, Ma Lianjiang, offered to pick up her house first and lead by example.

“The front foot was illegally built and demolished, and the back foot town helped everyone repair the wall, and it took less than three months to build a small park. Not only were ginkgo and begonia planted, but pavilions and pavilions were also built. fitness equipment and fitness equipment were installed. The unique light box, in this way, the first small park was built in our village. Seeing that the environment is really better than before, the villagers actively cooperated in cleaning and demolition of rubble and buildings that affect the environment, “Su Xuejun said.

To have “face”, there must be “lizi”. Many buildings in Tongzhou City have been built for 20 to 30 years. Due to lack of maintenance, there are widespread problems in the community, such as old pipes, water clogs, and roof leaks. The “double repair” project in the old city is what residents are waiting for.

Li Jing, secretary of the Yudai Road Community Party Branch, Beiyuan Street, shared that in 2020, the community has undergone some renovations to the building. The roof is waterproof, the building body is painted, the insulation layer is added, the aluminum alloy anti-theft window of the broken bridge is replaced, the handrail is installed, the floor door is covered with anti-slip flooring glue. After community visits and investigations, individual residents who had problems with the heating of doors and windows have increased the indoor temperature this winter by 10 degrees, the infrastructure of the community,Public service, Greening and beautification have been continuously improved.

Live comfortably, livequalityIt should also be promoted Improving the quality of primary and secondary education is retirementprofessorZhou Fengjie is more worried. “Before, my neighbors were always concerned that their children could get into the few high-quality schools in Tongzhou. Now they are much better.”

Primary and secondary schools in the subcentre and the Beijing Municipality have already provided counterpart support. More than 60 high-quality schools in the city and Tongzhou are precisely connected with the primary and secondary schools of the Tongzhou district, and many high-quality primary and secondary schools in the city have been established in the sub-centers: the secondary school of the First Normal University Beijing Fifth Middle School, Renmin University Primary and Secondary School, Beijing Second Middle School, Huangchenggen Primary School and other schools have established Tongzhou campus in the sub-center, adding more than 9,000 high-quality titles. The consistent 12-year “Beijing School” was also completed in Lucheng Town, and more than 1,000 high-quality titles were added this year.

SubcentreBusiness environmentofto get betterIt also attracted the whole countrycompanyIt’s coming.Terminus Technology Group BeijingBranch officeIn 2019, it officially moved to the city’s sub-central Canal business district and completedBusiness registration“Double liquidation” with fiscal landing. The total of the companymanagerZhao Li told a reporter for the Beijing Commercial Daily. “At that time, faced with a series of complicated liquidation policies, documents andProcessWe were in a rush for a while. And the sub-center immediately named us’Corporate servicesButler ‘, provides’ one-to-one’Service。 “

What impressed Zhao Li in particular was that the company did not have office space in the sub-center at the time and could not go through business registration, and many tasks could not be carried out without business registration. At this time, the innovative “Proof of New Construction Residency” policy launched by the sub-center on a trial basis solved the problem for companies. This policy allows developers to submit written requests and use “five certificates” as a temporary substitute .propertyThe certificate is used as proof of residency to apply for a business license for the established business. Under the direction of the “Corporate Services Butler”, the business completed it in just one dayBusiness registrationRegistration procedures have considerably shortened the settlement time.

The development of the sub-center attracts not only companies, but also many “precious visitors”. Photographer Guo Jianhua described the subcentre under his lens. From “not enough to shoot” to “not enough to shoot”, Guo Jianhua loves several parks in the sub-center to shoot: Urban Green Heart, Zhangjiawan Park, and exquisite little pocket parks scattered around the neighborhood and the field.

“The ecological environment has improved and the rivers of the sub-center have welcomed many precious visitors. The Grand Canal Forest Park welcomed thousands of egrets, sometimes thousands, especially the Island of the Moon, which became home of the egrets. I was still in the Grand Canal. I caught herons in Forest Park. There are the most beautiful red ducks. They are everywhere in the Grand Canal, Liangshui River, Yunchaojian River and Xiao Taihou River, “shared Guo Jianhua with enthusiasm.

The current sub-center of the city, a number of iconic projects are being built in full swing, and the framework of the sub-center city opens up in an orderly fashion. Zhou Fengjie shared a poem he wrote at the press conference “workZhe: We see the sparks of electric welding, the rush of the assembly line, the galloping steps and the determined face. This is a work medal carved with soul and will. It’s heavy and shiny!

(Source: Beijing Commercial Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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