Super cold wave hits these dishes and takes the lead-Finance News


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Super cold wave hits, these plates stand in the wind!

  “It’s coming! It’s coming! It’s New Years Eve with severe chilling, strong wind, rain and snow!”

  December27On Sunday, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for cold waves.28Starting today, the strongest cold air process since this winter will spread through the central and eastern regions of our country, bringing a climate of cold waves. The China Meteorological Administration has initiated major meteorological disastersCold waveThree-level emergency response.

  Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, presented that the meteorological process has a wide range of influence, severe cooling, low temperature and long-lasting strong winds. From the cooling rate perspective, it is equivalent to the “Overlord” cold snap of 2016. Even Guangzhou will Enter “winter”.

  These plates under the concept of cold wave

  The impact of the sudden drop in temperature is not just adding a few more garments, climate change will have an impact on the value of the underlying asset, investor expectations and price mechanisms and market operations.

  Experience shows that under the influence of events such as the cold snap and cold winter, the textile and clothing industry has entered the traditional peak sales season, and the demand for clothing is expected to grow rapidly in the fourth trimester.

  Second, at the end of last year, there is a tradition of abnormal changes in natural gas and coal in A shares, which are also related to the cold winter, and under the cold snap, all localities are determined to ensure proper heating operation, and even activate backup heat sources to achieve the heating load limit for the entire network.

  Natural gas prices have skyrocketed this year, in NovemberfifteenSince formal heating in Japan, the national average daily gas supply has exceededelevenBillions of cubic meters, a year-on-year increase10%about.

  And due to the cold winter, there is still the possibility of supply shortages in some regions and parts of the time. For every 1 ° C drop in winter temperature in northern regions, natural gas must be increased every day.200Ten thousand cubic meters, down5℃ need to increase supply every day1000Ten thousand-2000Ten thousand cubic meters, expected in the near futureLNGpriceIt continues to show an uptrend.

  Coal prices have also continued to rise recently. Domestic cooling will further increase the demand for thermal coal, boost coal prices, and coke profitability will reach a new high. The 10th round of price increases will begin and it is difficult to see a turning point in prices in the short term.

  Furthermore, agriculture is more clearly affected by cold waves, and the announcement of Document No. 1 is imminent, and there are also potential opportunities.

  Finally, equipment such as snow plows and some heating appliance companies will also be affected.

  About investment allocation

  In textiles and garments, Bosideng,PioneerSmith Barney ClothingUmiyuki FamilyAnd other products with down jackets have received key attention,Western China ValuesIt is concerned about the fabric industry, where the industrial chain recovers quickly,Oriental Blum, Tianhong Textile, Shenzhou International and the major domestic blended yarn production enterprises became the targets of the beneficiaries.

  The natural gas industry is a focus, and related companies includeOriental UniversalFurui special suitHongtong gas, ENN Gas,Shenzhen GasXintian Green EnergyWait.

  Among them, Dongfang Huanyu is a small leader in natural gas in Xinjiang with a circulation value of less than one billion. With the integration of the company into the Yining heating market, the current net profit of the heating business will continue to increase. Previously, the company had stated that within the franchise area, the company’s related businesses have an absolute market share.

  In terms of coal mining and coal power,Shaanxi Coal IndustryChina ShenhuaPanjiang StockHuaibei MiningAll these companies are elastic in capacity and in terms of price,Baofeng Energy, China Risun Group,Open pit coal industryThere is still a lot of room for flexibility.

  In addition to these three main lines, some publicly traded appliance companies are also affected.

  Design ActionsHe said the second half of the year is generally the company’s comfortable home-based business segment (wall boiler business, etc.product) The high season.

  Dongfang electricAccording to the introduction, the company’s electric heater business is divided into: civil electric heater business and industrial electric heater business, including the production of electric heaters for air conditioners, electric heaters for small household appliances, electric heaters for vehicles of new energy and electricity for railway trains. Heater, etc.

  Daye sharesSenyuan StockOwnership of snow removal vehicles and other equipment is also the beneficiary.

  Farming,COFCO sugarRecently, it has been more covered by brokerage firms.

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