The new version of the catalog is launched to encourage increased foreign investment and industrial policies | Encourage foreign investors_Sina


Original title: New catalog published to promote an increase in foreign investment industrial policies


□ reporter Liu Liliang


On December 28, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce published the “Catalog of Industries That Encourage Foreign Investment (2020 Edition)”. According to the competent head of the National Development and Reform Commission, the 2020 version of the stimulus catalog has a total of 1235 entries. Compared to the 2019 version, 127 entries have been added and 88 entries have been revised, further expanding the scope of incentivizing foreign investment. Among them, there are 480 catalogs of industries that encourage foreign investment in the country, 65 items are added and 51 items are reviewed; there are 755 catalogs of industries with foreign investment advantages in the central and western regions, 62 items are added and 37 items are reviewed.

The official said that the main changes include: First, giving more play to the positive role of foreign capital in the supply chain of the industrial chain. The national catalog continues to focus on manufacturing as a key direction to encourage foreign investment, and adds relevant content based on the guidelines of “introduce capital to complement the chain”, “introduce capital to strengthen the chain” and “introduce capital to expand. chain”. In raw materials field, add or modify items such as high purity electronic grade hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen fluoride, special glass fiber, polarizing base film, diffusion film, mask, polyethylene polyamine, high performance fiber, etc. . In the field of parts and components, elements such as high pressure vacuum components, special valves, special bearings, special glasses, wheel speed sensors, etc. have been added or modified. In the field of terminal products, items such as IC test equipment, L3 / L4 / L5 self-driving hardware, laser projection equipment, ultra-high-definition televisions, ventilators, ECMO, auxiliary medical equipment have been added or modified. artificial intelligence, etc.

The second is to further encourage foreign investment in productive services. The national catalog will promote the comprehensive development of the service industry and the manufacturing industry as one of the focuses of this review, and will develop new business formats and new infrastructure construction in the process of opening. In the field of R&D and design, add or modify such elements as R&D of fifth generation mobile communication technology, development of blockchain technology and design of wastewater treatment facilities. In the field of business services, new items were added such as maintenance of high-end equipment, transformation and integration of digital production lines. In the field of modern logistics, elements such as cross-border e-commerce retail, bulk import and export distribution centers, and community chain distribution have been added or modified. In the field of information services, new elements such as online education, online medical treatment and online office have been added.

The third is to further encourage foreign investment in the central and western regions. According to the opinions of the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the Central and Western Catalog appropriately adds elements to promote open regional economic development and export-oriented industrial clusters. In Heilongjiang, Yunnan and other provinces, new elements such as agricultural product processing and tourism development have been added.

The official said that the 2020 edition of the Promotion Catalog implements the provisions of the Foreign Investment Law and its implementing regulations, which not only maintains the continuity of the policy, but also clarifies the industries, fields and regions that China encourages the foreign investment. The relevant preferential policies mainly include: First, for the encouraged foreign investment projects, the import of equipment for own use within the total investment, except the “Catalog of equipment and main technical products not exempt from import duties” and the ” Catalog of imported commodities not exempt from taxes for foreign investment projects “. , Implement a policy of tariff exemption; second, for eligible companies with foreign investment in the western region and Hainan province in encouraged industries, a 15% reduction in corporate income tax; third, preferential supply of land for industrial projects encouraged by foreign investment with intensive use of land.
