Expand the scope of foreign investment and focus on advanced manufacturing | foreign investment | foreign companies | catalog_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original Title: Expanding the Reach of Foreign Investment and Focusing on Advanced Manufacturing

Beijing Commercial Daily News (Reporter Tao Feng Lu Yinling) On December 28, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce publicly issued Order No. 38, the comprehensive publication of the “Catalog of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment ( 2020 edition) “(hereinafter the” Catalog “), as of 2021 As of January 27, the” Catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment (2019 edition) “will be eliminated at the same time. The revised “Catalog” further expands the scope of foreign investment promotion, focusing on increasing manufacturing, producer services, and central and western regions to guide foreign investment, boost foreign investment confidence and promote the stability of foreign trade and foreign investment and the stability of the industrial chain supply chain.

The “Catalog” is an important part of our policy to promote foreign investment and one of the main bases for foreign investors and foreign capital companies to enjoy preferential treatment. This review is reportedly only one year after the previous edition. In order to maintain policy continuity and stability, while reflecting the needs of industrial optimization and improvement and regional coordinated development, new investment in line with the support direction can enjoy preferential policies. Increase without decreasing. The revised “Catalog” has a total of 1235 entries, an increase of 127 entries over the 2019 version, an increase of 65 entries nationally, an increase of 62 entries in the Central and Western regions, an increase of more than 10%; the 88 entrances were revised, mainly for the areas covered by the original entrances. Extension.

According to the “Catalog”, China will further encourage foreign investment in advanced manufacturing to improve the resilience of major industrial chains and supply chains. For example, in high-end manufacturing fields, such as artificial intelligence and integrated circuits, elements such as manufacturing of integrated circuit test and packaging equipment, laser projection equipment, ultra-high-definition televisions, are added or modified, ventilators, ECMO, artificial intelligence auxiliary medical equipment, etc.

At the same time, further encourage foreign investment in producer services. The national catalog will promote the comprehensive development of the service industry and the manufacturing industry as one of the focuses of this review, and will develop new business formats and new infrastructure construction in the process of opening.

The aforementioned person in charge introduced that the fields of the “catalog” that meet the conditions can enjoy the tariff exemption policy for imported equipment for own use within the total investment; companies with foreign capital that encourage industrial establishment in the western region can receive a 15% corporate income tax; The intensive use of land encourages foreign investment in manufacturing projects. The supply of land can be prioritized. When determining the minimum price for land transfer, it can be implemented at not less than 70% of the national industrial land transfer standard price for the local land class.

Pang Chaoran, a research associate at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, noted in an interview with a Beijing Business Daily reporter that, in terms of openness, the revision of the list is encouraged to build a new development pattern, promote more enterprises. with foreign funds to invest in advanced manufacturing and serve innovation in R&D and industrial chain supply chains. development of. At the same time, the Development List also encourages foreign-funded enterprises to invest in modern service industries to meet the development of domestic manufacturing services and improving market demand.

“In addition, policy adjustments have also been made in Hainan, mainly focusing on the overall design of the Hainan Free Trade Port, promoting the influx of foreign-funded enterprises in the key areas of Hainan Free Trade Port development, consolidating further the base of related industries and effectively serving the development of Hainan’s key industries. ” Pang Chaoran said.
