Lanzhou Launches Provident Fund Monthly Loan Repayment Business, Saving 15,600 Per Capita Per Year | Housing Provident Fund | Provident Fund Center | Provident Fund_Sina


Original title: Lanzhou Launches Provident Fund Loan Repayment Monthly Business, Saving 15,600 Per Capita Per Year

On December 29, the Lanzhou Provident Fund Center held a press conference on the loan repayment business of the monthly provident fund.Photo by Gao Kangdi, Lanzhou, Dec 29 (Gao Kangdi) “The housing provident fund’s monthly loan repayment service will effectively relieve the pressure of the borrower’s monthly repayment. Calculated based on the average loan value of the Provident Fund Center Lanzhou, the average annual reduction for each loan employee The repayment amount is about 15,600 yuan. ” Zhang Wen, Section Chief of the Loan Management Section of the Lanzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center, said that as long as the borrower or his spouse normally deposit the housing provident fund in the Provident Fund Center of Lanzhou Lanzhou, the deposit account balance shall not be less than 6 months. You can go to the provident fund service room to apply for a loan to request the monthly repayment of the loan.

On the 29th, the Lanzhou Provident Fund Center held a press conference on the loan repayment business of the monthly provident fund. In order to further expand the commercial housing provident fund loan payment channels and effectively reduce the pressure on repayment of the Lanzhou provident fund loan employees, housing will be launched from January 1 2021. Provide monthly business loan payment.

The individual housing provident fund monthly loan repayment business refers to the borrower and his spouse who have paid the provident fund in the Lanzhou Provident Fund Center and applied for the center housing provident fund loan . The monthly payment in the housing provident fund deposit account of the borrower and spouse is used to offset part or all of the monthly repayment of the housing provident fund loans.

On December 29, people ran loan deals at Lanzhou Provident Fund Center Photo by Li Siwen

The reporter learned at the press conference that the Lanzhou Provident Fund Center currently has about 60,000 equity loans for employees. According to calculations, the average loan amount is 400,000 yuan, the average loan period is 21 years, and the average monthly repayment amount is about 2,200 yuan. The average monthly deposit amount per person is approximately 1,300 yuan. According to these data, the borrower only needs to raise 900 yuan in self-raising funds per month, saving more than 16,000 yuan per person per year. The above data is the average value of the center’s current equity loans, and the actual repayment situation must be determined by the borrower when running the monthly loan repayment business.

It should be noted that the balance of the deposit account of the personal housing provident fund of the borrower and his spouse is always kept for not less than 6 months of the deposit. At the same time, the monthly deposit must be in full every month, and no deduction will be made if the amount is insufficient. To draw. If the loan is past due, it will have a negative impact on personal credit. Currently, this service only supports on-site processing.

Zhang Wen said that if the current repayment status is overdue, there is incorrect information in the center, the deposit account is sealed or frozen after applying for the monthly loan repayment business, the business will be canceled. (End up)
