Industrial company earnings above designated size continue to recover steadily


Original title: The earnings of industrial companies above the designated size Continuous and stable recovery

27,National Statistical OfficeReleased a groupindustrycompanyprofitThe latest data shows that from January to November, the national scaleIndustrial businessMade a total profit of 574.45.0 billion yuan,Year with yearIncreased by 2.4%, the growth rate increased by 1.7 percentage points from January to October.

According to Zhu Hong, a senior statistician in the Department of Industry of the National Bureau of Statistics, the growth of industrial earnings shows the following characteristics:

First, production and sales have maintained rapid growth. January to November, above designated sizeIndustrial added valueThe year-on-year increase was 2.3% and the growth rate was 0.5 percentage points faster than that from January to October, among them, the increase in November was 7.0%, the highest point of each month since this year. From January to November, industrial companies above the designated sizeOperating incomeA year-on-year increase of 0.1%, the growth rate was made for the first time this year from negative to positive, with a decrease of 0.6% from January to October.marketImproved situationBusiness benefitscontinuously increasing.

The second is equipment and high technology.manufacturingEarnings growth accelerated. From January to November, the equipment manufacturing industry achieved an 11.2% year-on-year increase in profits, which was 1.6 percentage points faster than that from January to October, making the industries’ profits by above the designated size will increase by 3.8 percentage points, including the electronics and electrical industryMachinery industryDriven by the continued recovery in demand, market sales increased and profits increased 15.7% and 6.6%, respectively.

Third, it has improved the profitability of some traditional industries. With the arrival of the heating season, the demand for thermal coal increases,priceThe increase has led to an accelerated recovery of profits in the coal industry. At the same time, inTo exportUnder the combined action of the substitution effect and holidays and other factors, from January to NovemberTextile and clothing, Leather and fur, furniture manufacturing, cultural and entertainment products, chemical fibers and other industries, the profit decline decreased by 0.5-3.7 percentage points from January to October.

Four isUnit costThe first cash fell and profitability continued to rise. From January to November, the cost per hundred yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above the designated size was 84.08 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.01 yuan. Cumulative unit cost fell for the first time this year. From January to November, the operating profit margin of industrial companies was 6.10%, an increase of 0.14 pp year-on-year; the operating profit margin for the month of November was 7.06%, an increase of 0.63 pp year-on-year.

Five is the companyLostThe range has been reduced and the amount of losses has been significantly reduced. At the end of November, the loss of industrial companies above the designated size fell 1.4 percentage points from the end of October and 17.2 percentage points from the end of February, and this year has shown a monthly downward trend. In November, the loss of loss-making companies fell by 46.4% year-on-year and the decrease was more than 45% for two consecutive months.

“It is worth noting that companiesAccounts receivablewithFinished productvaluesIt keeps increasing. “Zhu Hong said that in the next step, we still have to adjustsupplyThe main line of structural reform on the side is to focus on demand side management, continue to stimulate the market vitality, fully exploit the market potential and form a supply driven by demand, and supply creates demand.dynamic balance, constantly improvingReal economyQuality benefit.

(Source: People’s Daily Overseas Edition)

(Editor in charge: DF398)

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